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Created June 5, 2019 10:30
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browser fingerprinting by citi
* @preserve
* ForeSee Web SDK: Utils Library
* Built June 01, 18 13:03:06
* Code version: 19.6.8
* Template version: 19.6.8
_fsDefine(["require", "fs"], function (t, e) {
function i(t, e) {
var i = (65535 & t) + (65535 & e);
return (t >> 16) + (e >> 16) + (i >> 16) << 16 | 65535 & i
function r(t, e) {
return t << e | t >>> 32 - e
function n(t, e, n, s, a, o) {
return i(r(i(i(e, t), i(s, o)), a), n)
function a(t, e, i, r, s, a, o) {
return n(e & i | ~e & r, t, e, s, a, o)
function o(t, e, i, r, s, a, o) {
return n(e & r | i & ~r, t, e, s, a, o)
function h(t, e, i, r, s, a, o) {
return n(e ^ i ^ r, t, e, s, a, o)
function f(t, e, i, r, s, a, o) {
return n(i ^ (e | ~r), t, e, s, a, o)
function u(t, e) {
t[e >> 5] |= 128 << e % 32, t[14 + (e + 64 >>> 9 << 4)] = e;
var r, n, s, u, l, c = 1732584193,
d = -271733879,
p = -1732584194,
g = 271733878;
for (r = 0; r < t.length; r += 16) n = c, s = d, u = p, l = g, c = a(c, d, p, g, t[r], 7, -680876936), g = a(g, c, d, p, t[r + 1], 12, -389564586), p = a(p, g, c, d, t[r + 2], 17, 606105819), d = a(d, p, g, c, t[r + 3], 22, -1044525330), c = a(c, d, p, g, t[r + 4], 7, -176418897), g = a(g, c, d, p, t[r + 5], 12, 1200080426), p = a(p, g, c, d, t[r + 6], 17, -1473231341), d = a(d, p, g, c, t[r + 7], 22, -45705983), c = a(c, d, p, g, t[r + 8], 7, 1770035416), g = a(g, c, d, p, t[r + 9], 12, -1958414417), p = a(p, g, c, d, t[r + 10], 17, -42063), d = a(d, p, g, c, t[r + 11], 22, -1990404162), c = a(c, d, p, g, t[r + 12], 7, 1804603682), g = a(g, c, d, p, t[r + 13], 12, -40341101), p = a(p, g, c, d, t[r + 14], 17, -1502002290), d = a(d, p, g, c, t[r + 15], 22, 1236535329), c = o(c, d, p, g, t[r + 1], 5, -165796510), g = o(g, c, d, p, t[r + 6], 9, -1069501632), p = o(p, g, c, d, t[r + 11], 14, 643717713), d = o(d, p, g, c, t[r], 20, -373897302), c = o(c, d, p, g, t[r + 5], 5, -701558691), g = o(g, c, d, p, t[r + 10], 9, 38016083), p = o(p, g, c, d, t[r + 15], 14, -660478335), d = o(d, p, g, c, t[r + 4], 20, -405537848), c = o(c, d, p, g, t[r + 9], 5, 568446438), g = o(g, c, d, p, t[r + 14], 9, -1019803690), p = o(p, g, c, d, t[r + 3], 14, -187363961), d = o(d, p, g, c, t[r + 8], 20, 1163531501), c = o(c, d, p, g, t[r + 13], 5, -1444681467), g = o(g, c, d, p, t[r + 2], 9, -51403784), p = o(p, g, c, d, t[r + 7], 14, 1735328473), d = o(d, p, g, c, t[r + 12], 20, -1926607734), c = h(c, d, p, g, t[r + 5], 4, -378558), g = h(g, c, d, p, t[r + 8], 11, -2022574463), p = h(p, g, c, d, t[r + 11], 16, 1839030562), d = h(d, p, g, c, t[r + 14], 23, -35309556), c = h(c, d, p, g, t[r + 1], 4, -1530992060), g = h(g, c, d, p, t[r + 4], 11, 1272893353), p = h(p, g, c, d, t[r + 7], 16, -155497632), d = h(d, p, g, c, t[r + 10], 23, -1094730640), c = h(c, d, p, g, t[r + 13], 4, 681279174), g = h(g, c, d, p, t[r], 11, -358537222), p = h(p, g, c, d, t[r + 3], 16, -722521979), d = h(d, p, g, c, t[r + 6], 23, 76029189), c = h(c, d, p, g, t[r + 9], 4, -640364487), g = h(g, c, d, p, t[r + 12], 11, -421815835), p = h(p, g, c, d, t[r + 15], 16, 530742520), d = h(d, p, g, c, t[r + 2], 23, -995338651), c = f(c, d, p, g, t[r], 6, -198630844), g = f(g, c, d, p, t[r + 7], 10, 1126891415), p = f(p, g, c, d, t[r + 14], 15, -1416354905), d = f(d, p, g, c, t[r + 5], 21, -57434055), c = f(c, d, p, g, t[r + 12], 6, 1700485571), g = f(g, c, d, p, t[r + 3], 10, -1894986606), p = f(p, g, c, d, t[r + 10], 15, -1051523), d = f(d, p, g, c, t[r + 1], 21, -2054922799), c = f(c, d, p, g, t[r + 8], 6, 1873313359), g = f(g, c, d, p, t[r + 15], 10, -30611744), p = f(p, g, c, d, t[r + 6], 15, -1560198380), d = f(d, p, g, c, t[r + 13], 21, 1309151649), c = f(c, d, p, g, t[r + 4], 6, -145523070), g = f(g, c, d, p, t[r + 11], 10, -1120210379), p = f(p, g, c, d, t[r + 2], 15, 718787259), d = f(d, p, g, c, t[r + 9], 21, -343485551), c = i(c, n), d = i(d, s), p = i(p, u), g = i(g, l);
return [c, d, p, g]
function c(t) {
var e, i = "";
for (e = 0; e < 32 * t.length; e += 8) i += String.fromCharCode(t[e >> 5] >>> e % 32 & 255);
return i
function d(t) {
var e, i = [];
for (i[(t.length >> 2) - 1] = void 0, e = 0; e < i.length; e += 1) i[e] = 0;
for (e = 0; e < 8 * t.length; e += 8) i[e >> 5] |= (255 & t.charCodeAt(e / 8)) << e % 32;
return i
function p(t) {
return c(u(d(t), 8 * t.length))
function g(t, e) {
var i, r, n = d(t),
s = [],
a = [];
for (s[15] = a[15] = void 0, n.length > 16 && (n = u(n, 8 * t.length)), i = 0; i < 16; i += 1) s[i] = 909522486 ^ n[i], a[i] = 1549556828 ^ n[i];
return r = u(s.concat(d(e)), 512 + 8 * e.length), c(u(a.concat(r), 640))
function y(t) {
var e, i, r = "0123456789abcdef",
n = "";
for (i = 0; i < t.length; i += 1) e = t.charCodeAt(i), n += r.charAt(e >>> 4 & 15) + r.charAt(15 & e);
return n
function b(t) {
return decodeURIComponent(e.enc(t))
function w(t) {
return p(b(t))
function m(t) {
return y(w(t))
function v(t, e) {
return g(b(t), b(e))
function S(t, e) {
return y(v(t, e))
function x(t, e) {
var i, r, n, s = t.keys,
a = e.keys;
for (i in s) n = a[i], r = s[i], n ? r.t < n.t && (t.keys[i] = a[i]) : r.t < e.when && delete s[i];
for (i in a) s.hasOwnProperty(i) || (n = a[i], n.t > t.when && (t.keys[i] = a[i]));
return t
function _(t, i) {
return ["properties", "metrics", "data"].reduce(function (t, r) {
return i[r] && (t[r] = e.ext(t[r], i[r])), t
}, t)
var k = "undefined" != typeof Uint8Array,
B = window,
T = {
TRIGGER: "funcxm",
FEEDBACK: "funfbk",
REPLAY: "funrep"
I = {
StorageInstances: {}
e && e.home && e.home, T.md5 = function (t, e, i) {
return e ? i ? v(e, t) : S(e, t) : i ? w(t) : m(t)
}, T.escapeRegExp = function (t) {
return (t || "").toString().replace(/([-.*+?^${}()|[\]\/\\])/g, "\\$1")
}, T.trim = function (t) {
return (t || "").toString().replace(/\s+/g, " ").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "")
}, T.stripHTML = function (t) {
return (t || "").replace(/(<([^>]+)>)/gi, "")
}, T.unlink = function (t) {
var i, r;
if (e.isPlainObject(t)) {
i = {};
for (var n in t) i[n] = T.unlink(t[n])
} else if (Array.isArray(t))
for (i = [], r = 0, l = t.length; r < l; r++) i[r] = T.unlink(t[r]);
else i = t;
return i
var A = {};
T.preventDefault = function (t) {
t && t.preventDefault ? t.preventDefault() : window.event && window.event.returnValue ? window.eventReturnValue = !1 : t.returnValue = !1
var E = [],
R = function (t) {
var e = "default";
if (t.indexOf(":") > -1) {
var i = t.split(":");
e = i[0], t = i[1]
return A[e] || (A[e] = {}), A[e][t] || (A[e][t] = []), {
ns: e,
en: t
T.Bind = function (t, e, i, r) {
if (t && e) {
var n = R(e);
if (A[n.ns][n.en].push({
elem: t,
cb: i,
ub: !!r
}), e.indexOf("unload") > -1) return void E.push(i);
"propertychange" != n.en && t.addEventListener ? t.addEventListener(n.en, i, !r) : t.attachEvent && t.attachEvent("on" + n.en, i)
}, T.BindOnce = function (t, e, i) {
if (t && e) {
var r = R(e);
if (t["_acsEvent" + r.en]) return;
t["_acsEvent" + r.en] = !0, T.Bind(t, e, i)
var D = function (t, e, i, r) {
e && (e.parentNode || e.window || 9 == e.nodeType) && ("propertychange" != t && e.removeEventListener ? e.removeEventListener(t, i, !r) : e.detachEvent && e.detachEvent("on" + t, i))
T.Unbind = function (t, e, i, r) {
var n, s, a, o;
if (e && e.indexOf("unload") > -1) {
for (o = 0; o < E.length; o++)
if (E[o] == i) {
E.splice(o, 1);
} else if (0 === arguments.length)
for (var h in A) T.Unbind(h + ":*"), delete A[h];
else if ("string" == typeof t)
if (n = R(t), "default" == n.ns) {
for (var f in A)
if (A.hasOwnProperty(f)) {
s = A[f];
for (var u in s)
if (s.hasOwnProperty(u) && (u == n.en || "*" == n.en))
for (o = 0; o < s[u].length; o++) a = s[u][o], D(u, a.elem, a.cb, a.ub), s[u].splice(o--, 1)
} else {
s = A[n.ns];
for (var l in s)
if (s.hasOwnProperty(l) && (l == n.en || "*" == n.en))
for (o = 0; o < s[l].length; o++) a = s[l][o], D(l, a.elem, a.cb, a.ub), s[l].splice(o--, 1)
else if (t && !e) {
for (var c in A)
if (A.hasOwnProperty(c)) {
s = A[c];
for (var d in s)
if (s.hasOwnProperty(d))
for (o = 0; o < s[d].length; o++) a = s[d][o], a.elem === t && (D(d, a.elem, a.cb, a.ub), s[d].splice(o--, 1))
} else if (t && e)
if (n = R(e), "default" == n.ns) {
for (var p in A)
if (A.hasOwnProperty(p)) {
s = A[p];
for (var g in s)
if (s.hasOwnProperty(g) && (g == n.en || "*" == n.en))
for (o = 0; o < s[g].length; o++) a = s[g][o], a.elem === t && (D(g, a.elem, i || a.cb, a.ub), s[g].splice(o--, 1))
} else {
n = R(e), s = A[n.ns];
for (var y in s)
if (s.hasOwnProperty(y) && (y == n.en || "*" == n.en))
for (o = 0; o < s[y].length; o++) a = s[y][o], a.elem === t && (D(y, a.elem, i || a.cb, a.ub), s[y].splice(o--, 1))
var C = !1;
if (T.preventUnloadFlag = !1, T._preventUnloadFor = function (t) {
C = !0, setTimeout(function () {
C = !1
}, t)
}, T.HandleUnload = function () {
if (!C && !T.preventUnloadFlag) {
for (var t = E.length - 1; t >= 0; t--) try {
} catch (t) {}
e.dispose(E), T.Unbind()
}, document.addEventListener ? (window.addEventListener("beforeunload", T.HandleUnload, !0), window.addEventListener("pagehide", T.HandleUnload, !0), document.addEventListener("unload", T.HandleUnload, !0)) : document.attachEvent && window.attachEvent("onunload", T.HandleUnload), T.getKeyCode = function (t) {
return t && void 0 !== t.key ? t.key.toLowerCase() : {
32: " ",
13: "enter",
37: "arrowleft",
39: "arrowright"
} [t.keyCode > 0 ? t.keyCode : t.which]
}, T.FSEvent = function () { = "_" + Math.round(99999 * Math.random()), this.subscriptions = [], this.didFire = !1
}, T.FSEvent.prototype.subscribe = function (t, e, i) {
return this.subscriptions.push({
once: !!e,
cb: t
}), i && this.didFire && (this.prevArgs ?, this.prevArgs) :, {
unsubscribe: function (t, e) {
return function () {
}(this, t)
}, T.FSEvent.prototype.unsubscribe = function (t) {
for (var e = 0; e < this.subscriptions.length; e++) this.subscriptions[e].cb == t && (this.subscriptions.splice(e, 1), e--)
}, T.FSEvent.prototype.unsubscribeAll = function () {
this.subscriptions = []
}, = function () {
this.didFire = !0, this.prevArgs = arguments;
for (var t = 0; t < this.subscriptions.length; t++) {
var e = this.subscriptions[t];
e.once && this.subscriptions.splice(t--, 1), e.cb.apply(this, arguments)
}, T.pageNavEvent = new T.FSEvent, history && history.pushState) {
window.addEventListener("popstate", function (t) {
