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Last active September 7, 2023 15:30
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Save nickva/cbfcf421e18964d6520161ede671563c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Ping-pong across dist with N parallel workers
% $ erl -name n1@
% $ erl -name n2@
% (n2@> dist_perf:go('n1@').
-export([go/1, go/2, go/3, stop/0, gc/0, stats/1]).
go(RemoteNode) ->
go(RemoteNode, 100).
go(RemoteNode, N) ->
Payload = doc(), %[<<0:100000/unit:8>> || _ <- lists:seq(1, 10)],
go(RemoteNode, N, Payload).
go(RemoteNode, N, Payload) when is_atom(RemoteNode), is_integer(N) ->
StatsPid = spawn_link(?MODULE, stats, [RemoteNode]),
Pids = [spawn_link(RemoteNode, fun
F() ->
receive {From, Msg} ->
From ! term_to_binary(Msg),
) || _<- lists:seq(1, N)],
Pinger = fun
F(Pid) ->
Msg = {self(), Payload},
SendRes = erlang:send(Pid, Msg, [nosuspend]),
case SendRes of
ok ->
receive _Res -> F(Pid) end;
nosuspend ->
erlang:send(Pid, Msg),
receive _Res -> F(Pid) end
Ctx = {StatsPid, [{Pid, spawn_link(fun() -> Pinger(Pid) end)} || Pid <- Pids]},
put(dist_perf, Ctx),
stop() ->
case erase(dist_perf) of
undefined ->
{StatsPid, Pids} ->
[begin unlink(Pid1), exit(Pid1, kill), unlink(Pid2), exit(Pid2, kill) end || {Pid1, Pid2} <- Pids],
exit(StatsPid, kill)
gc() ->
[erlang:garbage_collect(Pid) || Pid<-processes()],
stats(RemoteNode) ->
{_, {output, T0Out}} = erlang:statistics(io),
{_, {output, T1Out}} = erlang:statistics(io),
SentMBs = round((T1Out - T0Out) / 1024 / 1024 / 5),
{Res, PingDt} = ping(RemoteNode),
io:format(" * Sent:~pMB/s, ping:~p ~p (usec)~n", [SentMBs, Res, PingDt]),
ping(RemoteNode) ->
T0 = erlang:monotonic_time(),
Res = net_adm:ping(RemoteNode),
Dt = erlang:monotonic_time() - T0,
DtMicro = erlang:convert_time_unit(Dt, native, microsecond),
{Res, DtMicro}.
doc() ->
doc, % record name
<<"adfasdfasfasdfa213445234523452345234sdfasdfasfasfasfasf">>, % id
revs(1000), % revlist
doc_body() % doc body
revs(N) ->
{5000, [<<171,144,86,232,21,225,82,74,142,26,167,126,41,128,68,131>> || _ <- lists:seq(1, N)]}.
doc_body() ->
% from random json generator site
{<<"name">>,<<"Myrna Houston">>},
{<<"phone">>,<<"+1 (952) 563-3195">>},
<<"599 Crystal Street, Grenelefe, Federated States Of Micronesia, 6317">>},
<<"Nostrud ea Lorem deserunt ea in enim cupidatat est dolor consectetur aute tempor cupidatat. Ut ut do laborum laborum culpa elit ea anim ea. Ex ea officia minim irure quis laborum eu eu.\r\n">>},
{<<"registered">>,<<"2020-01-11T08:52:49 +05:00">>},
[<<"consectetur eiusmod cupidatat do proident reprehenderit ipsum tempor officia non">>,
<<"esse occaecat irure commodo velit cillum ut labore commodo sint">>,
<<"officia sunt sit qui tempor non adipisicing officia enim ex">>,
<<"sunt qui nulla amet exercitation ad labore cillum in nostrud">>,
<<"ullamco deserunt duis occaecat laborum veniam labore ex consectetur esse">>]},
[{[{<<"id">>,0},{<<"name">>,<<"Mcbride Marks">>}]},
{[{<<"id">>,1},{<<"name">>,<<"Anthony Wilkinson">>}]},
{[{<<"id">>,2},{<<"name">>,<<"Amy Whitley">>}]},
{[{<<"id">>,3},{<<"name">>,<<"Alston Thomas">>}]},
{[{<<"id">>,4},{<<"name">>,<<"Lydia Kane">>}]}]},
<<"Hello, Myrna Houston! You have 4 unread messages.">>},
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