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Last active May 8, 2021 10:54
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extension Data {
init?(hexString: String) {
let count = hexString.count / 2
var data = Data(capacity: count)
var i = hexString.startIndex
for _ in 0 ..< count {
let j = hexString.index(after: i)
if var byte = UInt8(hexString[i ... j], radix: 16) {
data.append(&byte, count: 1)
} else {
return nil
i = hexString.index(after: j)
self = data
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@fallback I don't think the iterator makes a copy, it is really very similar under the hood with it just managing the index.

Regarding the force unwraps I think it preserves the original behaviour (indexing also crashes when out of bounds) but in both cases the count being hexString.count / 2 means that it is safe.

The even Swiftier approach would probably map the string into pairs of letters (itself a function taking an iterator) and then zip that with the data indices and forEach on it. That does involve multiple passes though which I was avoiding (although it can probably be done lazily to get back to the same fundamental operations).

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mayoff commented Apr 14, 2021

embrace your inner Substring

import Foundation

extension Data {
    init?<Hex: StringProtocol>(hexString: Hex) {
        var hex = hexString[...]

        self.init(capacity: hex.count / 2)
        while !hex.isEmpty {
                let hi = hex.popFirst()?.hexDigitValue,
                let lo = hex.popFirst()?.hexDigitValue
            else { return nil }
            append(UInt8(hi << 4 | lo))

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That works and shows me hexDigitValue which I should have used in the iterator approach. Is there any advantage to the Substring over the iterator? I imagine it just has an additional end index though I haven’t checked.

Also if we use iterator it can be made generic over collections of Characters so it should work on Strings, Substrings and arrays of characters. It could work on Sequences if we didn’t need the count upfront.

extension Data {
    init?<S>(hexString: S) where S : Collection, S.Element == Character {
        let count = hexString.count / 2
        var data = Data(capacity: count)
        var itr = hexString.makeIterator()
        for _ in 0 ..< count {
            guard let hi =,
                  let lo = else { return nil }
            data.append(UInt8(hi << 4 | lo))
        self = data

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nicklockwood commented Apr 14, 2021

From my own timings, popping a substring is slower than using index.after(). Not sure how it compares to iterator:

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mayoff commented Apr 14, 2021

Try using hexString.utf8.withContiguousStorageIfAvailable. You'll have to write your own hexDigitValue though.

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