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Last active March 11, 2023 18:47
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Log GPSD Outputs and Extract Lat/Lon

Log GPSD Outputs and Extract Lat/Lon

$ gpspipe -w             # log to stdout
$ gpspipe -w -o abc.log  # log to a file

To auto-log on startup, insert the following line to the file /etc/rc.local:

gpspipe -wdl -o /PATH/TO/DIRECTORY/`shuf -i 100000000-999999999 -n 1`.log

According to the manpage, the option -d causes it to run as a daemon, -l to sleep for ten seconds before attempting to connect to gpsd (useful when running as a daemon, giving gpsd time to start before attempting a connection).

shuf -i 100000000-999999999 -n 1 gives a random filename, so log files would not be accidentally overwritten. Using date/time as filename in this case is not ideal, because system time may not have been synced during such an early stage.

How to extract lat/lon from the log files?

We are after lines such as this:


TPV is the keyword. But there are also lines such as this, without lat/lon, which we want to avoid:


To get the first line with lat/lon:

$ grep TPV xxxxx.log | grep -m 1 lat

To get the last line with lat/lon:

$ grep TPV xxxxx.log | grep lat | tail -n 1

To count the number of lat/lon available:

$ grep TPV xxxxx.log | grep lat | wc -l

To extract all lat/lon, along with their times (you may have to install the command-line JSON parser beforehand: sudo apt-get install jq):

$ grep TPV xxxxx.log | grep lat | jq -r '"\(.lat), \(.lon), \(.time)"'

If GPS signal is very good, you may notice two lat/lon per second. In many cases, you may not even need one per second. For example, you can keep one for every two lines, or three lines:

$ grep TPV xxxxx.log | grep lat | sed -n '1~2p' | jq -r '"\(.lat), \(.lon), \(.time)"'
$ grep TPV xxxxx.log | grep lat | sed -n '1~3p' | jq -r '"\(.lat), \(.lon), \(.time)"'

Use sed -n '/pattern/,/pattern/p' to select a time range. For example, to extract only those between 14:30:00 and 15:00:00:

$ grep TPV xxxxx.log \
    | grep lat \
    | sed -n '/14:30:00/,/15:00:00/p' \
    | sed -n '1~2p' \
    | jq -r '"\(.lat), \(.lon), \(.time)"'

After you are happy with the extractions, you can plot them using the following websites:

How big are the logs?

Assuming good GPS signals, one hour can produce 5 MB of logs. That is, 200 hours can produce 1 GB. Clean them periodically, or consider using logrotate.

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