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nickm4062 /
Created January 20, 2017 10:29 — forked from eferro/
golang aws: examples

AWS Golang SDK examples

nickm4062 /
Created December 22, 2015 01:39
Holiday TTS
traceroute -m 255|awk '{print $2}'|egrep '^([A-GI-Z]|H[oae]|our).*$'|sed -e 's/\./ /g'|espeak -p 60 -s 180
#!./bin/knife exec
# A knife exec script to change chef node's name, preserving all the attributes.
# Usage: knife exec rename-node.rb old-name new-name
# Script retrieves the Node object, changes its 'name' attribute,
# creates new Node object with updated name and rest of attributes
# untouched. Then it deletes old Node and Client objects from
# database, and logs into the server to update it: