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Last active April 27, 2024 00:44
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Customizing VS Code for Two Fonts.

Customizing VS Code

I followed the instructions in this blog post Multiple Fonts: Alternative to Operator Mono in VSCode, but did not see any changes made to VS Code. After digging a bit, I discovered that all the CSS class names had changed. They’re now e.g. .mtk13, .mtk16 { … }.


  • Ensure it’s a file URL e.g. { "vscode_custom_css.imports": [ "file:///Users/Brian/Desktop/vscode-style.css" ] }
  • If you move the location of your file and update your user settings with the new location, you will need to disable and enable custom CSS cmd+shift+p.
  • Also, anytime you change the style in your custom CSS file, you need to disable, then re-enable the extension.

For reference

// Add these to your VS Code settings.json
"editor.fontFamily": "'Fira Code', Consolas, monospace",
"editor.fontLigatures": true,
"editor.fontSize": 16,
"vscode_custom_css.imports": [
"file:///path/to/your/styles/styles.css" // styles.css in this gist.
I decided on the Brush Script MT cursive font for now. Works better for me than FlottFlott.
.mtk16 {
margin-left: 1px;
font-family: "Brush Script MT";
font-size: 1.6em;
.mtk4 {
font-family: "Brush Script MT";
font-size: 1.4em;
For the tab titles.
.monaco-icon-label-description-container .label-name {
font-family: "Brush Script MT";
font-size: 1.3
.tabs-container .monaco-icon-label-description-container .label-name,
.sidebar .monaco-icon-label-description-container .label-name,
.quick-open-row .monaco-icon-label-description-container .label-name {
font-family: -apple-system,BlinkMacSystemFont,Segoe WPC,Segoe UI,HelveticaNeue-Light,Ubuntu,Droid Sans,sans-serif;
font-size: 1em;
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msis-adrian commented Dec 26, 2019

Solved: For what it's worth, extension never worked for me....However, while i was in there...if you go to the help menu, toggle the Developer Tools....
Check the network tab > you will see there is one css file that vscode loads up.


I went into this file and directly edited the css directly...

since i already had a css file that i intended to use with this extension...

@import url("file:///Users/myaccountfolder/someGoodLocationFolder/.vscode/vs-code-styles.css");

Reload & Problem solved.

For example, i love my font but all i wanted was the tag to be with a different font-family then the attributes. After some trial and error, this did it. Mileage may very depending on whether or not vscode is changing these classes all the time.

span:not(.mtk1) + .mtki, span:not(.mtk1) + .mtk6{
    font-family: 'Courier New' !important;

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It's not working for me I am ubuntu 20.04 and my version of VScode is 1.47.3. How to make it work?

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Solved: For what it's worth, extension never worked for me....However, while i was in there...if you go to the help menu, toggle the Developer Tools.... Check the network tab > you will see there is one css file that vscode loads up.


I went into this file and directly edited the css directly...

since i already had a css file that i intended to use with this extension...

@import url("file:///Users/myaccountfolder/someGoodLocationFolder/.vscode/vs-code-styles.css");

Reload & Problem solved.

For example, i love my font but all i wanted was the tag to be with a different font-family then the attributes. After some trial and error, this did it. Mileage may very depending on whether or not vscode is changing these classes all the time.

span:not(.mtk1) + .mtki, span:not(.mtk1) + .mtk6{
    font-family: 'Courier New' !important;

Could you please explain to me the relationship between styles.css and mtk? every time that I change my theme stlyes.css does not work properly and each .mtk in each theme refers to a specific part of the codes, I'm confused about how to write styles.css that works with each theme, and after all I just want wot change the font for keywords but in includes operators(+=><) that I do not want to

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