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Nickolay Loshchinin nickolayl

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nickolayl /
Created February 15, 2024 15:56 — forked from jpz/
Using Conda to Create C++ Environments

Using Conda to Create C++ Environments

Conda is a package manager, which arose from the Data Science and Python community to manage complicated binary and source deployments.

It can be leveraged for non-Python environments also.

From our experience of COMP6771 2020, we required an install of clang, along with C++ libraries.

nickolayl / timer.c
Created May 25, 2020 11:26
Cross-platform, drop-in, high resolution timer for C/C++ projects.
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
Easy embeddable cross-platform high resolution timer function. For each
platform we select the high resolution timer. You can call the 'ns()'
function in your file after embedding this.
#include <stdint.h>
#if defined(__linux)
# include <time.h>