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Created May 6, 2020 16:34
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import random
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import scipy.stats
import irl.linear_irl as linear_irl
import irl.mdp.gridworld as gridworld
from irl import maxent
class ObserverModel:
def __init__(self):
self.attributions = ['a', 'b'] + ['0']
def p_behavior_given_theta(self, theta):
# How likely is a behavioral class for reward params theta?
# This would need to be empirically modeled, but for this toy
# example, we'll set a threshold on how some of the features
# are weighted
if theta[3] > .5:
return [1, 0, 0]
elif theta[4] > .5:
return [0, 1, 0]
# Put all mass on the UNK class
return [0] * (len(self.attributions) - 1) + [1]
def normalize(x):
x = np.asarray(x)
return (x - x.min()) / (np.ptp(x))
class RandPolicy:
def __init__(self, action_space):
self.action_space = action_space
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
return random.randint(0, self.action_space - 1)
class RandDeterministicPolicy:
def __init__(self, action_space):
self.action_space = action_space
self._policy = {}
def __call__(self, state, **kwargs):
policy_action = self._policy.get(state)
if policy_action:
return policy_action
self._policy[state] = random.randint(0, self.action_space - 1)
return self._policy[state]
def main(grid_size, discount):
Run linear programming inverse reinforcement learning on the gridworld MDP.
Plots the reward function.
grid_size: Grid size. int.
discount: MDP discount factor. float.
wind = 0.0
gw = gridworld.Gridworld(grid_size, wind, discount)
# I want a trajectory that maximizes r, but also communicates an attribute to
# the observer.
observer = ObserverModel()
# To do this, sample a lot of trajectories
# rand_policy = RandPolicy(gw.n_actions)
# Random policy is not a good way to generate trajectories...
#trajs = gw.generate_trajectories(100, 10, rand_policy)
# state action reward tuples
trajs = np.empty([100, 10, 3],
for i in range(100):
det_rand_policy = RandDeterministicPolicy(gw.n_actions)
trajs[i] = gw.generate_trajectories(1, 10, det_rand_policy)[0]
# Throw in some optimal policies too
opt_trajs = np.empty([5, 10, 3],
for i in range(5):
# TODO: This is always the same det opt policy
opt_trajs[i] = gw.generate_trajectories(1, 10, gw.optimal_policy_deterministic)[0]
trajs = np.vstack([trajs, opt_trajs])
# Let's see what the reward weights would be for these trajectories
weights = []
likelihood = []
for traj in trajs:
traj = np.expand_dims(traj, 0)
r = maxent.irl(gw.feature_matrix(), gw.n_actions,, gw.transition_probability,
traj, 10, 0.1)
# Now lets score them by likelihood of being attributed as class 'a'
# Sum of rewards (not discounted)
returns = trajs.sum(axis=1)[:,2]
entropy_scores = np.empty(len(trajs))
for i in range(len(entropy_scores)):
entropy_scores[i] = scipy.stats.entropy(likelihood[i], [1, 0, 0])
# Penalize high entropy
combined_scores = returns + -entropy_scores
sorted_low_to_high = np.argsort(combined_scores)
for i in range(5):
index = sorted_low_to_high[-1 - i]
traj, ret, entropy = trajs[index], returns[index], entropy_scores[index]
print("ret={},entropy={}: {}", ret, entropy)
for _, action, _ in traj:
if __name__ == '__main__':
main(5, 0.2)
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