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Last active December 21, 2015 04:08
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Save nicky-zs/6246807 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Run costly tasks in the background in tornado, along with tornado.gen.engine.
# vim: fileencoding=utf-8
import sys, time
from multiprocessing.pool import ThreadPool
from tornado import web, gen, stack_context, httpserver, ioloop, util, options
_workers = ThreadPool()
def costly_task(n): # a costly task like processing images
return n
class BaseHandler(web.RequestHandler):
def run_background(self, func, args=(), kws={}, callback=None):
exc_info = [None]
def _func(*fargs, **fkws):
return func(*fargs, **fkws)
exc_info[0] = sys.exc_info()
def _callback(result):
exc = exc_info[0]
ioloop.IOLoop.instance().add_callback(lambda: callback(result)
if exc is None else util.raise_exc_info(exc))
_workers.apply_async(_func, args, kws, stack_context.wrap(_callback))
def get(self):
count = int(self.get_argument('count', 1))
result = yield gen.Task(self.run_background, costly_task, (count,))
self.finish('the operation costs %d seconds\n' % result)
if __name__ == '__main__':
options.parse_command_line() # open log
httpserver.HTTPServer(web.Application([('/test', BaseHandler)])).listen(8888)
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Note that GIL in python will prevent multiple native threads from executing python bytecodes at once.
So ProcessPool should be used instead of ThreadPool if the background operation will happen inside GIL, suffering from the potential problems of serialization of the arguments and return values.
However, according to the official wiki,, potentially blocking or long-running operations, such as I/O, image processing, and NumPy number crunching, happen outside the GIL.

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