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Created August 19, 2016 18:03
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import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
* This source code has been placed into the public domain.
* This class records the frequencies byte and integer data from which it
* calculates the 'zero-order' information entropy. The implementation places no
* constraints on the values that may appear in the value arrays it analyzes,
* though OutOfMemoryErrors may occur in cases where an excessively large number
* of different values occur.
* The class has been designed to operate as efficiently as possible within the
* constraints of robustness. The implementation should be fast enough for most
* purposes. This class is immutable and is safe for concurrent use by multiple
* threads.
* @author Tom Gibara
//TODO Add static methods that return entropy values for standard distributions.
//TODO Provide operations for combining multiple frequency distributions.
//TODO Add a constructor that can operate over an integer iterator.
public class CodingFrequencies implements Iterable<Integer> {
// static inner classes
* An enumeration of the possible ways in which values are mapped to the
* indices of an array of frequencies.
private enum Indexing {
* Indicates that value indices are obtained from indexFromValue().
* Indicates that value indices are assigned contigously from zero.
* Indicates that value indicies are assigned contiguously from -128.
int index(int value) {
switch(this) {
case INTERLEAVED: return indexFromValue(value);
case LINEAR: return value;
case BYTE: return value != (byte) value ? 256 : (byte)value & 0xff;
default: throw new IllegalStateException("Unsupported indexing: " + this);
// static fields
private static final Integer ZERO = Integer.valueOf(0);
* The initial (minimum) size of a frequency array that is derived from
* integer data.
private static final int INIT_FREQ_SIZE = 256;
* The maximum size to which a frequency array may grow before overflowing
* values are recorded in an 'overflow' map.
private static final int MAX_FREQ_SIZE = 16384;
// static utility methods
* Converts an integer number into a natural number by interleaving
* positive and negative values as even and odd numbers respectively.
private static int indexFromValue(int value) {
return value < 0 ? -(value<<1) - 1 : value<<1;
* Reverses the interleaving performed by the indexFromValue method.
* @param index an index that was derived from the indexFromValue method
* @return the value associated with the specified index
private static int valueFromIndex(int index) {
return (index & 1) == 0 ? index>>1 : -((index + 1)>>1);
* A convenience method for checking the parameters supplied for methods
* that take array arguments.
* @param array the array
* @param offset the data offset
* @param length the data length
private static void checkParams(Object array, int offset, int length) {
if (array == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("null array");
if (offset < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("strictly negative offset");
if (length < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("strictly negative length");
int arrlen;
if (array instanceof int[]) {
arrlen = ((int[])array).length;
} else if (array instanceof byte[]) {
arrlen = ((byte[])array).length;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected array type: " + array.getClass());
if (offset+length > arrlen) throw new IllegalArgumentException("sum of offset and length exceeds array length");
// factory methods
* Constructs an empty set of frequencies.
* @return an object that contains no frequencies
public static CodingFrequencies fromEmpty() {
return new CodingFrequencies(new int[0], 0);
* Identifies the frequencies of values in a byte array range. The customary
* constraints on offset and length parameters apply.
* This method does not modify the supplied array and does not keep a
* reference to it after this method returns.
* @param values an array of byte data
* @param offset the first byte of the data
* @param length the number of bytes in the data.
* @return the frequencies of the byte values
public static CodingFrequencies fromValues(final byte[] values, final int offset, final int length) {
checkParams(values, offset, length);
int[] freqs = new int[256];
for (int i = offset; i < offset + length; i++) {
freqs[values[i] & 0xff]++;
return new CodingFrequencies(freqs, null, length, -128, 128, Indexing.BYTE);
* Identifies the frequencies of values in a byte array.
* This method does not modify the supplied array and does not keep a
* reference to it after this method returns.
* @param values an array of byte data
* @return the frequencies of the byte values
public static CodingFrequencies fromValues(final byte[] values) {
return CodingFrequencies.fromValues(values, 0, values.length);
* Identifies the frequencies of values in an int array range. The customary
* constraints on offset and length parameters apply.
* This method does not modify the supplied array and does not keep a
* reference to it after this method returns.
* @param values an array of int data
* @param offset the first int of the data
* @param length the number of ints in the data.
* @return the frequencies of the int values
public static CodingFrequencies fromValues(final int[] values, final int offset, final int length) {
checkParams(values, offset, length);
int[] freq = new int[INIT_FREQ_SIZE];
HashMap<Number, Integer> overflow = null;
Integer minimumOverflow = null;
Integer maximumOverflow = null;
for (int i = offset; i < offset+length; i++) {
int value = values[i];
int index = indexFromValue(value);
if (index >= freq.length) {
if (overflow == null) {
int newlength = Integer.highestOneBit(index) << 1;
if (newlength > MAX_FREQ_SIZE) {
overflow = new HashMap<Number, Integer>();
Integer o = overflow.get(value);
Integer n = o == null ? 1 : o+1;
overflow.put(value, n);
} else {
freq = Arrays.copyOf(freq, newlength);
} else {
Integer v = value;
Integer o = overflow.get(v);
Integer n = o == null ? 1 : o+1;
overflow.put(v, n);
if (minimumOverflow == null || value < minimumOverflow) minimumOverflow = v;
if (maximumOverflow == null || maximumOverflow < value) maximumOverflow = v;
} else {
int minimumValue =
length == 0 ? 0 :
minimumOverflow != null ? minimumOverflow :
valueFromIndex(freq.length - 1);
int maximumValue =
length == 0 ? 0 :
maximumOverflow != null ? maximumOverflow :
valueFromIndex(freq.length - 2);
return new CodingFrequencies(freq, overflow, length, minimumValue, maximumValue, Indexing.INTERLEAVED);
* Identifies the frequencies of values in an int array.
