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Created December 4, 2024 22:20
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open Core
type action = [ `Do of int * int | `Dont of int * int ]
let sum_muls ~pattern ~input : int =
let re = Re.compile ( pattern) in
Re.all re input
|> List.fold ~init:0 ~f:(fun acc group ->
let num1 = Re.Group.get group 1 |> Int.of_string in
let num2 = Re.Group.get group 2 |> Int.of_string in
acc + (num1 * num2))
let build_pairs (matches : action list) : action list =
let rec aux acc enabled = function
| [] -> List.rev acc
| `Do (start, stop) :: rest when not enabled ->
aux (`Do (start, stop) :: acc) true rest
| `Dont (start, stop) :: rest when enabled ->
aux (`Dont (start, stop) :: acc) false rest
| _ :: rest -> aux acc enabled rest
aux [] false matches
let substr_input (match_list : action list) input =
let rec aux acc = function
| [] -> List.rev acc
| `Do (_, stop) :: `Dont (start2, _) :: rest ->
let sub = String.sub input ~pos:stop ~len:(start2 - stop) in
aux (sub :: acc) rest
| _ -> acc
aux [] match_list
let scan_positions re input : action list =
Re.all re input
|> List.filter_map ~f:(fun el ->
let matched = Re.Group.get el 1 in
let start_pos = Re.Group.start el 1 in
let end_pos = Re.Group.stop el 1 in
match matched with
| "do()" -> Some (`Do (start_pos, end_pos))
| "don't()" -> Some (`Dont (start_pos, end_pos))
| _ -> None)
let part2 ~input ~mul_pattern =
let do_pattern = "do\\(\\)" in
let dont_pattern = "don\\'t\\(\\)" in
let combined_pattern = "(" ^ do_pattern ^ "|" ^ dont_pattern ^ ")" in
let new_input = "do()" ^ input in
let re = Re.compile ( combined_pattern) in
let positions = scan_positions re new_input in
let pairs = build_pairs positions in
let substrings = substr_input pairs new_input in
List.fold substrings ~init:0 ~f:(fun acc substring ->
acc + sum_muls ~pattern:mul_pattern ~input:substring)
let () =
let pattern = "mul\\((\\d{1,3}),(\\d{1,3})\\)" in
let input = In_channel.read_all "day3.txt" in
let sum_value = sum_muls ~pattern ~input in
printf "answer: %d\n" sum_value;
printf "answer part 2: %d\n" (part2 ~input ~mul_pattern:pattern)
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