C ||
var O = history.pushState;
history.pushState = function () {
O.apply(history, arguments), C ||
T.FSEvent.prototype.chain = function (t, i, r) {
t && t.constructor === T.FSEvent && t.subscribe(e.proxy(function () {, arguments)
}, this), i, r)
var L = function (t) {
this.browser = t, this.sig = "not detected", this.ready = new T.FSEvent, this._detect()
L.prototype._detect = function () {
var t, i = e.proxy(function (t) {
this.sig = t,
}, this),
r = [],
n = navigator,
s = this.browser;
if (B != {
var a =[\d\w]*)/i);
a && a[1] && (t = a[1])
t && "not detected" != t || !s.supportsLocalStorage || (t = localStorage.getItem("_fsPRINT")), t || (r = T.trim(navigator.userAgent.replace(/[0-9\.\/\\\(\);_\-]*/gi, "")).split(" "), r.push(n.language || ""), r.push(n.hardwareConcurrency || ""), r.push(n.platform || ""), r.push(n.vendor || ""), r.push(n.appName || ""), r.push(n.maxTouchPoints || ""), r.push(n.doNotTrack || "false"), r.push( || "false"), r.push(s.os.version || "false"), r.push(this._getCanvasPrint()), t = T.md5(r.join("")), this.sig = t, s.supportsLocalStorage && localStorage.setItem("_fsPRINT", t)), e.nextTick(function () {
}, L.prototype._getCanvasPrint = function () {
try {
var t = document.createElement("canvas"),
e = t.getContext("2d"),
i = "ForeSee,CloudUser <canvas> 1.0";
return t.width = 250, t.height = 30, e.textBaseline = "top", e.font = "14px 'Arial'", e.textBaseline = "alphabetic", e.fillStyle = "#f60", e.fillRect(125, 1, 62, 20), e.fillStyle = "#069", e.fillText(i, 2, 15), e.fillStyle = "rgba(102, 204, 0, 0.7)", e.fillText(i, 4, 17), t.toDataURL()
} catch (t) {
return "nocanvas"
}, T.Fingerprint = L;
var N = function (t) {
this.browser = t, this.ready = new T.FSEvent, this.ajax = new T.AjaxTransport, e.nextTick(e.proxy(function () {
}, this))
N.prototype.send = function (t) {
this.ready.subscribe(e.proxy(function () {
if (this.ajax) this.ajax.send(t);
else {
var i = e.ext({
method: "GET",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
success: function () {},
failure: function () {}
}, t);
this.fstg.ajax(i.method, i.url,, function (t) {
return function (e, i) {
e ? t.success(i) : t.failure(i)
}(i), !e.isDefined(t.skipEncode) || !!t.skipEncode, i.contentType)
}, this), !0, !0)
}, N.prototype.dispose = function () {
this.ajax && this.ajax.dispose()
}, T.CORS = N, T.storageTypes = {
var U = function (t) {
var i = new Date;
return {
path: "/",
domain: t.selectCookieDomain(e.config.cookieDomain, window.location.toString()),
secure: !1,
encode: !0,
expires: new Date(i.getFullYear() + 2, i.getMonth(), i.getDate()).toUTCString()
F = function (t, i) {
this.pers = ( || "").toUpperCase(), e.ext(this, {
_storageKey: "_4c_",
_microStorageKey: "_4c_mc_",
isReady: !1,
defaultExpire: 7776e6,
ready: new T.FSEvent,
onCommit: new T.FSEvent,
onSync: new T.FSEvent,
_readyState: new T.FSEvent,
maxExpire: -1,
timeOffset: 0,
_keyEvents: {},
_updateTimeout: 6e4,
_data: {
when: 0,
keys: {}
isStale: !1,
lock: null,
isSyncing: !1
}), this.browser = t, T.Bind(window, "unload", function () {!0)
F.prototype.selectCookieDomain = function (t, i) {
if (!e.isDefined(t) || !Array.isArray(t) || t.length < 1) return T.getRootDomain();
var r, n, s;
for (n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
if ((s = t[n]) && s.path && s.domain && T.testAgainstSearch(s.path, i)) {
r = s;
} return r && e.isString(r.domain) ? r.domain : null
}, F.prototype.upgradeOldStorage = function (i) {
var r = this.ckie,
n = ["fsr.r", "fsr.s", "_fsspl_", "fsr.t", "acs.t"],
s = !1;
this.pers === T.storageTypes.MC && n.push("_4c_");
for (var a = 0; a < n.length; a++)
if (r.get(n[a])) {
s = !0;
} s ? t([e.makeURI("$fs.storageupgrade.js")], function (t) {
t(this, r, i)
}.bind(this)) : e.nextTick(i)
}, F.prototype.setUpdateInterval = function (t) {
t && !isNaN(t) && (this._updateTimeout = t, clearInterval(this._updateInterval), this._updateInterval = setInterval(function () {
}.bind(this), t))
}, F.prototype.stopUpdateInterval = function () {
clearInterval(this._updateInterval), this._updateInterval = null
}, F.prototype._fireChangeEvents = function (t) {
var i, r = this;
for (var n in t)(!(i = this._data.keys[n]) || i.t < t[n].t || i.x !== t[n].x) && (this._keyEvents[n] || (this._keyEvents[n] = new T.FSEvent), e.nextTick(function (e) {
return function () {
r._keyEvents[e].fire(e, r._data.keys[e], t[e].v)
}, = function (t) {
if (t) this._commit();
else {
var e =;
!this.lock && this.isStale && (this.lock = setTimeout(this._commit.bind(this), Math.max(0, this.cThreshold - (e - this.lastSave))))
}, F.prototype._maint = function (t) {
var e, i =,
r = !1,
n = this._data.keys;
if (i - this.lastMaint > 5e3 || t) {
for (var s in n) e = n[s], i - this.timeOffset > e.x && (delete n[s], r = !0);
this.lastMaint = i
}!r || this.pers != T.storageTypes.CK && this.pers != T.storageTypes.DS || this._commit()
}, F.prototype.set = function (t, i, r, n, s) {
this._readyState.subscribe(function () {
this._data.keys || (this._data.keys = {});
var a = this._data.keys[t],
o =,
h = null;
if (r)
if ("number" == typeof r) h = r, this.maxExpire > 0 && this.maxExpire < r && (h = r = this.maxExpire), r = o + r;
else if (r instanceof Date && (r = r.getTime() + r, this.maxExpire > 0)) {
var f = r - o;
f > this.maxExpire && (h = r = this.maxExpire, r = o + r)
if (a) {
var u = {};
u[t] = {
v: i,
x: r || a.x,
t: o
}, this._fireChangeEvents(u), a.v = "cp" == t ? e.ext(a.v, i) : "ckcpps" == t ? e.ext(a.v, i) : i, a.x = r || a.x, h && (a.ttl = h), a.t = o
} else {
var l = {};
l[t] = {
v: i,
x: r || this.defaultExpire + o,
t: o
}, h && (l[t].ttl = h), this._fireChangeEvents(l), this._data.keys[t] = l[t]
this.isStale = !0, s && this.onCommit.subscribe(s, !0, !1), this._maint(),!!n)
}.bind(this), !0, !0)
}, F.prototype.get = function (t) {
if (Array.isArray(t)) {
for (var e = {}, i = 0; i < t.length; i++) e[t[i]] = this.get(t[i]);
return e
return this._maint(), this._data.keys || (this._data.keys = {}), (this._data.keys[t] || {
v: null
}, F.prototype.all = function () {
return this._data.keys
}, F.prototype.erase = function (t, e, i) {
if (Array.isArray(t))
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++) this.erase(t[r]);
else this._maint(), delete this._data.keys[t], e && this.onCommit.subscribe(e, !0, !1), I.StorageInstances.brainStorage && this._delete(t), this.pers == T.storageTypes.CL && this.pers == T.storageTypes.MC ||!!i)
}, F.prototype.reset = function (t, i, r) {
var n = document.getElementById("acsOverrideSettings"),
s = document.getElementById("acsClearStateWaitMessage"),
a = !!n && !!s;
if (this._data.keys = {}, t && this.onCommit.subscribe(t, !0, !1), r || (this.ckie.kill(this._storageKey), this.ckie.kill(this._microStorageKey), this.browser.supportsSessionStorage && window.sessionStorage.removeItem(this._microStorageKey, this.uid)), this.pers == T.storageTypes.CK) {
if (localStorage && e.supportsDomStorage)
for (var o in localStorage) /^(_fsr|__fsFr)/.test(o) && localStorage.removeItem(o);
} else this.pers == T.storageTypes.DS ? (localStorage.removeItem(this._storageKey), : (this._readyState.didFire && (this._readyState = new T.FSEvent), a && (T.addClass(n, "acsNoDisplay"), T.removeClass(s, "acsNoDisplay")), this.cors.send({
method: "DELETE",
url: e.config.brainUrl + "/state/" + e.config.siteKey + "/" + this.uid,
success: function () {
a && (T.removeClass(n, "acsNoDisplay"), T.addClass(s, "acsNoDisplay")), this.lastSync = - 1e4,,
failure: function () {
a && (T.removeClass(n, "acsNoDisplay"), T.addClass(s, "acsNoDisplay"), i && i()), this._serverFails++,
}, F.prototype.setMaxKeyExpiration = function (t) {
this.maxExpire = this.defaultExpire = t;
var e, i =,
r = this._data.keys;
for (var n in r) {
e = r[n];
var s = e.x - i;
(s > t || e.ttl > t) && (e.ttl = t, e.x && (e.x -= s - t))
}, F.prototype.getMaxKeyExpiration = function () {
var t =,
e = this._data.keys,
i = 0;
for (var r in e) i = Math.max(i, e[r].x - t);
return i
}, F.prototype.watchForChanges = function (t, e, i, r) {
Array.isArray(t) || (t = [t]);
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var s = t[n];
this._keyEvents[s] || (this._keyEvents[s] = new T.FSEvent), this._keyEvents[s].subscribe(e, i, r)
}, T.getGeneralStorage = function (t, i) {
var r, n =,
s = I.StorageInstances,
a = T.storageTypes;
return t.supportsLocalStorage || n != a.DS ? t.isMobile && n == a.CL && (n = a.MC) : n = a.CK, r = n == T.storageTypes.CK || n == T.storageTypes.DS, r ? (s.generalStorage || (s.generalStorage = new M(t, i)), s.generalStorage) : (s.brainStorage || (s.brainStorage = new P(t, i)), s.brainStorage)
}, T.getBrainStorage = function (t, e, i, r) {
var n = I.StorageInstances;
return n.brainStorage || (n.brainStorage = new P(t, e, i, r)), n.brainStorage
}, T.INT = {}, T.getSize = function (t) {
var e = 0,
i = 0,
r = t.document,
n = r.documentElement;
return "number" == typeof t.innerWidth ? (e = t.innerWidth, i = t.innerHeight) : n && (n.clientWidth || n.clientHeight) ? (e = n.clientWidth, i = n.clientHeight) : r.body && (r.body.clientWidth || r.body.clientHeight) && (e = r.body.clientWidth, i = r.body.clientHeight), {
w: e,
h: i
}, T.getScroll = function (t) {
var e = 0,
i = 0,
r = t.document,
n = r.documentElement;
return "number" == typeof t.pageYOffset ? (i = t.pageYOffset, e = t.pageXOffset) : r.body && (r.body.scrollLeft || r.body.scrollTop) ? (i = r.body.scrollTop, e = r.body.scrollLeft) : n && (n.scrollLeft || n.scrollTop) && (i = n.scrollTop, e = n.scrollLeft), {
x: e,
y: i
}, T.setScroll = function (t, e, i) {
t.scrollTo(e, i)
}, T.getScreenResolution = function () {
var t = window.screen;
return e.isDefined(t) && e.isDefined(t.width) && "number" == typeof t.width ? {
w: t.width,
h: t.height
} : {
w: 0,
h: 0
}, T.getFrameWindow = function (t) {
var e;
return t && t.contentWindow ? e = t.contentWindow : t && t.contentDocument && t.contentDocument.defaultView && (e = t.contentDocument.defaultView), e && e != ? e : null
var M = function (t, i) {, t, i), e.ext(this, {
cThreshold: 2e3
var r = T.storageTypes;
t.ready.subscribe(function () {
this.pers == r.CK ? this.ckie = new T.Cookie(U(this)) : this.pers == r.DS ? this.cThreshold = 500 : i && (this.uid = i), this._sync(function () {
this.get("rid") ? this.uid = this.get("rid") : (this.uid = this.uid || T.generateGUID(), this.set("rid", this.uid)), this.setUpdateInterval(this._updateTimeout), this._maint(!0),,
}.bind(this), !0, !0)
