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Created January 28, 2019 12:06
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/// Withable is a simple protocol to make constructing
/// and modifying objects with multiple properties
/// more pleasant (functional, chainable, point-free)
public protocol Withable {
public extension Withable {
/// Construct a new instance, setting an arbitrary subset of properties
init(with config: (inout Self) -> Void) {
/// Create a copy, overriding an arbitrary subset of properties
func with(_ config: (inout Self) -> Void) -> Self {
var copy = self
return copy
// Example struct
struct Foo: Withable {
var bar: Int = 0
var baz: Bool = false
// Construct a foo, setting an arbitrary subset of properties
let foo = Foo { $ = 5 }
// Make a copy of foo, overriding an arbitrary subset of properties
let foo2 = foo.with { $ = 7; $0.baz = true }
// Test
print("\(, \(") // 5, 7
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P0ed commented Feb 11, 2019

I'm using this little global bad boy:

/// Returns mutated copy of value
public func modify<A>(_ value: A, _ f: (inout A) throws -> Void) rethrows -> A {
	var copy = value
	try f(&copy)
	return copy

Alongside with curried version:

public enum Fn {
	/// Curried version of modify function
	static func modify<A>(_ f: @escaping (inout A) -> Void) -> (A) -> A {
		return { Fx.modify($0, f) }

So instead of [].map { modify($0) { ... } }
You can write [].map(Fn.modify { ... })

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P0ed commented Feb 11, 2019

Basically it converts (inout A) -> Void to (A) -> A function

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Nice Nick, but now you've got me wondering what interesting project you're using this in... :)

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wsof401 commented Feb 13, 2019

it seems like builder pattern?

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@dcutting as-yet unannounced. I did try using it in SwiftFormat but it didn't play nice with Xcode 9.2 for some reason (I don't want to drop support for Sierra just yet).

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@wsof401 not really. The builder pattern usually applies to class-based languages like Objective-C or Java, where you use a mutable object as a factory for an immutable one. All of that is redundant in Swift where you have compound value types.

What this allows is so-called "point-free" coding style, where you can set or change properties of structs without creating intermediate variables.

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