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Created July 11, 2012 19:36
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Respect/Foundation make menus
$ make
Respect/Foundation - 0.1.11
Respect/Foundation Menu
help: Shows Respect/Foundation Help Menu: type: make help
foundation: Installs and updates Foundation
Other Targets Menus
menu1: Project Scripts Menu
menu2: Show Packaging Toolbox Menu
menu3: Show Dev Toolbox Menu
menu4: Show Deploy & Release
$ make menu1
Respect/Foundation - 0.1.11
Respect/Foundation Menu 1
Project Scripts
project-info: Shows project configuration
project-init: Initilize current folder and create boilerplate project structure
test-skelgen: Generate boilerplate PHPUnit skeleton tests per class see help-skelgen
test: Run project tests
coverage: Run project tests and report coverage status
clean: Removes code coverage reports
cs-fixer: Run PHP Coding Standards Fixer to ensure your cs-style is correct
codesniff: Run PHP Code Sniffer to generate a report of code analysis
phpdoc: Run PhpDocumentor2 to generate the project API documentation
package-ini: Creates the basic package.ini file
package-xml: Propagates changes from package.ini to package.xml
composer-json: Propagates changes from package.ini to composer.json
composer-validate: Validate composer.json for syntax and other problems
composer-install: Install this project with composer which will create vendor folder
composer-update: Update an exiting composer instalation and refresh repositories
package: Generates package.ini, package.xml and composer.json files
pear: Generates a PEAR package
install: Install this project and its dependencies in the local PEAR
$ make menu2
Respect/Foundation - 0.1.11
Respect/Foundation Menu 2
Toolbox - Packaging
info-php: Show information about your PHP
config-php: Locate your PHP configuration file aka. php.ini
include-php: Show the PHP configured (php.ini) include path
info-pear: Show information about your PEAR
locate-pear: Locate the PEAR packages installation folder
install-pear: PEAR installation instructions
updated-pear: See if there are any updates for PEAR and the installed packages
update-all-pear: Update all packages if any updates are available
packages-pear: Show the list of PEAR installed packages and their version numbers
verify-pear: Verify that we can include System.php in PHP script
info-check-pear: PEAR installation verification checklist instructions
check-pear-1: PEAR Checklist: 1. list PEAR commands
check-pear-2: PEAR Checklist: 2. PEAR version information aka. make info-pear
check-pear-3: PEAR Checklist: 3. locate package install folder aka. make locate-pear
check-pear-4: PEAR Checklist: 4. verify path configured in PHP aka. make include-php
check-pear-5: PEAR Checklist: 5. include PEAR System.php check aka. make verify-pear
info-pyrus: Show information about your PEAR2_Pyrus - PEAR2 Installer
install-pyrus: Downlod and install PEAR2_Pyrus
info-composer: Show information about your composer
install-composer: Downlod and install composer
$ make menu3
Respect/Foundation - 0.1.11
Respect/Foundation Menu 3
Toolbox - Development
info-cs-fixer: Show information about your installed PHP Coding Standards Fixer
install-cs-fixer: Install PHP Coding Standards Fixer
info-codesniff: Show information about your installed PHP_CodeSniffer
install-codesniff: Install PHP_CodeSniffer
install-psr-sniff: Install Code Sniffer PSR sniffs to allow for PSR 0-3 compliancy checks
info-phpunit: Show information about your installed PHPUnit
install-phpunit: Install PHPUnit
info-skelgen: Show information about your installed PHPUnit Skeleton Generator
install-skelgen: Install PHPUnit Skeleton Generator
info-phpdoc: Show information about your installed PhpDocumentor2
install-phpdoc: Install PhpDocumentor2
info-phpsh: Show information about your installed PHP Shell (phpsh)
install-phpsh: Install PHP Shell (phpsh) - Requires Python
install-uri- : uri_template is a php extension written in c and will more than likely
template: require sudo to gain write access to your extensions folder.
$ make menu4
Respect/Foundation - 0.1.11
Respect/Foundation Menu 4
Deploy & Release
patch: Increases the patch version of the project (X.X.++)
minor: Increases the minor version of the project (X.++.0)
major: Increases the major version of the project (++.0.0)
alpha: Changes the stability of the current version to alpha
beta: Changes the stability of the current version to beta
stable: Changes the stability of the current version to stable
tag: Makes a git tag of the current project version/stability
pear-push: Pushes the latest PEAR package. Custom pear_repo='' and pear_package='' available.
release: Runs tests, coverage reports, tag the build and pushes to package repositories
$ make help
Respect/Foundation - 0.1.11
Respect/Foundation Help
Info: As you probably figured out by now the menu lists the make
targets on the left, right aligned like Happy Pandas and the
descriptions listed in the menu block like this.
To make use of any targets you simply add the target name after
make cammand in your shell.
Example: make help
Which will bring up this screen.
help-menu: The target for the help-menu, for more info, enter: make help-menu
Info: For developers: if you happen to get the following error:
make: *** [target-name] Error 255
It means the shell command that was executed for this target has
failed and the problem lies not with the Makefile.
Note: Respect/Foundation is currently still under active development
and such is the affairs with the help as well, I am affraid.
More information will be added here in the future, if you want
to give us a hand there's no better time than now.
$ make help-menu
Respect/Foundation - 0.1.11
Respect/Foundation Help Menu
Info: The make targets listed on the left, serves as navigation to
the sections where you might find more information.
To make use of any targets you simply add the target name after
make cammand in your shell.
Example: make help-menu
Do the same with any of the targets listed here.
help-skelgen: Information about PHPUnit_SkelGen and how it is facilitated through
Respect/Foundation to make your life a little easier.
Note: Respect/Foundation is currently still under active development
and such is the affairs with the help as well, I am affraid.
More information will be added here in the future, if you want
to give us a hand there's no better time than now.
$ make help-skelgen
Respect/Foundation - 0.1.11
Respect/Foundation Help - Skelgen
info-skelgen: Info: Generate boilerplate PHPUnit skeleton tests per class of already
implemented source code.
We have greatly reduced the complexity involved with using this
utility. All you need to provide is the fully qualified classname
of the the source you want to generate the unit test for.
* We will find the class in question;
* We will bootstrap the gen bot so it doesn't complain;
* Based on the project info we know where the tests should go.
make test-skelgen class:"My\Awesome\Class
test-skelgen: Info: Generate boilerplate PHPUnit skeleton tests per class of already
implemented source code.
We have greatly reduced the complexity involved with using this
utility. All you need to provide is the fully qualified classname
of the the source you want to generate the unit test for.
* We will find the class in question;
* We will bootstrap the gen bot so it doesn't complain;
* Based on the project info we know where the tests should go.
make test-skelgen class:"My\Awesome\Class
Not yet implemented following references skelgen assertion shorthand
@assert (...) == X assertEquals(X, method(...))
@assert (...) != X assertNotEquals(X, method(...))
@assert (...) === X assertSame(X, method(...))
@assert (...) !== X assertNotSame(X, method(...))
@assert (...) > X assertGreaterThan(X, method(...))
@assert (...) >= X assertGreaterThanOrEqual(X, method(...))
@assert (...) < X assertLessThan(X, method(...))
@assert (...) <= X assertLessThanOrEqual(X, method(...))
@assert (...) throws X @expectedException X
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alganet commented Jul 11, 2012

How about "deploy-menu", "project-menu", "dev-menu" and "package-menu"?

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