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Forked from mxriverlynn/default.js
Created October 14, 2012 13:13
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function runSpecs() {
// configure the spec runner
var specRunner = new Hilo.SpecRunner({
src: "Hilo",
specs: "specs",
helpers: "specs/Helpers"
// Handle any errors in the execution that
// were not part of a failing test
specRunner.addEventListener("error", function (args) {
document.querySelector("body").innerText = args.detail;
// run the specs;
// ===============================================================================
// Microsoft patterns & practices
// Hilo JS Guidance
// ===============================================================================
// Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This code released under the terms of the
// Microsoft patterns & practices license (
// ===============================================================================
(function (global) {
"use strict";
// SpecRunner Constructor
// ----------------------
// This objects searches through the project folder, the specs folder,
// and the specs helpers folder to find all available JavaScript files.
// It inserts a script tag in to the DOM for each file it finds.
// The `options` parameter allows three options to be passed in:
// * `specs`: the folder to search for `*spec.js` files
// * `helpers`: a folder that contains helper objects and methods for the specs
// * `src`: the folder that contains all fo the source files that will be tested
function SpecRunner(options) {
this.specFolder = options.specs || "specs";
this.helperFolder = options.helpers || "specs/helpers";
this.srcFolder = options.src || "src";
// SpecRunner Methods
// ------------------
var specRunnerMethods = {
configureMocha: function(){
global.expect = chai.expect;
run: function () {
this.appFolder = Windows.ApplicationModel.Package.current.installedLocation;
.done(null, this.triggerError.bind(this));
triggerError: function (error) {
this.dispatchEvent("error", error);
startTestHarness: function () {;
injectPageControls: function () {
return this.getFolder(this.srcFolder)
injectHelpers: function () {
return this.getFolder(this.helperFolder)
injectSpecList: function () {
return this.getFolder(this.specFolder)
getFolder: function (folderName, parentFolder) {
parentFolder = parentFolder || this.appFolder;
var names = folderName.split("/");
var name = names.shift();
var folder = parentFolder.getFolderAsync(name);
if (names.length === 0) {
// Found the final folder. Return it.
return folder;
} else {
// More folders to find. Recursively load them.
var that = this;
return folder.then(function (newParent) {
return that.getFolder(names.join("/"), newParent);
getJSFileNames: function (folder) {
var nameTest = /.*js$/;
return this._buildFileListFromRegex(nameTest, folder);
getSpecFileNames: function (folder) {
var specTest = /[Ss][Pp][Ee][Cc].*js/;
return this._buildFileListFromRegex(specTest, folder);
buildScriptTags: function (fileList) {
var appPath = this.appFolder.path;
var specList = (file) {
var filePath = file.path.replace(appPath, "");
var scriptEl = document.createElement("script");
scriptEl.setAttribute("src", filePath);
return scriptEl;
addScriptsToBody: function (scriptTags) {
var body = document.querySelector("body");
scriptTags.forEach(function (tag) {
_buildFileListFromRegex: function(regEx, folder){
var fileQuery = folder.getFilesAsync(Windows.Storage.Search.CommonFileQuery.orderByName);
return fileQuery.then(function (files) {
var fileList = files.filter(function (file) {
return regEx.test(;
// Public API
// ----------
WinJS.Namespace.define("Hilo", {
SpecRunner: WinJS.Class.mix(SpecRunner, specRunnerMethods, WinJS.Utilities.eventMixin)
// ===============================================================================
// Microsoft patterns & practices
// Hilo JS Guidance
// ===============================================================================
// Copyright © Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
// This code released under the terms of the
// Microsoft patterns & practices license (
// ===============================================================================
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