* This method does not modify the supplied array and does not keep a
* reference to it after this method returns.
* @param values an array of int data
* @return the frequencies of the int values
public static CodingFrequencies fromValues(final int[] values) {
return CodingFrequencies.fromValues(values, 0, values.length);
* Copies a set of frequencies from a range of the supplied array.
* The values associated with the frequencies in the array are assumed to
* range contiguously starting from zero.
* The frequency array supplied to this method is copied, and may thus be
* modified after this method returns.
* Note that, for reasons of performance, this method admits a
* frequencyTotal argument that may be supplied if already known. This allows
* the implementation of this method to avoid summing the frequencies
* unecessarily. Naturally this value cannot be verified without rendering
* it useless. If an incorrect value is supplied, all of the methods on the
* returned object will function, but incorrect values will be returned for
* the computed entropy values.
* @param frequencies an array containing a set of value frequencies
* @param offset the index at which the first frequency is recorded
* @param length the number of frequencies in the array
* @param frequencyTotal the sum of the frequencies (if known) or any
* negative value otherwise
* @return the frequencies enapsulated as an object
public static CodingFrequencies fromFrequencies(int[] frequencies, final int offset, final int length, int frequencyTotal) {
checkParams(frequencies, offset, length);
frequencies = offset != 0 || length != frequencies.length ? Arrays.copyOfRange(frequencies, offset, offset+length) : frequencies.clone();
if (frequencyTotal < 0) {
frequencyTotal = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < frequencies.length; i++) {
frequencyTotal += frequencies[i];
return new CodingFrequencies(frequencies, null, frequencyTotal, 0, frequencies.length, Indexing.LINEAR);
* Copies a set of frequencies from the supplied array.
* The values associated with the frequencies in the array are assumed to
* range contiguously starting from zero.
* The frequency array supplied to this method is copied, and may thus be
* modified after this method returns.
* Note that, for reasons of performance, this method admits a
* frequencyTotal argument that may be supplied if already known. This allows
* the implementation of this method to avoid summing the frequencies
* unecessarily. Naturally this value cannot be verified without rendering
* it useless. If an incorrect value is supplied, all of the methods on the
* returned object will function, but incorrect values will be returned for
* the computed entropy values.
* @param frequencies an array containing a set of value frequencies
* @param frequencyTotal the sum of the frequencies (if known) or any
* negative value otherwise
* @return the frequencies enapsulated as an object
public static CodingFrequencies fromFrequencies(final int[] frequencies, final int frequencyTotal) {
return fromFrequencies(frequencies, 0, frequencies.length, frequencyTotal);
* Copies a set of frequencies from the supplied array.
* The values associated with the frequencies in the array are assumed to
* range contiguously starting from zero.
* The frequency array supplied to this method is copied, and may thus be
* modified after this method returns.
* @param frequencies an array containing a set of value frequencies
* @return the frequencies enapsulated as an object
public static CodingFrequencies fromFrequencies(final int[] frequencies) {
return fromFrequencies(frequencies, -1);
* Records the frequencies of data values. Values, which may be negative,
* are mapped onto indices via the indexFromValue method.
private final int[] frequencies;
* Maps large values (those whose indices exceed the length of the
* frequencies array) onto their frequencies, may be null.
private final HashMap<Number, Integer> overflow;
* The sum of the frequencies. This value may be supplied by client code
private final int frequencyTotal;
* An inclusive lower bound on the values whose frequencies are recorded by
* this object.
private final int minimumValue;
* An exclusive upper bound on the values whose frequencies are recorded by
* this object.
private final int maximumValue;
* Records the method by which values are mapped to array indicies.
private final Indexing indexing;
* The entropy value computed from the frequencies ('unbased').
private final double rawEntropy;
* Whether the frequency representation is compact (no oveflow and no
* zero frequencies recorded).
private final boolean compact;
// constructors
* Constructor used by factory methods that generate frequencies from user
* supplied data/frequencies.
private CodingFrequencies(final int[] frequencies, final HashMap<Number, Integer> overflow, final int frequencyTotal, final int minimumValue, final int maximumValue, final Indexing indexing) {
this.frequencies = frequencies;
this.overflow = overflow;
this.frequencyTotal = frequencyTotal;
this.minimumValue = minimumValue;
this.maximumValue = maximumValue;
this.indexing = indexing;
rawEntropy = computeEntropy();
compact = false;
* Constructor used to create compact instances.
private CodingFrequencies(final int[] frequencies, final int frequencyTotal) {
this.frequencies = frequencies;
this.frequencyTotal = frequencyTotal;
overflow = null;
minimumValue = 0;
maximumValue = frequencies.length;
indexing = Indexing.LINEAR;
rawEntropy = computeEntropy();
compact = true;
// accessors
* An inclusive lower bound on the values whose frequencies are recorded by
* this object. No guarantees are made about this value beyond:
* x < getMinimumValue() implies getFrequency(x) == 0.