M.prototype = Object.create(F.prototype), M.prototype.constructor = F, M.prototype._sync = function (t) {
if (!this.isSyncing) {
this.isSyncing = !0, t = t || function () {};
var i, r;
if (this.pers == T.storageTypes.CK) {
if (i = this.ckie.get(this._storageKey)) return i = $.decompress(i), this._lastSync =, r = JSON.parse(i), this._fireChangeEvents(r.keys), r.keys = r.keys || {}, this._data = r,, this.isSyncing = !1, void e.nextTick(t);
this.isSyncing = !1, e.nextTick(t)
} else if (this.pers == T.storageTypes.DS) {
if (i = localStorage.getItem(this._storageKey)) {
if (i = $.decompress(i), this.lastSync =, r = JSON.parse(i), r.keys = r.keys || {}, this._fireChangeEvents(r.keys), this._data = r, e.nextTick(function () {
}.bind(this)), - this._data.when < 3e5) return this.isSyncing = !1, void e.nextTick(t);
this.lastSync =, this._data = {
keys: {}
this.isSyncing = !1, e.nextTick(t)
}, M.prototype._commit = function () {
clearTimeout(this.lock), this.lock = null, this.lastSave =, this._data.when = this.lastSave;
var t = "";
try {
t = JSON.stringify(this._data)
} catch (t) {
if (this.pers == T.storageTypes.CK) {
var i = e.ext({}, this._data);
for (var r in i.keys) delete i.keys[r].t;
t = JSON.stringify(i), this.ckie.set(this._storageKey, $.compress(t)),
} else this.pers == T.storageTypes.DS && (localStorage.setItem(this._storageKey, $.compress(t)),;
this.isStale = !1
var P = function (t, i, r, n) {
this.brainUrl = n || e.config.brainUrl, this.siteKey = r || e.config.siteKey,, t, i), e.ext(this, {
_serverFails: 0,
cThreshold: 300
var s = T.storageTypes;
t.ready.subscribe(function () {
this.cors = new T.CORS(t), this.pers == s.MC ? (this.ckie = new T.Cookie(U(this)), this.uid = i, this.uid || (this.uid = this.ckie.get(this._microStorageKey)), !this.uid && t.supportsSessionStorage && (this.uid = window.sessionStorage.getItem(this._microStorageKey)), (!this.uid || this.uid && (this.uid.length > 64 || this.uid.indexOf("{") > -1)) && (this.uid = T.generateGUID(), this.ckie.set(this._microStorageKey, this.uid)), this.browser.supportsSessionStorage && window.sessionStorage.setItem(this._microStorageKey, this.uid), this.ckie.set(this._microStorageKey, this.uid)) : this.pers == s.CL ? (this.ckie = new T.Cookie(U(this)), this.uid = i || t.fp) : i && (this.uid = i), this._sync(function () {
this.get("rid") ? this.uid = this.get("rid") : (this.uid = this.uid || T.generateGUID(), this.set("rid", this.uid)), this.setUpdateInterval(this._updateTimeout),,
}.bind(this), !0, !0)
if (P.prototype = Object.create(F.prototype), P.prototype.constructor = F, P.prototype._sync = function (t) {
if (!this.isSyncing) {
this.isSyncing = !0, t = t || function () {};
var i;
if (this._serverFails > 5) return;
method: "GET",
url: this.brainUrl + "/state/" + this.siteKey + "/" + this.uid,
success: function (r) {
this.lastSync =, i = JSON.parse(r), this.timeOffset = T.isNumeric(i._asof_) ? - i._asof_ : 0, this._fireChangeEvents(i.keys), this.mergeBrainData(i), this.isSyncing = !1, e.nextTick(function () {,
}.bind(this)), t()
failure: function () {
this.lastSync =, this.isSyncing = !1, this._serverFails++,
}, P.prototype._commit = function () {
clearTimeout(this.lock), this.lock = null, this.lastSave = this._data.when =, this._serverFails > 5 || (this.cors.send({
method: "POST",
url: this.brainUrl + "/state/" + this.siteKey + "/" + this.uid,
data: this._data,
contentType: "application/json",
success: function (t) {
this._lastSync =, this.mergeBrainData(JSON.parse(t)),,
failure: function () {
}), this.isStale = !1)
}, P.prototype._delete = function (t) {
this.lastSave = this._data.when =, this.cors.send({
method: "DELETE",
url: this.brainUrl + "/state/" + this.siteKey + "/" + this.uid + "/" + e.enc(t),
contentType: "application/json",
success: function (t) {
this._lastSync =,,
failure: function () {
}, P.prototype.mergeBrainData = function (t) {
return x(this._data, t)
}, T.testSameDomain = function (t, i) {
var r = document.createElement("a");
r.href = location.href;
var n = r.hostname,
s = r.protocol;
r.href = t;
var a = r.hostname || n,
o = 0 === r.protocol.indexOf("http") ? r.protocol : s;
r.href = i;
var h = r.hostname || n,
f = 0 === r.protocol.indexOf("http") ? r.protocol : s;
return e.toLowerCase(a) == e.toLowerCase(h) && e.toLowerCase(o) == e.toLowerCase(f)
}, T.addParameterToURL = function (t, e) {
return t += (t.split("?")[1] ? "&" : "?") + e
}, T.hash = function (t) {
var e = t.split("_");
return 3 * e[0] + 1357 + "" + (9 * e[1] + 58)
}, T.hashCode = function (t) {
var e, i = 0,
r = "";
if (0 === t.length) return i;
for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++) r = t.charCodeAt(e), i = (i << 5) - i + r, i &= i;
return i
}, T.testAgainstSearch = function (t, i) {
if (null === t || "boolean" == typeof t || "boolean" == typeof i) return !1;
if ("." === t) return !0;
if (t instanceof RegExp) return t.test(i);
if (-1 == t.indexOf("*") && -1 == t.indexOf("//") && "" !== t.trim()) return i.indexOf(t) > -1;
var r, n, s;
if (t = e.toLowerCase(t.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "").replace(/[\*]{2,}/g, "*")), i = e.toLowerCase(i), "*" == t) return !0;
for (n = []; t.indexOf("*") > -1;) t.indexOf("*") > 0 && n.push(t.substr(0, t.indexOf("*"))), n.push("*"), t = t.substr(t.indexOf("*") + 1);
for (t.length > 0 && n.push(t), r = 0 !== n.length, s = 0; s < n.length; s++)
if ("*" == (t = n[s])) {
if (n.length > s + 1) {
if (s++, -1 == i.indexOf(n[s])) {
r = !1;
i = i.substr(i.indexOf(n[s]) + n[s].length)
if (s == n.length - 1 && "*" !== n[s] && i != n[s] && i != n[s] + "/" && n[s] != i + "/" && i.length > 0 && "/" != i) {
r = !1;
} else {
if (i.substr(0, t.length) != t && i != t + "/" && t != i + "/") {
r = !1;
if (i = i.substr(t.length), s == n.length - 1 && i.length > 0 && "/" != i) {
r = !1;
} return !!r
}, T.getRootDomain = function (t) {
t = e.toLowerCase(t || document.domain).replace("https://", "").replace("http://", "");
for (var i, r = ["/", "?", ":"], n = r.length, s = 0; s < n; s++)(i = t.indexOf(r[s])) > -1 && (t = t.substr(0, i));
if (t.indexOf("localhost") > -1 || 0 === t.replace(/[0-9\.]/g, "").length) return t;
var a = t.split("."),
o = a.length;
return o > 2 && (function (t) {
return ["com", "co", "org", "gov", "edu", "net"].indexOf(t) > -1
}(a[o - 2]) || function (t) {
return t.indexOf("") > -1
}(t)) ? a[o - 3] + "." + a[o - 2] + "." + a[o - 1] : o > 1 ? a[o - 2] + "." + a[o - 1] : t
}, T.FULL_DAY = 864e5, = function () {
return +new Date
}, T.startTime =, T.AjaxTransport = function (t) {
var i = {
method: "POST",
data: {},
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
success: function () {},
failure: function () {}
this.options = e.ext(i, t)
}, T.AjaxTransport.prototype.send = function (t) {
var i = e.ext({}, this.options, t || {});
window.XDomainRequest && -1 == window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE 10") ? this._sendViaXDR(i) : window.XMLHttpRequest && this._sendViaXHR(i), i = null
}, T.AjaxTransport.prototype.dispose = function () {
}, T.AjaxTransport.isSupported = function () {
return !0
}, T.AjaxTransport.initialize = function (t) {
}, T.AjaxTransport.prototype._sendViaXHR = function (t) {
var i = new window.XMLHttpRequest,
r = t.contentType ? e.toLowerCase(t.contentType).indexOf("json") > -1 ? "application/json; charset=utf-8" : t.contentType : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
n = e.toLowerCase(r).indexOf("json") > -1,
s = n ? "GET" == t.method ? e.enc(JSON.stringify( : JSON.stringify( : e.isDefined(t.skipEncode) && !0 === t.skipEncode ? : e.toQueryString(,
a = t.url;
t.failure = t.failure || function () {}, "GET" == t.method && s && s.length > 0 && (a.indexOf("?") > -1 ? a += "&" : a += "?", a += s);
try {, a, !0)
} catch (t) {
if (i.setRequestHeader("Accept", "*/*"), i.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", r), e.isObject(t.headers))
for (var o in t.headers) e.isDefined(o) && e.isDefined(t.headers[o]) && i.setRequestHeader(o, t.headers[o]);
i.timeout = t.timeout || 0, i.onreadystatechange = function (t, e) {
return function () {
4 == e.readyState && 200 == e.status ? t.success && t.success.apply(t, [e.responseText]) : 4 == e.readyState && 200 != e.status && t.failure && t.failure.apply(t, [e.responseText])
}(t, i), i.send(s)
}, T.AjaxTransport.prototype._sendViaXDR = function (t) {
var i = e.isDefined(t.skipEncode) && !0 === t.skipEncode && "GET" !== t.method.toUpperCase() ? : e.toQueryString(, null, !1),
r = t.url;
t.failure = t.failure || function () {}, "GET" == t.method && i && i.length > 0 && (i = i.replace("?", ""), r.indexOf("?") > -1 ? r += "&" : r += "?", r += i);
var n = new window.XDomainRequest;
n.onerror = t.failure || function () {}, n.ontimeout = t.failure || function () {}, n.onprogress = function () {}, n.onload = function (t, e) {
return function () {
e.success(t.responseText), t = null, e = null
}(n, t), n.timeout = 6e4;
try {, r)
} catch (e) {
return void(t.failure && t.failure(e))
e.nextTick(function () {
i ? (e.isString(i) || (i = JSON.stringify(i)), n.send(i)) : n.send()
}, !window.btoa) {
var j = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",
z = new Array(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 62, -1, -1, -1, 63, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1);
window.btoa = function (t) {
var e, i, r, n, s, a;
for (r = t.length, i = 0, e = ""; r > i;) {
if (n = 255 & t.charCodeAt(i++), i == r) {
e += j.charAt(n >> 2), e += j.charAt((3 & n) << 4), e += "==";
if (s = t.charCodeAt(i++), i == r) {
e += j.charAt(n >> 2), e += j.charAt((3 & n) << 4 | (240 & s) >> 4), e += j.charAt((15 & s) << 2), e += "=";
a = t.charCodeAt(i++), e += j.charAt(n >> 2), e += j.charAt((3 & n) << 4 | (240 & s) >> 4), e += j.charAt((15 & s) << 2 | (192 & a) >> 6), e += j.charAt(63 & a)
return e
}, window.atob = function (t) {
var e, i, r, n, s, a, o;
for (a = t.length, s = 0, o = ""; a > s;) {
do {
e = z[255 & t.charCodeAt(s++)]
} while (a > s && -1 == e);
if (-1 == e) break;
do {
i = z[255 & t.charCodeAt(s++)]
} while (a > s && -1 == i);
if (-1 == i) break;
o += String.fromCharCode(e << 2 | (48 & i) >> 4);
do {
if (61 == (r = 255 & t.charCodeAt(s++))) return o;
r = z[r]
} while (a > s && -1 == r);
if (-1 == r) break;
o += String.fromCharCode((15 & i) << 4 | (60 & r) >> 2);
do {
if (61 == (n = 255 & t.charCodeAt(s++))) return o;
n = z[n]
} while (a > s && -1 == n);
