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Created February 18, 2014 13:23
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#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'scraperwiki'
# Members of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick
# If you really want to get the photo url it is available following the url for each MLA.
require 'iconv'
require 'open-uri'
require 'nokogiri'
require 'uri'
MLA_LIST_SOURCE = BASE_URL + '/index-e.asp'
PARTY_LONG_NAME = { 'L' => 'Liberal', 'PC' => 'Conservative' }
# will yield a Hash with the MLA's data
def fetch_mla_list(source, &block)
doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(source))
table = find_mlas_table(doc)
table.css('tr').each do |tr|
mla_data = mla_data_from_table_row(tr)
yield mla_data if mla_data
def find_mlas_table(doc)
container_div = doc.css('div')[15]
def mla_data_from_table_row(tr)
_, district_td, name_and_party_td, email_td = tr.children.css('td').to_a
return if name_and_party_td.text.strip == 'Vacant'
district = district_td.content
name, prefix, party, url = parse_name_party_and_url(name_and_party_td)
email = email_td.content
cleaned_url = clean_string(url)
photo_url = get_photo_from_profile(cleaned_url)
data = {
district_name: district,
name: clean_string(name),
party_name: clean_string(party),
elected_office: OFFICE,
source_url: MLA_LIST_SOURCE,
email: clean_string(email),
url: cleaned_url,
photo_url: photo_url
#data.merge!({extra: {honorific_prefix: prefix}.to_json}) if prefix
def get_photo_from_profile(profile_url)
profile_doc = Nokogiri::HTML(open(profile_url))
URI.join(profile_url, URI.escape(profile_doc.css('table:nth-child(5) img').first['src'])).to_s
def parse_name_party_and_url(td)
content = clean_string(td.content)
pattern = /\(.+\)/
party = content.match(pattern).to_a.first
name = content.gsub(party, '')
prefix = name[/\AHon./]
name = name.strip.gsub(/\AHon\.[[:space:]]+|,[[:space:]]Q\.C\.\z/, '')
party.gsub!(/\(|\)/, '')
party = PARTY_LONG_NAME[party] if PARTY_LONG_NAME.keys.include?(party)
path = td.css('a').first['href']
url = generate_url_from_path(path)
[name, prefix, party, url]
# This function is very fragile, if something goes wrong chances are the problem is here.
# For some reason Nokogiri is removing parts of the query string in the path inside the href
# attributes, I attemped to reconstruct them here since url is optional you can just drop it if it gives
# trouble.
def generate_url_from_path(path)
file = 'bio-e.asp'
args = path.gsub("./\"#{file}\"?", '')
_, id, lang, legislature_no = args.split('=')
params = "IDNo=#{id}&version=#{lang}&legisNO=#{legislature_no}"
def clean_string(str)
str.gsub(/\A[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+\z/, '')
unless'name FROM sqlite_master WHERE type="table" AND name="swdata"').empty?
ScraperWiki.sqliteexecute 'DELETE FROM swdata'
fetch_mla_list(MLA_LIST_SOURCE){ |mla_data| ScraperWiki.save_sqlite([:district_name], mla_data) }
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