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Created February 6, 2018 22:48
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Rectangle search algo
package example
case class Rectangle(x1: Int, x2: Int, y1: Int, y2: Int) {
def xInterval: Interval = Interval(x1, x2)
def yInterval: Interval = Interval(y1, y2)
case class Interval(from: Int, to: Int) {
def contains(x: Int): Boolean = x >= from && x <= to
def intersect(other: Interval): Boolean = to > other.from && from <
sealed trait Action[T] {
def value: T
def fold[S](add: T => S, remove: T => S): S = this match {
case Add(t) => add(t)
case Remove(t) => remove(t)
final case class Add[T](value: T) extends Action[T]
final case class Remove[T](value: T) extends Action[T]
sealed trait RectangleBoundaryAction {
def x: Int
def yInterval: Interval
final case class AddRectBoundary(x: Int, yInterval: Interval) extends RectangleBoundaryAction
final case class RemoveRectBoundary(x: Int, yInterval: Interval) extends RectangleBoundaryAction
object Algo {
def isRectangleContainedIn(search: Rectangle, rectangles: Seq[Rectangle]): Boolean = {
val boundaryLists = rectangles
.flatMap { r => Seq(AddRectBoundary(r.x1, r.yInterval), RemoveRectBoundary(r.x2, r.yInterval)) }
.sortWith { (a1, a2) => a1.x <= a2.x }
.scanLeft((Int.MinValue, Seq.empty[Interval])) {
case ((x, intervals), action) => action match {
case AddRectBoundary(xx, yInterval) => (action.x, intervals :+ yInterval)
case RemoveRectBoundary(xx, yInterval) => (action.x, dropFirstMatch(intervals, yInterval))
.map { case (x, is) => is.last }
.filter { xs => search.xInterval.intersect(Interval(xs(0), xs(1))) }
.map { xs => boundaryLists(xs(0)) }
.forall(intervals => isIntervalContainedIn(search.yInterval, intervals))
def isIntervalContainedIn(search: Interval, intervals: Seq[Interval]): Boolean = {
if (intervals.isEmpty) false
else {
val intervalCounts: Map[Int, Int] = intervals
.flatMap { i => Seq[Action[Int]](Add(i.from), Remove( }
.sortWith { (a1, a2) => a1.value <= a2.value }
.scanLeft((Int.MinValue, 0)) {
case ((x, count), action) =>
println(s"current count: $count")
println(s"action value: ${action.fold[Int](_ => 1, _ => -1)}" )
(action.value, count + action.fold[Int](_ => 1, _ => -1))
.map { case (x, counts) => counts.last }
.updated(Int.MaxValue, 0)
.filter { xs => search.intersect(Interval(xs(0), xs(1))) }
.map { xs => intervalCounts(xs(0)) }
.forall(_ > 0)
def dropFirstMatch[A](ls: Seq[A], value: A): Seq[A] = {
val index = ls.indexOf(value) //index is -1 if there is no match
if (index < 0) {
} else if (index == 0) {
} else {
// splitAt keeps the matching element in the second group
val (a, b) = ls.splitAt(index)
a ++ b.tail
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