if (-1 == n) break;
o += String.fromCharCode((3 & r) << 6 | n)
return o
T.b64EncodeUnicode = function (t) {
return btoa(e.enc(t).replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function (t, e) {
return String.fromCharCode("0x" + e)
}, T.b64DecodeUnicode = function (t) {
return decodeURIComponent(""), function (t) {
return "%" + ("00" + t.charCodeAt(0).toString(16)).slice(-2)
var H = {
Util: {
stringToByteArray: function (t) {
var e, i, r = t.split("");
for (e = 0, i = r.length; e < i; e++) r[e] = (255 & r[e].charCodeAt(0)) >>> 0;
return r
H.CompressionMethod = {
}, H.BitStream = function (t, e) {
if (this.index = "number" == typeof e ? e : 0, this.bitindex = 0, this.buffer = t instanceof(k ? Uint8Array : Array) ? t : new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(H.BitStream.DefaultBlockSize), 2 * this.buffer.length <= this.index) throw new Error("invalid index");
this.buffer.length <= this.index && this.expandBuffer()
}, H.BitStream.DefaultBlockSize = 32768, H.BitStream.prototype.expandBuffer = function () {
var t, e = this.buffer,
i = e.length,
r = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(i << 1);
if (k) r.set(e);
for (t = 0; t < i; ++t) r[t] = e[t];
return this.buffer = r
}, H.BitStream.prototype.writeBits = function (t, e, i) {
var r, n = this.buffer,
s = this.index,
a = this.bitindex,
o = n[s];
if (i && e > 1 && (t = e > 8 ? function (t) {
return H.BitStream.ReverseTable[255 & t] << 24 | H.BitStream.ReverseTable[t >>> 8 & 255] << 16 | H.BitStream.ReverseTable[t >>> 16 & 255] << 8 | H.BitStream.ReverseTable[t >>> 24 & 255]
}(t) >> 32 - e : H.BitStream.ReverseTable[t] >> 8 - e), e + a < 8) o = o << e | t, a += e;
for (r = 0; r < e; ++r) o = o << 1 | t >> e - r - 1 & 1, 8 == ++a && (a = 0, n[s++] = H.BitStream.ReverseTable[o], o = 0, s === n.length && (n = this.expandBuffer()));
n[s] = o, this.buffer = n, this.bitindex = a, this.index = s
}, H.BitStream.prototype.finish = function () {
var t, e = this.buffer,
i = this.index;
return this.bitindex > 0 && (e[i] <<= 8 - this.bitindex, e[i] = H.BitStream.ReverseTable[e[i]], i++), k ? t = e.subarray(0, i) : (e.length = i, t = e), t
}, H.BitStream.ReverseTable = function (t) {
return t
}(function () {
var t, e = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(256);
for (t = 0; t < 256; ++t) e[t] = function (t) {
var e = t,
i = 7;
for (t >>>= 1; t; t >>>= 1) e <<= 1, e |= 1 & t, --i;
return (e << i & 255) >>> 0
return e
}()), H.Huffman = {}, H.Huffman.buildHuffmanTable = function (t) {
var e, i, r, n, s, a, o, h, f, u, l, c = t.length,
d = 0,
for (h = 0, f = c; h < f; ++h) t[h] > d && (d = t[h]), t[h] < p && (p = t[h]);
for (e = 1 << d, i = new(k ? Uint32Array : Array)(e), r = 1, n = 0, s = 2; r <= d;) {
for (h = 0; h < c; ++h)
if (t[h] === r) {
for (a = 0, o = n, u = 0; u < r; ++u) a = a << 1 | 1 & o, o >>= 1;
for (l = r << 16 | h, u = a; u < e; u += s) i[u] = l;
}++ r, n <<= 1, s <<= 1
return [i, d, p]
}, H.Heap = function (t) {
this.buffer = new(k ? Uint16Array : Array)(2 * t), this.length = 0
}, H.Heap.prototype.getParent = function (t) {
return 2 * ((t - 2) / 4 | 0)
}, H.Heap.prototype.getChild = function (t) {
return 2 * t + 2
}, H.Heap.prototype.push = function (t, e) {
var i, r, n, s = this.buffer;
for (i = this.length, s[this.length++] = e, s[this.length++] = t; i > 0 && (r = this.getParent(i), s[i] > s[r]);) n = s[i], s[i] = s[r], s[r] = n, n = s[i + 1], s[i + 1] = s[r + 1], s[r + 1] = n, i = r;
return this.length
}, H.Heap.prototype.pop = function () {
var t, e, i, r, n, s = this.buffer;
for (e = s[0], t = s[1], this.length -= 2, s[0] = s[this.length], s[1] = s[this.length + 1], n = 0;;) {
if ((r = this.getChild(n)) >= this.length) break;
if (r + 2 < this.length && s[r + 2] > s[r] && (r += 2), !(s[r] > s[n])) break;
i = s[n], s[n] = s[r], s[r] = i, i = s[n + 1], s[n + 1] = s[r + 1], s[r + 1] = i, n = r
return {
index: t,
value: e,
length: this.length
}, H.RawDeflate = function (t, e) {
this.compressionType = H.RawDeflate.CompressionType.DYNAMIC, this.lazy = 0, this.freqsLitLen, this.freqsDist, this.input = k && t instanceof Array ? new Uint8Array(t) : t, this.output, this.op = 0, e && (e.lazy && (this.lazy = e.lazy), "number" == typeof e.compressionType && (this.compressionType = e.compressionType), e.outputBuffer && (this.output = k && e.outputBuffer instanceof Array ? new Uint8Array(e.outputBuffer) : e.outputBuffer), "number" == typeof e.outputIndex && (this.op = e.outputIndex)), this.output || (this.output = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(32768))
}, H.RawDeflate.CompressionType = {
NONE: 0,
}, H.RawDeflate.Lz77MinLength = 3, H.RawDeflate.Lz77MaxLength = 258, H.RawDeflate.WindowSize = 32768, H.RawDeflate.MaxCodeLength = 16, H.RawDeflate.HUFMAX = 286, H.RawDeflate.FixedHuffmanTable = function () {
var t, e = [];
for (t = 0; t < 288; t++) switch (!0) {
case t <= 143:
e.push([t + 48, 8]);
case t <= 255:
e.push([t - 144 + 400, 9]);
case t <= 279:
e.push([t - 256 + 0, 7]);
case t <= 287:
e.push([t - 280 + 192, 8]);
throw "invalid literal: " + t
return e
}(), H.RawDeflate.prototype.compress = function () {
var t, e, i, r = this.input;
switch (this.compressionType) {
case H.RawDeflate.CompressionType.NONE:
for (e = 0, i = r.length; e < i;) t = k ? r.subarray(e, e + 65535) : r.slice(e, e + 65535), e += t.length, this.makeNocompressBlock(t, e === i);
case H.RawDeflate.CompressionType.FIXED:
this.output = this.makeFixedHuffmanBlock(r, !0), this.op = this.output.length;
case H.RawDeflate.CompressionType.DYNAMIC:
this.output = this.makeDynamicHuffmanBlock(r, !0), this.op = this.output.length;
throw "invalid compression type"
return this.output
}, H.RawDeflate.prototype.makeNocompressBlock = function (t, e) {
var i, r, n, s, a, o, h = this.output,
f = this.op;
if (k) {
for (h = new Uint8Array(this.output.buffer); h.length <= f + t.length + 5;) h = new Uint8Array(h.length << 1);
if (i = e ? 1 : 0, r = H.RawDeflate.CompressionType.NONE, h[f++] = i | r << 1, n = t.length, s = 65536 + ~n & 65535, h[f++] = 255 & n, h[f++] = n >>> 8 & 255, h[f++] = 255 & s, h[f++] = s >>> 8 & 255, k) h.set(t, f), f += t.length, h = h.subarray(0, f);
else {
for (a = 0, o = t.length; a < o; ++a) h[f++] = t[a];
h.length = f
return this.op = f, this.output = h, h
}, H.RawDeflate.prototype.makeFixedHuffmanBlock = function (t, e) {
var i, r, n, s = new H.BitStream(k ? new Uint8Array(this.output.buffer) : this.output, this.op);
return i = e ? 1 : 0, r = H.RawDeflate.CompressionType.FIXED, s.writeBits(i, 1, !0), s.writeBits(r, 2, !0), n = this.lz77(t), this.fixedHuffman(n, s), s.finish()
}, H.RawDeflate.prototype.makeDynamicHuffmanBlock = function (t, e) {
var i, r, n, s, a, o, h, f, u, l, c, d, p, g, y, b, w, m = new H.BitStream(k ? new Uint8Array(this.output.buffer) : this.output, this.op),
v = [16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15],
S = new Array(19);
for (i = e ? 1 : 0, r = H.RawDeflate.CompressionType.DYNAMIC, m.writeBits(i, 1, !0), m.writeBits(r, 2, !0), n = this.lz77(t), h = this.getLengths_(this.freqsLitLen, 15), f = this.getCodesFromLengths_(h), u = this.getLengths_(this.freqsDist, 7), l = this.getCodesFromLengths_(u), s = 286; s > 257 && 0 === h[s - 1]; s--);
for (a = 30; a > 1 && 0 === u[a - 1]; a--);
for (c = this.getTreeSymbols_(s, h, a, u), d = this.getLengths_(c.freqs, 7), b = 0; b < 19; b++) S[b] = d[v[b]];
for (o = 19; o > 4 && 0 === S[o - 1]; o--);
for (p = this.getCodesFromLengths_(d), m.writeBits(s - 257, 5, !0), m.writeBits(a - 1, 5, !0), m.writeBits(o - 4, 4, !0), b = 0; b < o; b++) m.writeBits(S[b], 3, !0);
for (b = 0, w =; b < w; b++)
if (g =[b], m.writeBits(p[g], d[g], !0), g >= 16) {
switch (b++, g) {
case 16:
y = 2;
case 17:
y = 3;
case 18:
y = 7;
throw "invalid code: " + g
m.writeBits([b], y, !0)
} return this.dynamicHuffman(n, [f, h], [l, u], m), m.finish()
}, H.RawDeflate.prototype.dynamicHuffman = function (t, e, i, r) {
var n, s, a, o, h, f, u, l;
for (h = e[0], f = e[1], u = i[0], l = i[1], n = 0, s = t.length; n < s; ++n)
if (a = t[n], r.writeBits(h[a], f[a], !0), a > 256) r.writeBits(t[++n], t[++n], !0), o = t[++n], r.writeBits(u[o], l[o], !0), r.writeBits(t[++n], t[++n], !0);
else if (256 === a) break;
return r
}, H.RawDeflate.prototype.fixedHuffman = function (t, e) {
var i, r, n;
for (i = 0, r = t.length; i < r; i++)
if (n = t[i], H.BitStream.prototype.writeBits.apply(e, H.RawDeflate.FixedHuffmanTable[n]), n > 256) e.writeBits(t[++i], t[++i], !0), e.writeBits(t[++i], 5), e.writeBits(t[++i], t[++i], !0);
else if (256 === n) break;
return e
}, H.RawDeflate.Lz77Match = function (t, e) {
this.length = t, this.backwardDistance = e
}, H.RawDeflate.Lz77Match.LengthCodeTable = function (t) {
return k ? new Uint32Array(t) : t
}(function () {
var t, e, i = [];
for (t = 3; t <= 258; t++) e = function (t) {
switch (!0) {
case 3 === t:
return [257, t - 3, 0];
case 4 === t:
return [258, t - 4, 0];
case 5 === t:
return [259, t - 5, 0];
case 6 === t:
return [260, t - 6, 0];
case 7 === t:
return [261, t - 7, 0];
case 8 === t:
return [262, t - 8, 0];
case 9 === t:
return [263, t - 9, 0];
case 10 === t:
return [264, t - 10, 0];
case t <= 12:
return [265, t - 11, 1];
case t <= 14:
return [266, t - 13, 1];
case t <= 16:
return [267, t - 15, 1];
case t <= 18:
return [268, t - 17, 1];
case t <= 22:
return [269, t - 19, 2];
case t <= 26:
return [270, t - 23, 2];
case t <= 30:
return [271, t - 27, 2];
case t <= 34:
return [272, t - 31, 2];
case t <= 42:
return [273, t - 35, 3];
case t <= 50:
return [274, t - 43, 3];
case t <= 58:
return [275, t - 51, 3];
case t <= 66:
return [276, t - 59, 3];
case t <= 82:
return [277, t - 67, 4];
case t <= 98:
return [278, t - 83, 4];
case t <= 114:
return [279, t - 99, 4];
case t <= 130:
return [280, t - 115, 4];
case t <= 162:
return [281, t - 131, 5];
case t <= 194:
return [282, t - 163, 5];
case t <= 226:
return [283, t - 195, 5];
case t <= 257:
return [284, t - 227, 5];
case 258 === t:
return [285, t - 258, 0];
throw "invalid length: " + t
}(t), i[t] = e[2] << 24 | e[1] << 16 | e[0];
return i
}()), H.RawDeflate.Lz77Match.prototype.getDistanceCode_ = function (t) {
var e;
switch (!0) {
case 1 === t:
e = [0, t - 1, 0];
case 2 === t:
e = [1, t - 2, 0];
case 3 === t:
e = [2, t - 3, 0];
case 4 === t:
e = [3, t - 4, 0];
case t <= 6:
e = [4, t - 5, 1];
case t <= 8:
e = [5, t - 7, 1];
case t <= 12:
e = [6, t - 9, 2];
case t <= 16:
