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Forked from Alek-S/
Last active July 30, 2018 14:58
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tmux Commands

Start new named session:

tmux new -s [session name]

List sessions:

tmux ls

Attach to named session:

tmux a -t [name of session]

Kill named session:

tmux kill-session -t [name of session]

Move to another pane:

ctrl+a [arrow key]

Kill tmux server, along with all sessions:

tmux kill-server

Shortcut Reference

Now a Prefix options reference:


Command What it does
? get help

Session management

Command What it does
s list sessions
$ rename the current session
d detach from the current session


Command What it does
c create a new window
, rename the current window
w list windows
- split horizontally
| split vertically
n change to the next window
p change to the previous window
0 to 9 select windows 0 through 9


Command What it does
_ create a horizontal pane
| create a vertical pane
q show pane numbers
o toggle between panes
} swap with next pane
{ swap with previous pane
! break the pane out of the window
x kill the current pane
z maximize the current pane


Command What it does
t show the time in current pane
Copy link

as per my .tmux.conf

Copy link


  1. enter copy mode using Control+b [
  2. navigate to beginning of text, you want to select and hit Control+Space
  3. move around using arrow keys to select region
  4. when you reach end of region simply hit Alt+w to copy the region
  5. now Control+b ] will paste the selection

Copy link

Copy link

Copy text from tmux to system

tmux config: setw -g mode-mouse on

Press and hold SHIFT and select the text by mouse, then click left-button of mouse.

To paste text into tmux, press SHIFT and click right-button of mouse.

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