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Last active September 25, 2022 22:43
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package lib
import (
const (
QuadTreeCapacity = 32
QuadTreeMaxDepth = 12
type Vector2Int struct {
X int32
Y int32
func (v Vector2Int) Add(v2 Vector2Int) Vector2Int {
v.X += v2.X
v.Y += v2.Y
return v
func (v Vector2Int) Sub(v2 Vector2Int) Vector2Int {
v.X -= v2.X
v.Y -= v2.Y
return v
func (v Vector2Int) Divide(divisor int32) Vector2Int {
v.X /= divisor
v.Y /= divisor
return v
func (v Vector2Int) Multiply(scalar int32) Vector2Int {
v.X *= scalar
v.Y *= scalar
return v
func (v Vector2Int) Mod(divisor int32) Vector2Int {
v.X %= divisor
v.Y %= divisor
return v
func (v Vector2Int) ToVector2() Vector2 {
return Vector2{float64(v.X), float64(v.Y)}
type Vector2 struct {
X float64
Y float64
func (v Vector2) Add(v2 Vector2) Vector2 {
v.X += v2.X
v.Y += v2.Y
return v
func (v Vector2) Sub(v2 Vector2) Vector2 {
v.X -= v2.X
v.Y -= v2.Y
return v
func (v Vector2) Multiply(scalar float64) Vector2 {
v.X *= scalar
v.Y *= scalar
return v
func (v Vector2) Magnitude() float64 {
return math.Sqrt(v.X*v.X + v.Y*v.Y)
func (v Vector2) Normalize() Vector2 {
div := v.Magnitude()
v.X /= div
v.Y /= div
return v
func (v Vector2) Floor() Vector2 {
v.X = float64(int(v.X))
v.Y = float64(int(v.Y))
return v
func (v Vector2) ToVector2Int() Vector2Int {
return Vector2Int{int32(v.X), int32(v.Y)}
type Rectangle struct {
X int32
Y int32
Width int32
Height int32
func (r Rectangle) Contains(v Vector2Int) bool {
return r.X <= v.X && r.Y <= v.Y && r.X+r.Width > v.X && r.Y+r.Height > v.Y
func (r Rectangle) ContainsRect(r2 Rectangle) bool {
return r.X <= r2.X && r.X+r.Width >= r2.X+r2.Width && r.Y <= r2.Y && r.Y+r.Height >= r2.Y+r2.Height
func (r Rectangle) Intersects(r2 Rectangle) bool {
return r.X < r2.X+r2.Width && r.X+r.Width > r2.X && r.Y < r2.Y+r2.Height && r.Y+r.Height > r2.Y
func (r Rectangle) Move(v Vector2Int) Rectangle {
return Rectangle{
X: r.X + v.X,
Y: r.Y + v.Y,
Width: r.Width,
Height: r.Height,
func (r Rectangle) Grow(v Vector2Int) Rectangle {
return Rectangle{
X: r.X,
Y: r.Y,
Width: r.Width + v.X,
Height: r.Height + v.Y,
func (r Rectangle) Merge(r2 Rectangle) (Rectangle, bool) {
if r.ContainsRect(r2) {
return r, true
if r2.ContainsRect(r) {
return r2, true
// is it vertically aligned?
if r.X == r2.X && r.Width == r2.Width {
// if the first rect is above the second
if r.Y < r2.Y {
// if the first rect touches the second
if r.Y+r.Height >= r2.Y {
r.Height = r2.Y + r2.Height - r.Y
return r, true
return r, false
} else {
if r2.Y+r2.Height >= r.Y {
r2.Height = r.Y + r.Height - r2.Y
return r2, true
return r, false
// is it horizontally aligned?
if r.Y == r2.Y && r.Height == r2.Height {
// if the first rect is left of the second
if r.X < r2.X {
// if the first rect touches the second
if r.X+r.Width >= r2.X {
r.Width = r2.X + r2.Width - r.X
return r, true
return r, false
} else {
if r2.X+r2.Width >= r.X {
r2.Width = r.X + r.Width - r2.X
return r2, true
return r, false
return r, false
type QuadTreeEntry struct {
ID uint64
Position Rectangle
next int
type quadTreeNode struct {
firstChild int
count int
// QuadTree is a partitioned space structure for storing rectangles with an associated ID.