e = [7, t - 13, 2];
case t <= 24:
e = [8, t - 17, 3];
case t <= 32:
e = [9, t - 25, 3];
case t <= 48:
e = [10, t - 33, 4];
case t <= 64:
e = [11, t - 49, 4];
case t <= 96:
e = [12, t - 65, 5];
case t <= 128:
e = [13, t - 97, 5];
case t <= 192:
e = [14, t - 129, 6];
case t <= 256:
e = [15, t - 193, 6];
case t <= 384:
e = [16, t - 257, 7];
case t <= 512:
e = [17, t - 385, 7];
case t <= 768:
e = [18, t - 513, 8];
case t <= 1024:
e = [19, t - 769, 8];
case t <= 1536:
e = [20, t - 1025, 9];
case t <= 2048:
e = [21, t - 1537, 9];
case t <= 3072:
e = [22, t - 2049, 10];
case t <= 4096:
e = [23, t - 3073, 10];
case t <= 6144:
e = [24, t - 4097, 11];
case t <= 8192:
e = [25, t - 6145, 11];
case t <= 12288:
e = [26, t - 8193, 12];
case t <= 16384:
e = [27, t - 12289, 12];
case t <= 24576:
e = [28, t - 16385, 13];
case t <= 32768:
e = [29, t - 24577, 13];
throw "invalid distance"
return e
}, H.RawDeflate.Lz77Match.prototype.toLz77Array = function () {
var t, e = this.length,
i = this.backwardDistance,
r = [],
n = 0;
return t = H.RawDeflate.Lz77Match.LengthCodeTable[e], r[n++] = 65535 & t, r[n++] = t >> 16 & 255, r[n++] = t >> 24, t = this.getDistanceCode_(i), r[n++] = t[0], r[n++] = t[1], r[n++] = t[2], r
}, H.RawDeflate.prototype.lz77 = function (t) {
function e(t, e) {
var i, r, n = t.toLz77Array();
for (i = 0, r = n.length; i < r; ++i) d[p++] = n[i];
y[n[0]]++, b[n[3]]++, g = t.length + e - 1, f = null
var i, r, n, s, a, o, h, f, u, l = {},
c = H.RawDeflate.WindowSize,
d = k ? new Uint16Array(2 * t.length) : [],
p = 0,
g = 0,
y = new(k ? Uint32Array : Array)(286),
b = new(k ? Uint32Array : Array)(30),
w = this.lazy;
if (!k) {
for (n = 0; n <= 285;) y[n++] = 0;
for (n = 0; n <= 29;) b[n++] = 0
for (y[256] = 1, i = 0, r = t.length; i < r; ++i) {
for (a = 0, n = 0, s = H.RawDeflate.Lz77MinLength; n < s && i + n !== r; ++n) a = a << 8 | t[i + n];
if (void 0 === l[a] && (l[a] = []), o = l[a], g-- > 0) o.push(i);
else {
for (; o.length > 0 && i - o[0] > c;) o.shift();
if (i + H.RawDeflate.Lz77MinLength >= r) {
for (f && e(f, -1), n = 0, s = r - i; n < s; ++n) u = t[i + n], d[p++] = u, ++y[u];
o.length > 0 ? (h = this.searchLongestMatch_(t, i, o), f ? f.length < h.length ? (u = t[i - 1], d[p++] = u, ++y[u], e(h, 0)) : e(f, -1) : h.length < w ? f = h : e(h, 0)) : f ? e(f, -1) : (u = t[i], d[p++] = u, ++y[u]), o.push(i)
return d[p++] = 256, y[256]++, this.freqsLitLen = y, this.freqsDist = b, k ? d.subarray(0, p) : d
}, H.RawDeflate.prototype.searchLongestMatch_ = function (t, e, i) {
var r, n, s, a, o, h, f = 0,
u = t.length;
t: for (a = 0, h = i.length; a < h; a++) {
if (r = i[h - a - 1], s = H.RawDeflate.Lz77MinLength, f > H.RawDeflate.Lz77MinLength) {
for (o = f; o > H.RawDeflate.Lz77MinLength; o--)
if (t[r + o - 1] !== t[e + o - 1]) continue t;
s = f
for (; s < H.RawDeflate.Lz77MaxLength && e + s < u && t[r + s] === t[e + s];) ++s;
if (s > f && (n = r, f = s), s === H.RawDeflate.Lz77MaxLength) break
return new H.RawDeflate.Lz77Match(f, e - n)
}, H.RawDeflate.prototype.getTreeSymbols_ = function (t, e, i, r) {
var n, s, a, o, h, f, u = new(k ? Uint32Array : Array)(t + i),
l = new(k ? Uint32Array : Array)(316),
c = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(19);
for (s = 0, n = 0; n < t; n++) u[s++] = e[n];
for (n = 0; n < i; n++) u[s++] = r[n];
if (!k)
for (n = 0, o = c.length; n < o; ++n) c[n] = 0;
for (h = 0, n = 0, o = u.length; n < o; n += s) {
for (s = 1; n + s < o && u[n + s] === u[n]; ++s);
if (a = s, 0 === u[n])
if (a < 3)
for (; a-- > 0;) l[h++] = 0, c[0]++;
for (; a > 0;) f = a < 138 ? a : 138, f > a - 3 && f < a && (f = a - 3), f <= 10 ? (l[h++] = 17, l[h++] = f - 3, c[17]++) : (l[h++] = 18, l[h++] = f - 11, c[18]++), a -= f;
else if (l[h++] = u[n], c[u[n]]++, --a < 3)
for (; a-- > 0;) l[h++] = u[n], c[u[n]]++;
for (; a > 0;) f = a < 6 ? a : 6, f > a - 3 && f < a && (f = a - 3), l[h++] = 16, l[h++] = f - 3, c[16]++, a -= f
return {
codes: k ? l.subarray(0, h) : l.slice(0, h),
freqs: c
}, H.RawDeflate.prototype.getLengths_ = function (t, e) {
var i, r, n, s, a, o = t.length,
h = new H.Heap(2 * H.RawDeflate.HUFMAX),
f = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(o);
if (!k)
for (s = 0; s < o; s++) f[s] = 0;
for (s = 0; s < o; ++s) t[s] > 0 && h.push(s, t[s]);
if (i = new Array(h.length / 2), r = new(k ? Uint32Array : Array)(h.length / 2), 1 === i.length) return f[h.pop().index] = 1, f;
for (s = 0, a = h.length / 2; s < a; ++s) i[s] = h.pop(), r[s] = i[s].value;
for (n = this.reversePackageMerge_(r, r.length, e), s = 0, a = i.length; s < a; ++s) f[i[s].index] = n[s];
return f
}, H.RawDeflate.prototype.reversePackageMerge_ = function (t, e, i) {
function r(t) {
var i = d[t][p[t]];
i === e ? (r(t + 1), r(t + 1)) : --l[i], ++p[t]
var n, s, a, o, h, f = new(k ? Uint16Array : Array)(i),
u = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(i),
l = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(e),
c = new Array(i),
d = new Array(i),
p = new Array(i),
g = (1 << i) - e,
y = 1 << i - 1;
for (f[i - 1] = e, s = 0; s < i; ++s) g < y ? u[s] = 0 : (u[s] = 1, g -= y), g <<= 1, f[i - 2 - s] = (f[i - 1 - s] / 2 | 0) + e;
for (f[0] = u[0], c[0] = new Array(f[0]), d[0] = new Array(f[0]), s = 1; s < i; ++s) f[s] > 2 * f[s - 1] + u[s] && (f[s] = 2 * f[s - 1] + u[s]), c[s] = new Array(f[s]), d[s] = new Array(f[s]);
for (n = 0; n < e; ++n) l[n] = i;
for (a = 0; a < f[i - 1]; ++a) c[i - 1][a] = t[a], d[i - 1][a] = a;
for (n = 0; n < i; ++n) p[n] = 0;
for (1 === u[i - 1] && (--l[0], ++p[i - 1]), s = i - 2; s >= 0; --s) {
for (n = 0, o = 0, h = p[s + 1], a = 0; a < f[s]; a++) o = c[s + 1][h] + c[s + 1][h + 1], o > t[n] ? (c[s][a] = o, d[s][a] = e, h += 2) : (c[s][a] = t[n], d[s][a] = n, ++n);
p[s] = 0, 1 === u[s] && r(s)
return l
}, H.RawDeflate.prototype.getCodesFromLengths_ = function (t) {
var e, i, r, n, s = new(k ? Uint16Array : Array)(t.length),
a = [],
o = [],
h = 0;
for (e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++) a[t[e]] = 1 + (0 | a[t[e]]);
for (e = 1, i = H.RawDeflate.MaxCodeLength; e <= i; e++) o[e] = h, h += 0 | a[e], h <<= 1;
for (e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++)
for (h = o[t[e]], o[t[e]] += 1, s[e] = 0, r = 0, n = t[e]; r < n; r++) s[e] = s[e] << 1 | 1 & h, h >>>= 1;
return s
var W = H.Huffman.buildHuffmanTable;
H.RawInflate = function (t, e) {
switch (this.buffer, this.blocks = [], this.bufferSize = ZLIB_RAW_INFLATE_BUFFER_SIZE, this.totalpos = 0, this.ip = 0, this.bitsbuf = 0, this.bitsbuflen = 0, this.input = k ? new Uint8Array(t) : t, this.output, this.op, this.bfinal = !1, this.bufferType = H.RawInflate.BufferType.ADAPTIVE, this.resize = !1, this.prev, !e && (e = {}) || (e.index && (this.ip = e.index), e.bufferSize && (this.bufferSize = e.bufferSize), e.bufferType && (this.bufferType = e.bufferType), e.resize && (this.resize = e.resize)), this.bufferType) {
case H.RawInflate.BufferType.BLOCK:
this.op = H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength, this.output = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength + this.bufferSize + H.RawInflate.MaxCopyLength);
case H.RawInflate.BufferType.ADAPTIVE:
this.op = 0, this.output = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(this.bufferSize), this.expandBuffer = this.expandBufferAdaptive, this.concatBuffer = this.concatBufferDynamic, this.decodeHuffman = this.decodeHuffmanAdaptive;
throw new Error("invalid inflate mode")
}, H.RawInflate.BufferType = {
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.decompress = function () {
for (; !this.bfinal;) this.parseBlock();
return this.concatBuffer()
}, H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength = 32768, H.RawInflate.MaxCopyLength = 258, H.RawInflate.Order = function (t) {
return k ? new Uint16Array(t) : t
}([16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]), H.RawInflate.LengthCodeTable = function (t) {
return k ? new Uint16Array(t) : t
}([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 258, 258]), H.RawInflate.LengthExtraTable = function (t) {
return k ? new Uint8Array(t) : t
}([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0]), H.RawInflate.DistCodeTable = function (t) {
return k ? new Uint16Array(t) : t
}([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577]), H.RawInflate.DistExtraTable = function (t) {
return k ? new Uint8Array(t) : t
}([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13]), H.RawInflate.FixedLiteralLengthTable = function (t) {
return t
}(function () {
var t, e, i = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(288);
for (t = 0, e = i.length; t < e; ++t) i[t] = t <= 143 ? 8 : t <= 255 ? 9 : t <= 279 ? 7 : 8;
return W(i)
}()), H.RawInflate.FixedDistanceTable = function (t) {
return t
}(function () {
var t, e, i = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(30);
for (t = 0, e = i.length; t < e; ++t) i[t] = 5;
return W(i)
}()), H.RawInflate.prototype.parseBlock = function () {
var t = this.readBits(3);
switch (1 & t && (this.bfinal = !0), t >>>= 1) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
throw new Error("unknown BTYPE: " + t)
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.readBits = function (t) {
for (var e, i = this.bitsbuf, r = this.bitsbuflen, n = this.input, s = this.ip, a = n.length; r < t;) {
if (s >= a) throw new Error("input buffer is broken");
i |= n[s++] << r, r += 8
return e = i & (1 << t) - 1, i >>>= t, r -= t, this.bitsbuf = i, this.bitsbuflen = r, this.ip = s, e
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.readCodeByTable = function (t) {
for (var e, i, r = this.bitsbuf, n = this.bitsbuflen, s = this.input, a = this.ip, o = s.length, h = t[0], f = t[1]; n < f && !(a >= o);) r |= s[a++] << n, n += 8;
return e = h[r & (1 << f) - 1], i = e >>> 16, this.bitsbuf = r >> i, this.bitsbuflen = n - i, this.ip = a, 65535 & e
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.parseUncompressedBlock = function () {
var t, e, i, r = this.input,
n = this.ip,
s = this.output,
a = this.op,
o = r.length,
h = s.length;
if (this.bitsbuf = 0, this.bitsbuflen = 0, n + 1 >= o) throw new Error("invalid uncompressed block header: LEN");
if (t = r[n++] | r[n++] << 8, n + 1 >= o) throw new Error("invalid uncompressed block header: NLEN");
if (e = r[n++] | r[n++] << 8, t === ~e) throw new Error("invalid uncompressed block header: length verify");
if (n + t > r.length) throw new Error("input buffer is broken");
