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Created May 3, 2015 15:50
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  • Save nickvergessen/fa166ba6da21e0b74244 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nickvergessen/fa166ba6da21e0b74244 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
$ git shortlog -sn release-3.1.3...release-3.1.4
77 Marc Alexander
59 Joas Schilling
45 Andreas Fischer
24 brunoais
17 Cesar G
11 Nicofuma
10 Oliver Schramm
10 RMcGirr83
9 rxu
7 Dhruv
7 Jakub Senko
7 Wolfsblvt
7 cyberalien
6 kasimi
4 Nils Adermann
4 Tristan Darricau
3 Dragos-Valentin Radulescu
3 Kailey Truscott
3 paulsohier
2 Crizzo
2 JoshyPHP
2 Kevin Roy
2 Matt Friedman
2 Richard McGirr
2 n-aleha
1 Dhruv Goel
1 Raphaël M
1 Robert Heim
1 RobertHeim
1 Scout4all
1 kamijoutouma
$ git diff --stat release-3.1.3...release-3.1.4
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153 files changed, 3061 insertions(+), 1058 deletions(-)
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