* @return the minimum value whose frequency is recorded by this object
public int getMinimumValue() {
return minimumValue;
* An exclusive upper bound on the values whose frequencies are recorded by
* this object. No guarantees are made about this value beyond:
* x >= getMaximumValue() implies getFrequency(x) == 0.
* @return the maximum value whose frequency is recorded by this object
public int getMaximumValue() {
return maximumValue;
* The frequency with which the supplied value occured in the data. The
* value specified is free to exceed the bounds of the data from which the
* frequencies were generated.
* @param value any integer value
* @return the frequency with which the supplied value occured in the data
public int getFrequency(int value) {
if (minimumValue == maximumValue) return 0;
int index = indexing.index(value);
if (index < frequencies.length) {
return frequencies[index];
} else {
Integer f = overflow == null ? ZERO : overflow.get(value);
return f == null ? 0 : f.intValue();
* The sum of all frequencies. This value <em>may</em> have been supplied by
* client code and may be inconsistent with the actual frequency values.
* In this case the entropy values computed from the frequencies will be
* incorrect.
* @return the sum of all frequencies
public int getFrequencyTotal() {
return frequencyTotal;
* A compact frequency set is one in which has discarded the original
* mapping between values and their frequencies. Instead, frequencies are
* associated with a zero indexed interval of positive integers in an
* unspecified order.
* @see #compact()
* @return true if the frequencies are compact and false otherwise.
public boolean isCompact() {
return compact;
* An array containing all of the non-zero frequencies in an unspecified
* order. This method may be expected to be significantly more efficient
* if called on a compact instance.
* @see #isCompact()
* @see #compact()
* @return an array of non-zero frequencies, never null.
public int[] getFrequencies() {
return compact ? frequencies.clone() : compact().getFrequencies();
// iterable
* An iterator over all of the non-zero frequencies in an unspecified
* order. This method may be expected to be significantly more efficient
* if called on a compact instance.
* @see #isCompact()
* @see #compact()
* @return an iterator over non-zero frequencies, never null.
public Iterator<Integer> iterator() {
if (!compact) return compact().iterator();
if (minimumValue == maximumValue) return Collections.<Integer>emptyList().iterator();
return new Iterator<Integer>() {
* The index of the next frequency to be returned from next().
private int index = 0;
public boolean hasNext() {
return index < frequencies.length;
public Integer next() {
return frequencies[index++];
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// methods
* Computes the information entropy of the frequencies in the specified base.
* This implementation computes the information entropy on creation,
* consequently, calling this method for different bases is extremely quick.
* @param base the log base for entropy calculation
* @return the entropy of the frequencies in the specified base
public double entropy(double base) {
if (base <= 1.0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("base must be strictly greater than 1.0");
return rawEntropy/Math.log(base);
* The computed binary information entropy of the frequencies.
* @see #entropy(double)
* @return the binary entropy of the frequencies
public double binaryEntropy() {
return entropy(2.0);
* Returns a compact set of frequencies - if called on an already compact
* instance, the original object is returned. Compaction discards the
* original mapping between values and their frequencies. Instead,
* frequencies become associated with a zero indexed interval of positive
* integers in an unspecified order.
* Compact representations typically require less memory and have accurate
* bounds ({@link #getMinimumValue()} {@link #getMaximumValue()}). Some
* methods ({@link #iterator()} and {@link #getFrequencies()}) are
* significantly more efficient on compacted frequencies.
* @return a compact set of frequencies
public CodingFrequencies compact() {
if (compact) return this;
final int bound = overflow == null ? frequencies.length : frequencies.length + overflow.size();
final int[] freqs = new int[bound];
int j = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < frequencies.length; i++) {
int value = frequencies[i];
if (value != 0) freqs[j++] = value;
if (overflow != null) {
for (int value : overflow.values()) {
freqs[j++] = value;
int[] trimmed = j == bound ? freqs : Arrays.copyOf(freqs, j);
return new CodingFrequencies(trimmed, frequencyTotal);
// private utility methods
* Computes the entropy of the frequencies in the natural base.
private double computeEntropy() {
final double t = frequencyTotal;
double sum = 0.0;
for (int f : frequencies) {
if (f == 0) continue;
double p = f/t;
sum -= p * Math.log(p);
if (overflow != null) {
for (int f : overflow.values()) {
double p = f/t;
sum -= p * Math.log(p);
return sum;
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