switch (this.bufferType) {
case H.RawInflate.BufferType.BLOCK:
for (; a + t > s.length;) {
if (i = h - a, t -= i, k) s.set(r.subarray(n, n + i), a), a += i, n += i;
for (; i--;) s[a++] = r[n++];
this.op = a, s = this.expandBuffer(), a = this.op
case H.RawInflate.BufferType.ADAPTIVE:
for (; a + t > s.length;) s = this.expandBuffer({
fixRatio: 2
throw new Error("invalid inflate mode")
if (k) s.set(r.subarray(n, n + t), a), a += t, n += t;
for (; t--;) s[a++] = r[n++];
this.ip = n, this.op = a, this.output = s
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.parseFixedHuffmanBlock = function () {
this.decodeHuffman(H.RawInflate.FixedLiteralLengthTable, H.RawInflate.FixedDistanceTable)
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.parseDynamicHuffmanBlock = function () {
function t(t, e, i) {
var r, n, s, a = this.prev;
for (s = 0; s < t;) switch (r = this.readCodeByTable(e)) {
case 16:
for (n = 3 + this.readBits(2); n--;) i[s++] = a;
case 17:
for (n = 3 + this.readBits(3); n--;) i[s++] = 0;
a = 0;
case 18:
for (n = 11 + this.readBits(7); n--;) i[s++] = 0;
a = 0;
i[s++] = r, a = r
return this.prev = a, i
var e, i, r, n, s = this.readBits(5) + 257,
a = this.readBits(5) + 1,
o = this.readBits(4) + 4,
h = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(H.RawInflate.Order.length);
for (n = 0; n < o; ++n) h[H.RawInflate.Order[n]] = this.readBits(3);
if (!k)
for (n = o, o = h.length; n < o; ++n) h[H.RawInflate.Order[n]] = 0;
e = W(h), i = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(s), r = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(a), this.prev = 0, this.decodeHuffman(W(, s, e, i)), W(, a, e, r)))
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.decodeHuffman = function (t, e) {
var i = this.output,
r = this.op;
this.currentLitlenTable = t;
for (var n, s, a, o, h = i.length - H.RawInflate.MaxCopyLength; 256 !== (n = this.readCodeByTable(t));)
if (n < 256) r >= h && (this.op = r, i = this.expandBuffer(), r = this.op), i[r++] = n;
for (s = n - 257, o = H.RawInflate.LengthCodeTable[s], H.RawInflate.LengthExtraTable[s] > 0 && (o += this.readBits(H.RawInflate.LengthExtraTable[s])), n = this.readCodeByTable(e), a = H.RawInflate.DistCodeTable[n], H.RawInflate.DistExtraTable[n] > 0 && (a += this.readBits(H.RawInflate.DistExtraTable[n])), r >= h && (this.op = r, i = this.expandBuffer(), r = this.op); o--;) i[r] = i[r++ - a];
for (; this.bitsbuflen >= 8;) this.bitsbuflen -= 8, this.ip--;
this.op = r
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.decodeHuffmanAdaptive = function (t, e) {
var i = this.output,
r = this.op;
this.currentLitlenTable = t;
for (var n, s, a, o, h = i.length; 256 !== (n = this.readCodeByTable(t));)
if (n < 256) r >= h && (i = this.expandBuffer(), h = i.length), i[r++] = n;
for (s = n - 257, o = H.RawInflate.LengthCodeTable[s], H.RawInflate.LengthExtraTable[s] > 0 && (o += this.readBits(H.RawInflate.LengthExtraTable[s])), n = this.readCodeByTable(e), a = H.RawInflate.DistCodeTable[n], H.RawInflate.DistExtraTable[n] > 0 && (a += this.readBits(H.RawInflate.DistExtraTable[n])), r + o > h && (i = this.expandBuffer(), h = i.length); o--;) i[r] = i[r++ - a];
for (; this.bitsbuflen >= 8;) this.bitsbuflen -= 8, this.ip--;
this.op = r
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.expandBuffer = function (t) {
var e, i, r = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(this.op - H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength),
n = this.op - H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength,
s = this.output;
if (k) r.set(s.subarray(H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength, r.length));
for (e = 0, i = r.length; e < i; ++e) r[e] = s[e + H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength];
if (this.blocks.push(r), this.totalpos += r.length, k) s.set(s.subarray(n, n + H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength));
for (e = 0; e < H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength; ++e) s[e] = s[n + e];
return this.op = H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength, s
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.expandBufferAdaptive = function (t) {
var e, i, r, n, s = this.input.length / this.ip + 1 | 0,
a = this.input,
o = this.output;
return t && ("number" == typeof t.fixRatio && (s = t.fixRatio), "number" == typeof t.addRatio && (s += t.addRatio)), s < 2 ? (i = (a.length - this.ip) / this.currentLitlenTable[2], n = i / 2 * 258 | 0, r = n < o.length ? o.length + n : o.length << 1) : r = o.length * s, k ? (e = new Uint8Array(r), e.set(o)) : e = o, this.output = e, this.output
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.concatBuffer = function () {
var t, e, i, r, n, s = 0,
a = this.totalpos + (this.op - H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength),
o = this.output,
h = this.blocks,
f = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(a);
if (0 === h.length) return k ? this.output.subarray(H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength, this.op) : this.output.slice(H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength, this.op);
for (e = 0, i = h.length; e < i; ++e)
for (t = h[e], r = 0, n = t.length; r < n; ++r) f[s++] = t[r];
for (e = H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength, i = this.op; e < i; ++e) f[s++] = o[e];
return this.blocks = [], this.buffer = f, this.buffer
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.concatBufferDynamic = function () {
var t, e = this.op;
return k ? this.resize ? (t = new Uint8Array(e), t.set(this.output.subarray(0, e))) : t = this.output.subarray(0, e) : (this.output.length > e && (this.output.length = e), t = this.output), this.buffer = t, this.buffer
}, H.RawInflate = function (t, e) {
switch (this.buffer, this.blocks = [], this.bufferSize = 32768, this.totalpos = 0, this.ip = 0, this.bitsbuf = 0, this.bitsbuflen = 0, this.input = k ? new Uint8Array(t) : t, this.output, this.op, this.bfinal = !1, this.bufferType = H.RawInflate.BufferType.ADAPTIVE, this.resize = !1, this.prev, !e && (e = {}) || (e.index && (this.ip = e.index), e.bufferSize && (this.bufferSize = e.bufferSize), e.bufferType && (this.bufferType = e.bufferType), e.resize && (this.resize = e.resize)), this.bufferType) {
case H.RawInflate.BufferType.BLOCK:
this.op = H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength, this.output = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength + this.bufferSize + H.RawInflate.MaxCopyLength);
case H.RawInflate.BufferType.ADAPTIVE:
this.op = 0, this.output = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(this.bufferSize), this.expandBuffer = this.expandBufferAdaptive, this.concatBuffer = this.concatBufferDynamic, this.decodeHuffman = this.decodeHuffmanAdaptive
}, H.RawInflate.BufferType = {
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.decompress = function () {
for (; !this.bfinal;) this.parseBlock();
return this.concatBuffer()
}, H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength = 32768, H.RawInflate.MaxCopyLength = 258, H.RawInflate.Order = function (t) {
return k ? new Uint16Array(t) : t
}([16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]), H.RawInflate.LengthCodeTable = function (t) {
return k ? new Uint16Array(t) : t
}([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 258, 258]), H.RawInflate.LengthExtraTable = function (t) {
return k ? new Uint8Array(t) : t
}([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0, 0, 0]), H.RawInflate.DistCodeTable = function (t) {
return k ? new Uint16Array(t) : t
}([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577]), H.RawInflate.DistExtraTable = function (t) {
return k ? new Uint8Array(t) : t
}([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13]), H.RawInflate.FixedLiteralLengthTable = function (t) {
return t
}(function () {
var t, e, i = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(288);
for (t = 0, e = i.length; t < e; ++t) i[t] = t <= 143 ? 8 : t <= 255 ? 9 : t <= 279 ? 7 : 8;
return W(i)
}()), H.RawInflate.FixedDistanceTable = function (t) {
return t
}(function () {
var t, e, i = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(30);
for (t = 0, e = i.length; t < e; ++t) i[t] = 5;
return W(i)
}()), H.RawInflate.prototype.parseBlock = function () {
var t = this.readBits(3);
switch (1 & t && (this.bfinal = !0), t >>>= 1) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 2:
throw new Error("unknown BTYPE: " + t)
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.readBits = function (t) {
for (var e, i = this.bitsbuf, r = this.bitsbuflen, n = this.input, s = this.ip, a = n.length; r < t;) {
if (s >= a) throw new Error("input buffer is broken");
i |= n[s++] << r, r += 8
return e = i & (1 << t) - 1, i >>>= t, r -= t, this.bitsbuf = i, this.bitsbuflen = r, this.ip = s, e
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.readCodeByTable = function (t) {
for (var e, i, r = this.bitsbuf, n = this.bitsbuflen, s = this.input, a = this.ip, o = s.length, h = t[0], f = t[1]; n < f && !(a >= o);) r |= s[a++] << n, n += 8;
return e = h[r & (1 << f) - 1], i = e >>> 16, this.bitsbuf = r >> i, this.bitsbuflen = n - i, this.ip = a, 65535 & e
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.parseUncompressedBlock = function () {
var t, e, i, r = this.input,
n = this.ip,
s = this.output,
a = this.op,
o = r.length,
h = s.length;
if (this.bitsbuf = 0, this.bitsbuflen = 0, n + 1 >= o) throw new Error("invalid uncompressed block header: LEN");
if (t = r[n++] | r[n++] << 8, n + 1 >= o) throw new Error("invalid uncompressed block header: NLEN");
if (e = r[n++] | r[n++] << 8, t === ~e) throw new Error("invalid uncompressed block header: length verify");
if (n + t > r.length) throw new Error("input buffer is broken");
switch (this.bufferType) {
case H.RawInflate.BufferType.BLOCK:
for (; a + t > s.length;) {
if (i = h - a, t -= i, k) s.set(r.subarray(n, n + i), a), a += i, n += i;
for (; i--;) s[a++] = r[n++];
this.op = a, s = this.expandBuffer(), a = this.op
case H.RawInflate.BufferType.ADAPTIVE:
for (; a + t > s.length;) s = this.expandBuffer({
fixRatio: 2
throw new Error("invalid inflate mode")
if (k) s.set(r.subarray(n, n + t), a), a += t, n += t;
for (; t--;) s[a++] = r[n++];
this.ip = n, this.op = a, this.output = s
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.parseFixedHuffmanBlock = function () {
