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2016-06-29 09:20:33,928 p=12803 u=nallen | TASK [deployment-report : Sanity check Metron web] *****************************
2016-06-29 09:20:34,007 p=12803 u=nallen | fatal: [node1 -> localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "module_stderr": "sudo: a password is required\n", "module_stdout": "", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE", "parsed": false}
2016-06-29 09:20:34,009 p=12803 u=nallen | PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
2016-06-29 09:20:34,009 p=12803 u=nallen | node1 : ok=97 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1
2016-06-29 09:21:27,465 p=13129 u=nallen | PLAY ***************************************************************************
2016-06-29 09:21:27,465 p=13129 u=nallen | skipping: no hosts matched
2016-06-29 09:21:27,466 p=13129 u=nallen | PLAY ***************************************************************************
2016-06-29 09:21:27,466 p=13129 u=nallen | skipping: no hosts match
Name Description
profile Required A unique name identifying the profile. The field is treated as a string.
foreach Required A separate profile is maintained for each of these. This is effectively the entity that the profile is describing. The field is expected to contain a Stellar expression whose result is the entity name. For example, if ip_src_addr then a separate profile would be maintained for each unique IP source address in the data;,, etc.
onlyif Optional An expression that determines if a message should be applied to the profile. A Stellar expression is expected that when executed returns a boolean. A message is only applied to a profile if this condition is true. This allows a profile to filter the messages that it receives.
init Optional A set of expressions that is executed at the start of a window period. A map is expected where the key is the variable name a

Metron Profiler

The Profiler is a feature extraction mechanism that can generate a profile describing the behavior of an entity on a network. An entity might be a server, user, subnet or application. Once a profile has been generated defining what normal behavior looks-like, models can be built that identify anomalous behavior.

This is achieved by summarizing the streaming telemetry data consumed by Metron over sliding windows. A summary statistic is applied to the data received within a given window. Collecting this summary across many windows results in a time series that is useful for analysis.


Any field contained within a message can be used to generate a profile. A profile can even be produced from combining fields that originate in different data sources. A user has considerable power to transform the data used in a profile by leveraging the Stellar language. A user only need configure the desired profiles in Zookeeper and ensure that the Profiler topology is running.

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
* This source code has been placed into the public domain.
| Name | | Description |
|--- |--- |--- |
| profile | Required | A unique name identifying the profile. The field is treated as a string. |
| foreach | Required | A separate profile is maintained *for each* of these. This is effectively the entity that the profile is describing. The field is expected to contain a Stellar expression whose result is the entity name. For example, if `ip_src_addr` then a separate profile would be maintained for each unique IP source address in the data;,, etc. |
| onlyif | Optional | An expression that determines if a message should be applied to the profile. A Stellar expression is expected that when executed returns a boolean. A message is only applied to a profile if this condition is true. This allows a profile to filter the messages that it receives. |
| groupBy | Optional | A list of Stellar expressions used to group the profile measurements when persisted. This is intended to sort the Profil

Metron Profiler

The Profiler is a feature extraction mechanism that can generate a profile describing the behavior of an entity on a network. An entity might be a server, user, subnet or application. Once a profile has been generated defining what normal behavior looks-like, models can be built that identify anomalous behavior.

This is achieved by summarizing the streaming telemetry data consumed by Metron over sliding windows. A summary statistic is applied to the data received within a given window. Collecting this summary across many windows results in a time series that is useful for analysis.


Any field contained within a message can be used to generate a profile. A profile can even be produced from combining fields that originate in different data sources. A user has considerable power to transform the data used in a profile by leveraging the Stellar language. A user only need configure the desired profiles in Zookeeper and ensure that the Profiler topology is running.

"template": "sensor1_index*",
"mappings": {
"sensor1_doc": {
"_timestamp": {
"enabled": true
"properties": {
"timestamp": {
"type": "date",


Launch "Quick Dev" then stop all sensors and topologies.

service monit stop
service elasticsearch stop
storm kill bro
storm kill snort


Launch "Quick Dev" then stop all sensors and topologies.

service monit stop
service elasticsearch stop
storm kill bro
storm kill snort

Generate PCAP

We need a source of PCAP data to ingest. In a production environment there is likely to be host(s) configured with one or more span port(s) that receives raw packet data from a packet aggregator device. To simulate this, we will use Metron's Pcap Replay service.

service pcap-replay start

Validate that that packet data is being replayed correctly.