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Write a recursive function that converts an integer into a string such that the number is represented in Roman Numerals in the most efficient way. eg, the number 4 could be written as 'IIII' but it's more efficient to use 'IV' since that's a shorter string Assume no number is greater than 4,000 Here are the Roman Numeral equivalents you'll need to know:

  • M=1000
  • CM=900
  • D=500
  • CD=400
  • C=100
  • XC=90
  • L=50
  • XL=40
  • X=10
  • IX=9
  • V=5
  • IV=4
  • I=1

Rewrite the question in your own words:

This problem is asking us to create a function that takes in a number (ex: 4) and converts it to the corresponding and most efficient Roman Numeral form ( ex: IV for '4').

What assumptions will you make about this problem if you cannot ask any more clarifying questions? What are your reasons for making those assumptions?

I am assuming that the inputs will alays be a number greater than 0 and less than 4001.

What are your initial thoughts about this problem? (high level design, 2-3 sentences)

Initially, because the concept of recursion is still fuzzy, I will try to reason through this problem not thinking about recursion. I am thinking that there will have to be some sort of comparison of the number and the roman numeral. Just thinking first, I may just try to turn the number into an 'inefficient' (ie: 4 would be IIII) roman numeral first and then work from there.

How would you identify the elements of this problem?

  • Searching of Data
  • Sorting of Data
  • Pattern Recognition
  • Build/Navigate a Grid
  • Math
  • Language API knowledge
  • Optimization

Which data structure(s) do you think you'll use? What pros/cons do you see with that choice?

Optimization comes to mind first because we are going for the most 'efficient' outcome. There is also a conversion being done according to some math.

Write out a few lines of initial pseudocode: (mid-level design, this should be short, and not be real code!)

write out your pseudocode here:
1. start by setting up the conversion chart in the function
2. deconstruct each number coming in, possibly by place value. Ex: 128 = 100, 20, 8
3. convert those deonstructed numbers to the correspoding roman numeral values.  maybe with a map array prototype
4. (this is the not sure part):  Figure out some way to check for optimization
5. join and return the array.

What do you think the Big O complexity of your algorithm is? (time complexity and space complexity)

welp, this one was a bit a humbler. I'm guessing so far my Big O completxity is O(n^16) or something along those lines.

JS Starter Code

function toRoman(num) {
  // your code goes here

console.log(toRoman(128));  // should return "CXXVIII"
console.log(toRoman(2000)); // should return "MM"
console.log(toRoman(2017)); // should return "MMXVII"
console.log(toRoman(1999)); // should return "MCMXCIX"

Ruby Starter Code

def to_roman(num)
  # your code goes here

puts to_roman(128)   # should return "CXXVIII"
puts to_roman(2000)  # should return "MM"
puts to_roman(2017)  # should return "MMXVII"
puts to_roman(1999)  # should return "MCMXCIX"
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