this.decodeHuffman(H.RawInflate.FixedLiteralLengthTable, H.RawInflate.FixedDistanceTable)
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.parseDynamicHuffmanBlock = function () {
function t(t, e, i) {
var r, n, s, a = this.prev;
for (s = 0; s < t;) switch (r = this.readCodeByTable(e)) {
case 16:
for (n = 3 + this.readBits(2); n--;) i[s++] = a;
case 17:
for (n = 3 + this.readBits(3); n--;) i[s++] = 0;
a = 0;
case 18:
for (n = 11 + this.readBits(7); n--;) i[s++] = 0;
a = 0;
i[s++] = r, a = r
return this.prev = a, i
var e, i, r, n, s = this.readBits(5) + 257,
a = this.readBits(5) + 1,
o = this.readBits(4) + 4,
h = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(H.RawInflate.Order.length);
for (n = 0; n < o; ++n) h[H.RawInflate.Order[n]] = this.readBits(3);
if (!k)
for (n = o, o = h.length; n < o; ++n) h[H.RawInflate.Order[n]] = 0;
e = W(h), i = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(s), r = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(a), this.prev = 0, this.decodeHuffman(W(, s, e, i)), W(, a, e, r)))
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.decodeHuffman = function (t, e) {
var i = this.output,
r = this.op;
this.currentLitlenTable = t;
for (var n, s, a, o, h = i.length - H.RawInflate.MaxCopyLength; 256 !== (n = this.readCodeByTable(t));)
if (n < 256) r >= h && (this.op = r, i = this.expandBuffer(), r = this.op), i[r++] = n;
for (s = n - 257, o = H.RawInflate.LengthCodeTable[s], H.RawInflate.LengthExtraTable[s] > 0 && (o += this.readBits(H.RawInflate.LengthExtraTable[s])), n = this.readCodeByTable(e), a = H.RawInflate.DistCodeTable[n], H.RawInflate.DistExtraTable[n] > 0 && (a += this.readBits(H.RawInflate.DistExtraTable[n])), r >= h && (this.op = r, i = this.expandBuffer(), r = this.op); o--;) i[r] = i[r++ - a];
for (; this.bitsbuflen >= 8;) this.bitsbuflen -= 8, this.ip--;
this.op = r
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.decodeHuffmanAdaptive = function (t, e) {
var i = this.output,
r = this.op;
this.currentLitlenTable = t;
for (var n, s, a, o, h = i.length; 256 !== (n = this.readCodeByTable(t));)
if (n < 256) r >= h && (i = this.expandBuffer(), h = i.length), i[r++] = n;
for (s = n - 257, o = H.RawInflate.LengthCodeTable[s], H.RawInflate.LengthExtraTable[s] > 0 && (o += this.readBits(H.RawInflate.LengthExtraTable[s])), n = this.readCodeByTable(e), a = H.RawInflate.DistCodeTable[n], H.RawInflate.DistExtraTable[n] > 0 && (a += this.readBits(H.RawInflate.DistExtraTable[n])), r + o > h && (i = this.expandBuffer(), h = i.length); o--;) i[r] = i[r++ - a];
for (; this.bitsbuflen >= 8;) this.bitsbuflen -= 8, this.ip--;
this.op = r
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.expandBuffer = function (t) {
var e, i, r = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(this.op - H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength),
n = this.op - H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength,
s = this.output;
if (k) r.set(s.subarray(H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength, r.length));
for (e = 0, i = r.length; e < i; ++e) r[e] = s[e + H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength];
if (this.blocks.push(r), this.totalpos += r.length, k) s.set(s.subarray(n, n + H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength));
for (e = 0; e < H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength; ++e) s[e] = s[n + e];
return this.op = H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength, s
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.expandBufferAdaptive = function (t) {
var e, i, r, n, s = this.input.length / this.ip + 1 | 0,
a = this.input,
o = this.output;
return t && ("number" == typeof t.fixRatio && (s = t.fixRatio), "number" == typeof t.addRatio && (s += t.addRatio)), s < 2 ? (i = (a.length - this.ip) / this.currentLitlenTable[2], n = i / 2 * 258 | 0, r = n < o.length ? o.length + n : o.length << 1) : r = o.length * s, k ? (e = new Uint8Array(r), e.set(o)) : e = o, this.output = e, this.output
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.concatBuffer = function () {
var t, e, i, r, n, s = 0,
a = this.totalpos + (this.op - H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength),
o = this.output,
h = this.blocks,
f = new(k ? Uint8Array : Array)(a);
if (0 === h.length) return k ? this.output.subarray(H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength, this.op) : this.output.slice(H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength, this.op);
for (e = 0, i = h.length; e < i; ++e)
for (t = h[e], r = 0, n = t.length; r < n; ++r) f[s++] = t[r];
for (e = H.RawInflate.MaxBackwardLength, i = this.op; e < i; ++e) f[s++] = o[e];
return this.blocks = [], this.buffer = f, this.buffer
}, H.RawInflate.prototype.concatBufferDynamic = function () {
var t, e = this.op;
return k ? this.resize ? (t = new Uint8Array(e), t.set(this.output.subarray(0, e))) : t = this.output.subarray(0, e) : (this.output.length > e && (this.output.length = e), t = this.output), this.buffer = t, this.buffer
var K = function (t, e) {
this.loadSuccess = new T.FSEvent, this.loadFailure = new T.FSEvent, = document.createElement("script"), = "text/javascript", = t, e && ( = e), = T.getBrowserInstance(), void 0 !== ? this._loadOnOthers() : void 0 !== && this._loadOnIE()
K.prototype._loadOnIE = function () {
var t = this,
e =;
e.onreadystatechange = function () {
3 == e.readyState && (e.onreadystatechange = function () {, t.loadFailure = null
}, t.loadFailure &&
}, document.body.appendChild(e)
}, K.prototype._loadOnOthers = function () {"load", e.proxy(function () {
}, this), !1),"error", e.proxy(function () {
}, this), !1), document.body.appendChild(
}, T.Async = function (t, e, i) {
this.isParallel = !!t, this._queue = [], this.success = e, = i, this.isPending = !0
}, T.Async.prototype.enqueue = function (t) {
fn: t,
resolved: !1
}), (this.isParallel || 1 == this._queue.length) && t.apply(this, [{
resolve: e.proxy(function () {
e.nextTick(e.proxy(function () {
}, this))
}, {
cb: t,
ctx: this
error: e.proxy(function () {
}, {
cb: t,
ctx: this
}, T.Async.prototype.resolve = function (t) {
if (this.isPending) {
if (!t) throw new Error("Missing caller argument.");
var i, r, n = !1;
for (i = 0; i < this._queue.length; i++) r = this._queue[i], r.fn === t ? r.resolved = !0 : r.resolved || (n = !0);
if (!this.isParallel && n) {
var s;
for (i = 0; i < this._queue.length; i++)
if (r = this._queue[i], !1 === r.resolved) {
s = r;
} if (s) return void s.fn.apply(this, [{
resolve: e.proxy(function () {
}, {
cb: s.fn,
ctx: this
error: e.proxy(function () {
}, {
cb: s.fn,
ctx: this
n || (this.isPending = !1,
}, T.Async.prototype.error = function () {
this.isPending = !1, &&
var J = {
_id: "",
has: function () {
try {
return !!(window.s && e.isFunction(s.c_r) && s.c_r("s_vi").indexOf("[CE]") > -1)
} catch (t) {
return !1
intervals: {
uid: "",
mcid: ""
sgi: function (t) {
return !(!t || "undefined" == typeof s_gi || !s_gi) && (Array.isArray(t) && 2 === t.length && (t = t.join(",")), s_gi(t))
uid: function (t, e) {
var i, r, n = 0;
clearInterval(this.intervals.uid), this.intervals.uid = setInterval(function () {
i = this.sgi(t), n++ < 10 && i ? (i.visitorID ? r = {
name: "OMTR_VID",
value: i.visitorID
} : i.analyticsVisitorID ? r = {
name: "OMTR_VID",
value: i.analyticsVisitorID
} : i.fid && (r = {
name: "OMTR_FID",
value: i.fid
}), r && (e(r), clearInterval(this.intervals.uid))) : clearInterval(this.intervals.uid)
}.bind(this), 1e3)
mcid: function (t, e) {
var i, r, n = 0;
clearInterval(this.intervals.mcid), this.intervals.mcid = setInterval(function () {
i = this.sgi(t), n++ < 10 && i ? (i.marketingCloudVisitorID && (r = {
name: "OMTR_MCID",
value: i.marketingCloudVisitorID
}), r && (e(r), clearInterval(this.intervals.mcid))) : clearInterval(this.intervals.mcid)
}.bind(this), 1e3)
beacon: function () {
function t(t, e) {
for (var i = "", r = e.split("&"), n = 0; n < r.length; n++)
for (var s = r[n].split("="), a = 0; a < t.length; a++)
if (t[a] == s[0]) {
i += s[0] + "=" + s[1] + "&";
} return "&" == i.substr(i.length - 1) && (i = i.substr(0, i.length - 1)), i
if (J._id) return J._id;
var i, r, n, a, o = ["AQB", "mid", "aid", "vid", "fid", "AQE"],
h = "";
for (var f in window)
if ("s_i_" == f.substring(0, 4) && window[f].src && (i = window[f].src, i.indexOf("/b/ss/") >= 0)) {
h = i;
} if (!h && window.s_c_il && window.s_c_il[0] && window.s_c_il[0].eb && (h = window.s_c_il[0].eb), !h && window.document.images)
for (var u = 0; u < window.document.images.length; u++)
if (i = window.document.images[u].src, i.indexOf("/b/ss/") >= 0) {
h = i;
} if (h && e.isString(h)) {
r = h.substring(0, h.indexOf("?")), n = h.substring(h.indexOf("?") + 1), a = t(o, n), window.s && s.trackingServerSecure && (r = "https://" + s.trackingServerSecure + h.substring(h.indexOf("/b/ss/"), h.indexOf("?")), n = h.substring(h.indexOf("?") + 1), a = t(o, n));
var l = r + "?" + a;
return l.length < 3 ? l = null : J._id = l, l
var V = {
has: function () {
var t =;
return "function" == typeof t && t.getAll && t.getAll().length
uid: function (t) {
var i = e.nextTick;
V.has() ? ga(function (e) {
i(function () {
if (e) t(e.get("clientId"));
else try {
} catch (e) {
}) : i(function () {
T.INT.GA = V, T.addClass = function (t, i) {
var r, n, s, a;
for (e.isDefined(t.length) || (t = [t]), r = 0, n = t.length; r < n; r++) s = t[r], T.isElement(s) && (a = s.className || "", new RegExp("\\b" + i + "\\b").test(a) || (s.className = ("" === a ? "" : a + " ") + i))
}, T.removeClass = function (t, i) {
var r, n, s;
for (e.isDefined(t.length) || (t = [t]), r = 0, n = t.length; r < n; r++) s = t[r], T.isElement(s) && s.className && (s.className = s.className.replace(new RegExp("(\\s|^)" + i + "(\\s|$)"), " ").replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, ""))
}, T.hasClass = function (t, e) {
return T.isElement(t) && t.classList && t.classList.contains(e)
}, T.css = function (t, i, r) {
if (t) {
e.isDefined(t.length) || (t = [t]);
for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++)
for (var s in i) s && (-1 == "zIndex".indexOf(s) && "number" == typeof i[s] && "opacity" != s && (i[s] += "px"), r ? t[n].style.cssText += ";" + s + ":" + i[s] + " !important" : t[n].style[s] = i[s])
return t
}, T.attr = function (t, i) {
if (t) {
e.isDefined(t.length) || (t = [t]);
for (var r = 0; r < t.length; r++)
