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Created July 22, 2016 06:09
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Nodejs: Classes - Syntactic sugar for function constructors and prototypal inheritance
// classes.js
'use strict'
var Person = class Person {
// function Person (args) {}
constructor (firstname, gender) {
this.firstname = firstname
this.gender = gender
// function.prototype.introduce () {}
introduce () {
console.log(`${ this.designation[this.gender] }. ${ this.firstname } says hello! `)
Person.prototype.designation = {
m: 'Mr',
f: 'Mdm'
// utils.inherit(Singaporean, Person)
var Singaporean = class Singaporean extends Person {
constructor( firstname, gender, favSinglishWord) {
super(firstname, gender)
this.favSinglishWord = favSinglishWord
// overwrite function
introduce () {
console.log(`${ this.designation[this.gender] }. ${ this.firstname } says hello ${ this.favSinglishWord }!`)
module.exports = {
Person : Person,
Singaporean : Singaporean
var Person = require('./classes').Person
var Singaporean = require('./classes').Singaporean
var jane = new Person('jane','f')
var jon = new Person('john', 'm')
var tim = new Singaporean('tim','m','lah')
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