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Last active June 21, 2024 16:24
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Simulate a paste event in Cypress
* Simulates a paste event.
* @param pasteOptions Set of options for a simulated paste event.
* @param pasteOptions.destinationSelector Selector representing the DOM element that the paste event should be dispatched to.
* @param pasteOptions.pastePayload Simulated data that is on the clipboard.
* @param pasteOptions.pasteFormat The format of the simulated paste payload. Default value is 'text'.
function paste({ destinationSelector, pastePayload, pasteType = 'text' }) {
cy.get(destinationSelector).then($destination => {
const pasteEvent = Object.assign(new Event('paste', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }), {
clipboardData: {
getData: (type = pasteType) => pastePayload,
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Nice! Thanks for sharing @forresto.

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Your code inspired me to simply try .trigger('paste');, which works perfectly on its own. Thanks!

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If you want to make it a child command, you can do the following:

        prevSubject: true,

and modify the function to:

 * Simulates a paste event.
 * @param subject A jQuery context representing a DOM element.
 * @param pasteOptions Set of options for a simulated paste event.
 * @param pasteOptions.pastePayload Simulated data that is on the clipboard.
 * @param pasteOptions.simple Determines whether or not to use a simple paste. Use this when there is no paste event bound to the element
 *                              resolved by the selector.
 * @param pasteOptions.pasteFormat The format of the simulated paste payload. Default value is 'text'.
 * @returns The subject parameter.
 * @example
 * cy.get('some-selector').paste({
 *  pastePayload: 'yolo,
 *  simple: false,
*  });
export function paste(subject, { pastePayload, simple = true, pasteType = 'text' }) {
    if (simple) {
        subject[0].value = pastePayload;

    const pasteEvent = Object.assign(new Event('paste', { bubbles: true, cancelable: true }), {
        clipboardData: {
            getData: (type = pasteType) => pastePayload,

    return subject;

Above solution works for Input/textarea html tag but it is not work for div tag even after attribute contenteditable="true". Please let me know any other possible solutions

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Thanks for sharing @Sathish787.

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danday74 commented Nov 6, 2020

Simplified version of answer by @Sathish787

This lives in /cypress/support/commands.js

const paste = (subject, text) => {
  subject[0].value = text
  return cy.get(subject).type(' {backspace}') // the use of type to type a space and delete it after changing the value ensures that change detection kicks in

  {prevSubject: 'element'},

and then use as follows:

  // @ts-ignore

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diondiondion commented Feb 11, 2021

@danday74 Unfortunately, this method of triggering a change (by typing a space and deleting it afterwards) makes this method unsuitable for simulating a real paste event, which would only fire a single change event.

I'm trying to write a test for a bug that's only caused when text is pasted into an input (single event), but not when it's typed (one event per keystroke), and the bug doesn't occur when paste is simulated using your method.

Unfortunately I also wasn't lucky with the other methods described in this gist (those that actually dispatch a 'paste' event) – they don't seem to do anything.

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For what it's worth, I think that these changes make a more-precise simulation of a paste event using DataTransfer and ClipboardEvent, if your application is expecting JSON data attached:

 * Simulates a paste event.
 * Modified from
 * @param subject A jQuery context representing a DOM element.
 * @param pasteOptions Set of options for a simulated paste event.
 * @param pasteOptions.pastePayload Simulated data that is on the clipboard.
 * @param pasteOptions.pasteFormat The format of the simulated paste payload. Default value is 'text'.
 * @returns The subject parameter.
 * @example
 * cy.get('body').paste({
 *   pasteType: 'application/json',
 *   pastePayload: {hello: 'yolo'},
 * });
  {prevSubject: true},
  function (subject, pasteOptions) {
    const {pastePayload, pasteType} = pasteOptions;
    const data = pasteType === 'application/json' ? JSON.stringify(pastePayload) : pastePayload;
    const clipboardData = new DataTransfer();
    clipboardData.setData(pasteType, data);
    const pasteEvent = new ClipboardEvent('paste', {
      bubbles: true,
      cancelable: true,
      dataType: pasteType,

    return subject;

Thanks for sharing, worked for me 🤘
This should be considered the right way to simulate a paste event in the browser, both in cypress and puppeteer

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Thanks for the share. When I originally did this snippet it fit my use case, so thanks so much for all the folks who have continually provided improvements and suggestions! 😎

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Your code inspired me to simply try .trigger('paste');, which works perfectly on its own. Thanks!

