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Last active April 10, 2019 09:39
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  • Save nickwesselman/75e4af56c8c53a25bce1bf2adb600738 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Assists in updating an existing Sitecore Visual Studio solution to the new nuget structure for 9.1, when using PackageReference style Nuget. This code is provided AS-IS, and is not supported by Sitecore.
## Nuget v2 URL for the target platform, and the target marketing version
$SitecoreNuget = ""
$TargetVersion = "9.1.0"
## Nuget URL to retrieve package metadata, including dependencies
$MetaPackage = "$SitecoreNuget/Packages(Id='Sitecore.Experience.Platform',Version='$TargetVersion')"
## Retrieve the package metadata from nuget (no nice way of doing this via CLI)
$PackageMetadata = [xml](Invoke-WebRequest $MetaPackage).Content
## Parse the package dependencies so we know the appropriate package versions for this release
$versions = $'|') | % {
$dependencySplit = $_.Split(':')
New-Object PSObject -Property @{
Name = $dependencySplit[0]
Version = $dependencySplit[1]
## Find all Visual Studio projects and parse their XML
Get-ChildItem *.csproj -recurse | % {
New-Object psobject -Property @{
File = $_
ProjectXml = [xml](gc $_ -Raw)
} | % {
$fileName = $_.File.Name
## Find all package references
$_.ProjectXml.GetElementsByTagName("PackageReference") | ? {
## Exclude non-Sitecore packages, and FakeDb
$_.Include.StartsWith("Sitecore") -and -not $_.Include.Contains("FakeDb")
} | % {
## Remove NoReferences extension on the package if present
if ($_.Include.EndsWith(".NoReferences")) {
$_.SetAttribute("Include", $_.Include.Replace(".NoReferences", ""))
## Look up the appropriate version and replace
$packageName = $_.Include
$newPackage = $versions | ? { $_.Name -eq $packageName } | select -first 1
if (-not $newPackage) {
Write-Host "WARNING: Could not find new version for package $packageName in $fileName" -ForegroundColor yellow
$_.SetAttribute("Version", $newPackage.Version)
## Save the project file
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