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Created July 21, 2017 02:31
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AppleScript for sending OmniFocus stats to Beeminder
set ofPerspective to "Today" -- exact Perspective name
set bmAuthToken to "<token>"
set bmUser to "nickpascucci"
set bmGoal to "intentions"
set emailRecipient to ""
set theDate to date string of (current date)
set reportTitle to "'" & ofPerspective & "' Tasks - " & theDate
set reportText to "# " & reportTitle & return
set emailSubject to "Report: " & reportTitle
tell front document of application "OmniFocus"
tell front document window
set perspective name to ofPerspective
set TaskList to value of (leaves of content)
set numTasks to (count of TaskList)
repeat with i from 1 to numTasks
set oTask to (item i of TaskList)
set oProject to (containing project of oTask)
set Reporttext to (Reporttext & "+ " & name of oProject & ": " & name of oTask as text) & return
end repeat
end tell
end tell
set reportFile to open for access "/tmp/" with write permission
set eof of reportFile to 0 -- Truncate the file
write Reporttext to reportFile
close access reportFile
set ReportHtml to (do shell script "/usr/local/bin/markdown /tmp/")
tell application "Airmail 3"
set email to make new outgoing message with properties {subject:emailSubject}
set htmlContent of email to ReportHtml
make new to recipient at end of email's to recipients with properties {name:"", address:emailRecipient}
compose email
end tell
set baseUrl to "" & bmUser & "/goals/"
set intentionsUrl to baseUrl & bmGoal & "/datapoints.json?value=1" & "&comment=" & numTasks & "%20Flagged%20OmniFocus%20tasks&auth_token=" & bmAuthToken
-- URL must be in quotes to prevent bash from interpreting & symbols.
set curlCommand to "curl -d '' '" & intentionsUrl & "'"
display alert "Send data to Beeminder?" buttons {"No", "Yes"}
if button returned of result = "Yes" then
do shell script curlCommand
end if
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