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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Sample scala test
package roger
import org.scalatest.{FlatSpec, ShouldMatchers}
import roger.AggregationOperation.AggregationOperation
case class Metric(id: String, aggregationOperation: AggregationOperation)
case class Dimension(id: String)
object AggregationOperation extends Enumeration {
type AggregationOperation = Value
val Sum, Average, Min, Max, Count = Value
* Think of a RowSelection as a typed SQL table. We use this selection to
* represent OLAP cubes.
* Headers are the names of each column, with an additional information about
* either we are dealing with a dimension or a metric.
* Rows are double dimensions arrays.
* Each row is viewed as 2 concatenated sequence: one of strings for dimension values, the others of numerics.
* Ex:
* ["ga:origin", "ga:browser"] ["ga:visits", "ga:timeOnSite"]
* ["France", "Chrome"] [20.0, 345.5]
case class RowSelection(
metricHeaders: Seq[Metric],
dimensionHeaders: Seq[Dimension],
metricRows: Seq[IndexedSeq[Double]],
dimensionRows: Seq[IndexedSeq[String]]) {
def take(n: Int): RowSelection = {
/// To be implemented
def ++(other: RowSelection): RowSelection = {
/// To be implemented
def filter(col: Dimension, f: (String) => Boolean): RowSelection = {
/// To be implemented
def groupByColumns(cols: Seq[Dimension]): RowSelection = {
///To be implemented
class RowSelectionSpec extends FlatSpec with ShouldMatchers {
val metric1 = Metric("m1", AggregationOperation.Sum)
val metric2 = Metric("m2", AggregationOperation.Average)
val dimension1 = Dimension("d1")
val dimension2 = Dimension("d2")
val selection = RowSelection(
Seq(metric1, metric2),
Seq(dimension1, dimension2),
Seq(IndexedSeq(1.0, 3.0), IndexedSeq(2.0, 9.0)),
Seq(IndexedSeq("dimVal11", "dimVal12"), IndexedSeq("dimVal21", "dimVal22"))
"A RowSelection" should "take the n first rows" in {
val taken = selection.take(1)
taken.metricRows should have size 1
taken.dimensionRows should have size 1
it should "add a selection to another selection" in {
val other = selection
val added = selection ++ other
added.metricHeaders should equal(selection.metricHeaders)
added.dimensionHeaders should equal(selection.dimensionHeaders)
added.metricRows should equal(Seq(IndexedSeq(1.0, 3.0), IndexedSeq(2.0, 9.0), IndexedSeq(1.0, 3.0), IndexedSeq(2.0, 9.0)))
added.dimensionRows should equal(Seq(IndexedSeq("dimVal11", "dimVal12"), IndexedSeq("dimVal21", "dimVal22"), IndexedSeq("dimVal11", "dimVal12"), IndexedSeq("dimVal21", "dimVal22")))
it should "filter the selection" in {
val f: (String => Boolean) = dimVal => dimVal == "dimVal11"
val filtered = selection.filter(dimension1, f)
filtered.metricRows should equal(Seq(IndexedSeq(1.0, 3.0)))
filtered.dimensionRows should equal(Seq(IndexedSeq("dimVal11", "dimVal12")))
it should "group by columns" in {
val s = selection.copy(dimensionRows = Seq(IndexedSeq("dimVal1", "dimVal2"), IndexedSeq("dimVal1", "dimVal2")))
val grouped = s.groupByColumns(Seq(dimension1, dimension2))
grouped.dimensionRows should equal(Seq(IndexedSeq("dimVal1", "dimVal2")))
grouped.metricRows should equal(Seq(IndexedSeq(3.0, 6.0)))
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