// It is used to efficiently search regions of space for elements within.
type QuadTree struct {
bounds Rectangle
nodes FreeList[quadTreeNode]
entries FreeList[QuadTreeEntry]
func NewQuadTree(bounds Rectangle) *QuadTree {
qt := &QuadTree{
bounds: bounds,
nodes: FreeList[quadTreeNode]{firstFree: -1},
entries: FreeList[QuadTreeEntry]{firstFree: -1},
qt.nodes.Insert(quadTreeNode{firstChild: -1})
return qt
func (q *QuadTree) Insert(e QuadTreeEntry) { = -1
index := q.entries.Insert(e)
q.insert(index, e.Position, q.bounds, 0, 0)
func (q *QuadTree) insert(index int, position, bounds Rectangle, depth, nodeIndex int) {
// if the player does not exist within our bounds, do nothing.
// one of our siblings will accept the player
if !bounds.Intersects(position) {
// get the node
node := q.nodes.Get(nodeIndex)
// if this is a branch
if q.isBranchNode(node) {
w := bounds.Width / 2
h := bounds.Height / 2
q.insert(index, position, Rectangle{bounds.X + w, bounds.Y + h, w, h}, depth+1, node.firstChild)
q.insert(index, position, Rectangle{bounds.X, bounds.Y + h, w, h}, depth+1, node.firstChild+1)
q.insert(index, position, Rectangle{bounds.X, bounds.Y, w, h}, depth+1, node.firstChild+2)
q.insert(index, position, Rectangle{bounds.X + w, bounds.Y, w, h}, depth+1, node.firstChild+3)
} else {
// put element at start of Raw linked list
entry := q.entries.Get(index) = node.firstChild
q.entries.Set(index, entry)
node.firstChild = index
// split
if node.count > QuadTreeCapacity && depth < QuadTreeMaxDepth {
// save the index of the first Raw element
currentChild := node.firstChild
// create a new 4 quad trees and set the first as first index
node.firstChild = q.nodes.Insert(quadTreeNode{firstChild: -1})
q.nodes.Insert(quadTreeNode{firstChild: -1})
q.nodes.Insert(quadTreeNode{firstChild: -1})
q.nodes.Insert(quadTreeNode{firstChild: -1})
// split out children into leaf nodes
w := bounds.Width / 2
h := bounds.Height / 2
// insert this nodes old elements
for {
if currentChild == -1 {
entry := q.entries.Get(currentChild)
q.insert(currentChild, entry.Position, Rectangle{bounds.X + w, bounds.Y + h, w, h}, depth+1, node.firstChild)
q.insert(currentChild, entry.Position, Rectangle{bounds.X, bounds.Y + h, w, h}, depth+1, node.firstChild+1)
q.insert(currentChild, entry.Position, Rectangle{bounds.X, bounds.Y, w, h}, depth+1, node.firstChild+2)
q.insert(currentChild, entry.Position, Rectangle{bounds.X + w, bounds.Y, w, h}, depth+1, node.firstChild+3)
currentChild =
node.count = -1
q.nodes.Set(nodeIndex, node)
func (q *QuadTree) Remove(e QuadTreeEntry) {
q.remove(e, q.bounds, 0)
func (q *QuadTree) remove(e QuadTreeEntry, bounds Rectangle, nodeIndex int) {
// if the entity does not exist within our bounds, do nothing.
// the entity could never have been in our tree.
