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Last active March 16, 2020 22:26
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# Write code that implements the scoring and rules for a simplified
# single-player blackjack game. Aim to make your code easy to
# re-use by other developers.
# Required functionality::
# Draw card
# See current hand
# Get score of current hand
# Get score for an explicitly defined hand
# In this simplified game, scoring works as follows:
# The score of your hand is the sum of the card values
# Cards 2 to 10 have face value
# J, Q, K have a value of 10
# Aces count as 11 as long as that doesn’t make the total score exceed 21.
# Otherwise, they count as 1. If multiple aces are present in a hand, one
# of them may count as 1 while the other as 11.
import random
class BlackJack:
def __init__(self):
self.num_count = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}
self.current_hand = []
def draw_card(self):
randomNum = random.randint(2, 14)
if 2 <= randomNum <= 10: self.current_hand.append(randomNum)
elif randomNum == 11: self.current_hand.append('J')
elif randomNum == 12: self.current_hand.append('Q')
elif randomNum == 13: self.current_hand.append('K')
elif randomNum == 14: self.current_hand.append('A')
def see_current_hand(self):
return self.current_hand
def get_score(self):
return self.scoring(self.current_hand)
def scoring(self, hand_list):
if len(hand_list) == 0: return 0
score = 0
ace_count = 0
for idx in range(len(hand_list)):
temp_card = hand_list[idx]
if temp_card in self.num_count: score += temp_card
elif temp_card is 'A': ace_count += 1
else: score += 10 # assumes a face count
# determining the ace count
if ace_count == 1: score += 11
elif ace_count == 2 and len(hand_list) == 2: score += 12
elif ace_count == 2 and len(hand_list) > 2: score += 2
return score
# Scoring
# Rules
# _ easy and simple to read for other developers
if __name__ == "__main__":
hand1 = [2, 'J'] # 12,
hand2 = ['J', 'A'] # 21,
hand3 = ['A', 'A'] # 12
hand4 = ['A', 'A', 'J'] # 12
hand5 = ['A'] # 11
hand6 = [] # 0
b = BlackJack()
print(b.scoring(hand1) == 12)
print(b.scoring(hand2) == 21)
print(b.scoring(hand3) == 12)
print(b.scoring(hand4) == 12)
print(b.scoring(hand5) == 11)
print(b.scoring(hand6) == 0)
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