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Created June 28, 2014 23:54
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/* A simple dictionary implementation in Rust, using a hash table with
* chaining and table doubling.
* Tested with Rust nightly 2014-06-27
extern crate collections;
use std::hash;
use std::hash::Hash;
pub struct Dict<K,V> {
table: Box<Vec<Vec<(K, V)>>>,
nelem: uint,
impl<K: Eq + Hash + Clone, V: Clone> Dict<K, V> {
pub fn new() -> Dict<K, V> {
Dict {
table: box Vec::from_fn(4, |_| Vec::new()),
nelem: 0
pub fn num_items(&self) -> uint {
pub fn insert(&mut self, key: K, val: V) {
let table_len = self.table.len();
// Double the table size if the load factor gets above 1.0
if self.nelem >= table_len {
self.resize_table(table_len * 2);
let bucket = self.hash(&key, self.table.len());
self.table.get_mut(bucket).push((key, val));
self.nelem += 1;
pub fn remove(&mut self, key: &K) {
let table_len = self.table.len();
// Half the table size if the load factor gets below 0.25
if self.nelem <= table_len / 4 && table_len > 4 {
self.resize_table(table_len / 2);
let bucket = self.hash(key, self.table.len());
let chain = self.table.get_mut(bucket);
let mut to_remove = None;
for i in range(0, chain.len()) {
let &(ref k,_) = chain.get(i);
if *k == *key {
to_remove = Some(i);
match to_remove {
Some(i) => {
self.nelem -= 1;
None => ()
pub fn get(&self, key: &K) -> Option<V> {
let bucket = self.hash(key, self.table.len());
let chain = self.table.get(bucket);
for &(ref k, ref v) in chain.iter() {
if *k == *key {
return Some(v.clone())
pub fn iter<'a>(&'a self) -> DictIter<'a, K, V> {
DictIter {
bucket_index: 0,
chain_index: 0,
dict: self
fn hash(&self, key: &K, table_size: uint) -> uint{
let hash_val = hash::hash(&key);
(hash_val % table_size as u64) as uint
fn resize_table(&mut self, new_size: uint) {
let mut new = box Vec::from_fn(new_size, |_| Vec::new());
for chain in self.table.iter() {
for &(ref k, ref v) in chain.iter() {
let index = self.hash(k, new_size);
new.get_mut(index).push((k.clone(), v.clone()));
self.table = new;
struct DictIter<'a, K, V> {
bucket_index: uint,
chain_index: uint,
dict: &'a Dict<K,V>,
impl<'a, K: Hash + Clone, V: Clone> Iterator<(K, V)> for DictIter<'a, K, V> {
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<(K, V)> {
loop {
if self.bucket_index >= self.dict.table.len() {
return None;
} else {
let chain = self.dict.table.get(self.bucket_index);
if self.chain_index < chain.len() {
self.chain_index += 1;
let kv_pair = chain.get(self.chain_index - 1);
return Some(kv_pair.clone());
} else {
self.chain_index = 0;
self.bucket_index += 1;
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