if !bounds.Intersects(e.Position) {
// get the node
node := q.nodes.Get(nodeIndex)
// find and remove item
if q.isBranchNode(node) {
// ask children to remove it
w := bounds.Width / 2
h := bounds.Height / 2
q.remove(e, Rectangle{bounds.X + w, bounds.Y + h, w, h}, node.firstChild)
q.remove(e, Rectangle{bounds.X, bounds.Y + h, w, h}, node.firstChild+1)
q.remove(e, Rectangle{bounds.X, bounds.Y, w, h}, node.firstChild+2)
q.remove(e, Rectangle{bounds.X + w, bounds.Y, w, h}, node.firstChild+3)
} else {
currentChild := node.firstChild
lastCheckedIndex := -1
for {
if currentChild == -1 {
// get the child element we're currently checking
entry := q.entries.Get(currentChild)
// if the child element has a matching id
if entry.ID == e.ID {
// free the element from the list
// if the element we removed was the first in the list
if lastCheckedIndex == -1 {
// set the new first child to be the second item in the list
node.firstChild =
} else { // otherwise if there was an element before the one that was removed
// get the last element and update it to point to the removed elements next ptr
prevEntry := q.entries.Get(lastCheckedIndex) =
q.entries.Set(lastCheckedIndex, prevEntry)
q.nodes.Set(nodeIndex, node)
// save the index of the last checked element
lastCheckedIndex = currentChild
// set the next child to check
currentChild =
func (q *QuadTree) EntriesWithin(results *[]QuadTreeEntry, rect Rectangle) {
q.entriesWithin(results, rect, q.bounds, 0)
func (q *QuadTree) entriesWithin(results *[]QuadTreeEntry, rect, bounds Rectangle, nodeIndex int) {
if !bounds.Intersects(rect) {
node := q.nodes.Get(nodeIndex)
// find and remove item
if q.isBranchNode(node) {
// ask children to search
w := bounds.Width / 2
h := bounds.Height / 2
q.entriesWithin(results, rect, Rectangle{bounds.X + w, bounds.Y + h, w, h}, node.firstChild)
q.entriesWithin(results, rect, Rectangle{bounds.X, bounds.Y + h, w, h}, node.firstChild+1)
q.entriesWithin(results, rect, Rectangle{bounds.X, bounds.Y, w, h}, node.firstChild+2)
q.entriesWithin(results, rect, Rectangle{bounds.X + w, bounds.Y, w, h}, node.firstChild+3)
} else {
currentChild := node.firstChild
for {
if currentChild == -1 {
// get the child element we're currently checking
entry := q.entries.Get(currentChild)
// if the child element is in the search rectangle
if rect.Intersects(entry.Position) {
*results = append(*results, entry)
currentChild =
func (q *QuadTree) CleanUp() {
var stack []int
// Only process the root if it's a branch
if q.isBranchNode(q.nodes.Get(0)) {
stack = append(stack, 0)
for {
if len(stack) == 0 {
// pop stack
n := len(stack) - 1
nodeToProcess := stack[n]
stack = stack[:n]
node := q.nodes.Get(nodeToProcess)
// Loop through the children.
var numberOfEmptyLeaves int
for i := 0; i < 4; i++ {
childIndex := node.firstChild + i
childNode := q.nodes.Get(childIndex)
// Increment empty leaf count if the child is an empty
// leaf. Otherwise if the child is a branch, add it to
// the stack to be processed in the next iteration.
if childNode.count == 0 {
} else if q.isBranchNode(childNode) {
stack = append(stack, childIndex)
// If all the children were empty leaves, remove them and
// make this node the new empty leaf.
if numberOfEmptyLeaves == 4 {
// Push all 4 children to the free list.
for i := 3; i >= 0; i-- {
q.nodes.Erase(node.firstChild + i)
// Make this node the new empty leaf.
node.firstChild = -1
node.count = 0
q.nodes.Set(nodeToProcess, node)
func (q *QuadTree) Clear() {
q.nodes.Insert(quadTreeNode{firstChild: -1})
func (q *QuadTree) isBranchNode(node quadTreeNode) bool {
return node.count == -1
func (q *QuadTree) Walk(f func(i int, r Rectangle, entries []QuadTreeEntry)) {
q.walk(f, 0, q.bounds, 0)
func (q *QuadTree) walk(f func(i int, r Rectangle, entries []QuadTreeEntry), quadrant int, bounds Rectangle, nodeIndex int) {
node := q.nodes.Get(nodeIndex)
// find and remove item
if q.isBranchNode(node) {
// ask children to search
w := bounds.Width / 2
h := bounds.Height / 2
q.walk(f, 0, Rectangle{bounds.X + w, bounds.Y + h, w, h}, node.firstChild)
q.walk(f, 1, Rectangle{bounds.X, bounds.Y + h, w, h}, node.firstChild+1)
q.walk(f, 2, Rectangle{bounds.X, bounds.Y, w, h}, node.firstChild+2)
q.walk(f, 3, Rectangle{bounds.X + w, bounds.Y, w, h}, node.firstChild+3)
} else {
var entries []QuadTreeEntry
currentChild := node.firstChild
for {
if currentChild == -1 {
// get the child element we're currently checking
entry := q.entries.Get(currentChild)
// if the child element is in the search rectangle
entries = append(entries, entry)
currentChild =
f(quadrant, bounds, entries)
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