@Abelhawk so this works!!?? 🔥 😄

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For what it's worth, I think that these changes make a more-precise simulation of a paste event using DataTransfer and ClipboardEvent, if your application is expecting JSON data attached:

 * Simulates a paste event.
 * Modified from
 * @param subject A jQuery context representing a DOM element.
 * @param pasteOptions Set of options for a simulated paste event.
 * @param pasteOptions.pastePayload Simulated data that is on the clipboard.
 * @param pasteOptions.pasteFormat The format of the simulated paste payload. Default value is 'text'.
 * @returns The subject parameter.
 * @example
 * cy.get('body').paste({
 *   pasteType: 'application/json',
 *   pastePayload: {hello: 'yolo'},
 * });
  {prevSubject: true},
  function (subject, pasteOptions) {
    const {pastePayload, pasteType} = pasteOptions;
    const data = pasteType === 'application/json' ? JSON.stringify(pastePayload) : pastePayload;
    const clipboardData = new DataTransfer();
    clipboardData.setData(pasteType, data);
    const pasteEvent = new ClipboardEvent('paste', {
      bubbles: true,
      cancelable: true,
      dataType: pasteType,

    return subject;

Thanks for sharing, worked for me metal This should be considered the right way to simulate a paste event in the browser, both in cypress and puppeteer

@OriMarron Imma try trigger('paste'), if it doesn't work, I'm going with this manual command, a'ight

lets hope it works tomorrow lul 🛌

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pastePayload, how this value came ??

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erwinvanlun commented Oct 12, 2023

Inspired by above, this what I have added:

paste(input: string | { pastePayload: string; pasteType: string }): Chainable<JQuery<HTMLElement>>;


 * usages:
 * cy.paste('text to paste') OR:
 * cy.paste({ pastePayload: 'text to paste', pasteType: 'text/plain' })
Cypress.Commands.add('paste', { prevSubject: true }, (subject, pasteInput) => {
  const isSimpleText = typeof pasteInput === 'string';

  const pastePayload = isSimpleText ? pasteInput : pasteInput.pastePayload;
  const pasteType = isSimpleText ? 'text/plain' : pasteInput.pasteType || 'text/plain';

  const data = pasteType === 'application/json' ? JSON.stringify(pastePayload) : pastePayload;

  const clipboardData = new DataTransfer();
  clipboardData.setData(pasteType, data);

  const pasteEvent = new ClipboardEvent('paste', {

  return subject;

cy.paste('github is great!')

cy.paste({pastePayload: 'text to paste', pasteType: 'text/plain' })

(other types work as well)

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Nice one @erwinvanlun!

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The cypress command did not work for me.
in Cypress version: 13.8.1

I just ended up writing this simple line for my purpose:

const text = 'text I want to paste in the input';

cy.get('input').eq(0).trigger('paste', {
        clipboardData: { getData: () => text }

It is not very "modular" or reusable, but it worked perfectly for my test case.

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I haven’t touched or used this command in years so glad you got something working for your tests @IrvingArmenta!

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nnaydenow commented Jun 14, 2024

Hi @IrvingArmenta,

Could you share more about your configuration? I'm using similar setup to yours but it doesn't work.

cy.mount(html`<input />`)

const text = 'text I want to paste in the input';

	.trigger('paste', {
		clipboardData: { getData: () => text }

	.should("have.value", text)

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irv-armenta-g commented Jun 19, 2024

If you only have one <input /> then no need for eq() , you should just select that one input, also my inputs have a custom onPaste
also not sure why you need click()

// function
const handleOnPaste = (
    e: React.ClipboardEvent<HTMLInputElement>,
    index: number
  ) => {
    const pastedData = e.clipboardData.getData('text');
    // do something with the pastedData, like set as a value to the input

// jsx
 onPaste={(e) => handleOnPaste(e, index)}

But in my case is an array of inputs.

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Not working for me too. It pastes "internalCopy" as a value.

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