for (var n in i) t[r].setAttribute(n, i[n])
return t
}, T.restrictFocus = function (t) {
for (var e = document.querySelectorAll("a, input[type=text], textarea, button, input[type=radio], select, *[tabIndex]", t).sort(function (t, e) {
return parseInt(t.tabIndex) > parseInt(e.tabIndex)
}), i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
var r = e[i];
T.Unbind(r, "keydown"), T.Bind(r, "keydown", function (t) {
return function (e) {
var i, r;
if (9 === e.keyCode)
for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
if (t[i] === {
if (e.preventDefault ? e.preventDefault() : e.returnValue = !1, r = i, e.shiftKey)
do {
r = 0 === r ? t.length - 1 : r - 1
} while ((t[r].offsetLeft <= 0 || t[r].tabIndex < 0) && r != i);
do {
r = (r + 1) % t.length
} while ((t[r].offsetLeft <= 0 || t[r].tabIndex < 0) && r != i);
}, T.hideAll = function (t) {
var e, i = document.body.querySelectorAll("*");
for (e = 0; e < i.length; e++) T.css(i[e], {
display: "none"
}, T.elindex = function (t) {
for (var e, i = t.parentNode.childNodes, r = 0, n = 0;
(e = i.item(r++)) && e != t;) 1 == e.nodeType && n++;
return n
}, T.isElement = function (t) {
return t && t.nodeType && (1 == t.nodeType || 11 == t.nodeType || 9 == t.nodeType)
}, T.decodeHTMLEntities = function (t) {
return (new DOMParser).parseFromString(t, "text/html").documentElement.textContent
}, T.WindowStorage = function (t, i) {
t || (t = "STORAGE"), this.guid = "FSR_" + t.replace(/[- _.&]/g, "").toUpperCase(), this.storageLimit = 5e6, this.StorageFull = new T.FSEvent, this.kill(), this.sync(), e.isDefined(i) && !i || setTimeout(e.proxy(function () {
T.Bind(window, "unload", e.proxy(function () {
}, this))
}, this), 100)
}, T.WindowStorage.prototype.testStorageLimit = function () {
return this.storageBytesObj + this.storageBytesBlob >= this.storageLimit && (, !0)
}, T.WindowStorage.prototype.dispose = function (t) {
this._data_obj[t] && (delete this._data_obj[t], this.storageBytesObj = JSON.stringify(this._data_obj).length)
}, T.WindowStorage.prototype.kill = function () {
this.storageBytesObj = 0, this.storageBytesBlob = 0, this._data_obj = {}, this._data_blob = "", this.isNewStorage = !0
T.WindowStorage.prototype.get = function (t) {
return this._data_obj[t]
}, T.WindowStorage.prototype.getBlob = function () {
return this._data_blob
}, T.WindowStorage.prototype.erase = function (t) {
delete this._data_obj[t], this.storageBytesObj = JSON.stringify(this._data_obj).length, this.isNewStorage = !1, this.testStorageLimit()
}, T.WindowStorage.prototype.set = function (t, e) {
e && (this._data_obj[t] = e, this.storageBytesObj = JSON.stringify(this._data_obj).length, this.isNewStorage = !1, this.testStorageLimit())
}, T.WindowStorage.prototype.setBlob = function (t) {
this._data_blob = t, this.storageBytesBlob = this._data_blob.length, this.isNewStorage = !1, this.testStorageLimit()
}, T.WindowStorage.prototype.isNew = function () {
return this.isNewStorage
}, T.WindowStorage.initialize = function (t) {
}, T.WindowStorage.isSupported = function () {
return !0
}, T.WindowStorage.prototype.sync = function () {
var t = T.nameBackup || || "",
e = this.guid + "_",
i = "",
r = t.indexOf(e + "BEGIN_OBJ");
r > -1 && (i = t.substr(r + (e + "BEGIN_OBJ").length, t.indexOf(e + "END_OBJ") - (r + (e + "BEGIN_OBJ").length)));
try {
i.length > 0 && (this._data_obj = JSON.parse(i), this.storageBytesObj = i.length, this.isNewStorage = !1)
} catch (t) {}
i = "", (r = t.indexOf(e + "BEGIN_BLOB")) > -1 && (i = t.substr(r + (e + "BEGIN_BLOB").length, t.indexOf(e + "END_BLOB") - (r + (e + "BEGIN_BLOB").length)));
try {
i.length > 0 && (this._data_blob = i, this.storageBytesBlob = i.length, this.isNewStorage = !1)
} catch (t) {}
}, T.WindowStorage.prototype.commit = function () {
var t =;
e.isDefined(t) || (t = "");
var i = this.guid + "_",
r = t.indexOf(i + "BEGIN_OBJ"),
n = JSON.stringify(this._data_obj),
s = i + "BEGIN_OBJ" + n + i + "END_OBJ";
r > -1 ? t = t.substr(0, r) + s + t.substr(t.indexOf(i + "END_OBJ") + (i + "END_OBJ").length) : t += s, r = t.indexOf(i + "BEGIN_BLOB"), s = i + "BEGIN_BLOB" + this._data_blob + i + "END_BLOB", r > -1 ? t = t.substr(0, r) + s + t.substr(t.indexOf(i + "END_BLOB") + (i + "END_BLOB").length) : t += s, = T.nameBackup = t, this.storageBytes =
}, T.nameBackup =, T.generateGUID = function () {
return T.md5( + "" + navigator.userAgent + window.location + (new Date).getTimezoneOffset() + Math.random())
}, T.Journey = function (t, i, r, n, s) {
this.threshold = s || 400, this.browser = n, e.isString(i) || (i = ""), this.cors = new T.AjaxTransport, this.url = e.config.analyticsUrl.replace(/^https?:/i, location.protocol), = {
customerId: t,
appId: i,
userId: r || "0000-0000-0000-0000-0000",
deviceProfile: {
fs_osVersion: n.os.version,
fs_sdkVersion: e.config.codeVer,
fs_browserVersion: n.browser.version,
fs_timezone: -(new Date).getTimezoneOffset(),
fs_type: n.isMobile ? "Mobile" : n.isTablet ? "Tablet" : "Desktop",
fs_productType: "web sdk"
events: []
}, this.eventsDefault = {
properties: {
fs_pageUrl: [location.href]
}, T.Journey.prototype.addEventsDefault = function (t, i) {
if (!t || ["properties", "metrics", "data"].indexOf(t) < 0) return this.eventsDefault;
if (!q(t, i)) return this.eventsDefault;
for (var r in i) i.hasOwnProperty(r) && Array.isArray(i[r]) && i[r].length > 0 && (i[r] = i[r].filter(e.isDefined), i[r].length < 1 && delete i[r]);
return this.eventsDefault = this.eventsDefault || {}, this.eventsDefault[t] = e.ext(this.eventsDefault[t], i), this.eventsDefault
}, T.Journey.prototype.setKey = function (t, i) {
return !!e.isObject(i) && ([t] = i, || this.addEventString("fs_setKey"), !0)
}, T.Journey.prototype.addEvent = function (t) {
var e = typeof t;
switch (e) {
case "string":
case "object":
console.error("ForeSee: event is not a valid type: ", e)
}, T.Journey.prototype.addEventObj = function (t) {
if (t.timestamp || (t.timestamp = (new Date).toISOString()), t.timezone || (t.timezone = (new Date).getTimezoneOffset()), !( && > 0 && q("properties", && q("metrics", t.metrics) && q("data", return void console.error("ForeSee: Invalid Event. For proper usage, please refer to");
t = _(t, this.eventsDefault),, this.send()
}, T.Journey.prototype.addEventString = function (t) {{
name: t,
timestamp: (new Date).toISOString(),
timezone: (new Date).getTimezoneOffset()
}, this.eventsDefault)), this.send()
}, T.Journey.prototype.send = function (t) {
t ? G(this) : this._svT || (this._svT = setTimeout(function () {
}.bind(this), this.threshold))
var G = function (t) {
if (t._svT = null, > 0) {
var i = e.ext({},; = [], t.cors.send({
url: t.url,
contentType: "application/json",
headers: {
"Request-API-Version": "1.0.0"
data: i,
method: "POST",
failure: function () { =
q = function (t, e) {
var i;
switch (t) {
case "properties":
if (e)
for (i in e)
if (!Array.isArray(e[i])) return console.error("ForeSee: Invalid properties"), !1;
case "metrics":
if (e)
for (i in e)
if (!T.isNumeric(e[i])) return console.error("ForeSee: Invalid metrics"), !1
return !0
T.Browser = function (t) {
var i = this,
r = t || navigator.userAgent,
n = e.toLowerCase(r);
e.ext(i, {
agent: r,
os: {
name: "",
version: 0
browser: {
name: "",
version: 0,
actualVersion: 0
isMobile: /iphone|ipad|ipod|android|kindle|silk|bntv|nook|blackberry|playbook|mini|windows\sce|windows\sphone|palm|bb10/i.test(r) || !!window.orientation,
isTablet: /ipad|playbook|nook|bntv/i.test(r),
isWinPhone: /Windows Phone/i.test(r),
fp: "",
supportsLocalStorage: !1,
supportsPostMessage: !!window.postMessage,
isIE: !1,
isZoomable: !0,
supportsSVG: document.implementation.hasFeature("", "1.1"),
isReady: !1,
ready: new T.FSEvent,
_internalReady: new T.FSEvent,
isIos: !1,
servUrl: location.protocol + "//"
try {
localStorage && (localStorage.setItem("a", "b"), localStorage.removeItem("a"), i.supportsLocalStorage = !0)
} catch (t) {}
try {
sessionStorage && (sessionStorage.setItem("a", "b"), sessionStorage.removeItem("a"), i.supportsSessionStorage = !0)
} catch (t) {}
i._internalReady.subscribe(function () {
i.fp = new L(i), i.fp.ready.subscribe(function () {
i.fp = i.fp.sig,
}, !0, !0)
}), i.isMobile && /iphone|ipad|ipod/i.test(r) && !i.isWinPhone && (i.isIos = !0);
var s = function (t) {
return n.indexOf(e.toLowerCase(t)) > -1
a = function (t, e) {
return "IE" != t ? e : e > 6 && e < 10 ? s("Trident") || 7 != e ? s("Trident/5.0") && e <= 9 ? 9 : s("Trident/4.0") && e < 9 ? s("WOW64") ? 8 : 7 == e ? e : 8 : e : 7 : e
o = function (t, i) {
return i ? s("Windows Phone") ? "Winphone" : s("iPod") ? "iPod" : s("iPad") ? "iPad" : s("iPhone") ? "iPhone" : (s("blackberry") || s("playbook") || s("BB10")) && s("applewebkit") ? "Blackberry" : s("Kindle") || s("Silk") ? "Kindle" : s("BNTV") || s("Nook") ? "Nook" : s("Android") ? "Android" : e.isDefined(window.orientation) ? "Mobile" : "Other" : s("Windows") ? "Windows" : s("OS X") ? "Mac" : s("Linux") || s("Googlebot") ? "Linux" : s("Mac") ? "Mac" : void 0
h = function (t, e) {
for (; t >= e;) t /= 10;
return t
f = function (t, i) {
var r, n, a, o, f, u;
return s("windows phone") || !s("ipad") && !s("iphone") ? s("googlebot") ? 1 : s("mac os x") ? (r = /OS X ([0-9_]*)/gi.exec(t), n = r[1].split("_"), a = parseInt(n[0]), f = parseInt(n[1]), u = parseInt(n[2]), f += h(u, 1), a + h(f, 1)) : s("Windows NT") ? (r = /Windows NT ([0-9\.]*)/gi.exec(t), n = r[1].split("."), a = parseInt(n[0]), f = parseInt(n[1]), a + h(f, 1)) : (r = t.match(/Windows Phone OS[\/\s](\d+\.?\d+)/) || t.match(/Windows Phone[\/\s](\d+\.?\d+)/) || t.match(/Android[\/\s](\d+\.?\d+)/), a = e.isDefined(r) ? r[1] : 1, o = parseFloat(a), !isNaN(o) && o > 0 ? o : a) : (r = /OS ([0-9_]*) like/gi.exec(t), n = r[1].split("_"), a = parseInt(n[0]), f = parseInt(n[1]), a + h(f, 1))
u = function () {
if ("Winphone" != {
var t = document.querySelectorAll("head meta[name=viewport],head meta[name=VIEWPORT],head meta[name=Viewport]") || [];
if (Array.isArray(t) || (t = [t]), t.length > 0) {
for (var r = function (t, e) {
var i = new RegExp("[\\w\\W]*" + e + "[\\s]*=[\\s]*([^\\s,;]*)[\\w\\W]*", "i");
return t ? t.match(i) : null
}, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var s = t[n].content,
a = r(s, "user-scalable"),
o = r(s, "initial-scale"),
h = r(s, "maximum-scale");
if (a && a.length > 1 && ("0" == a[1] || "no" == e.toLowerCase(a[1]))) return !1;
if (o && h) return !(o.length > 1 && h.length > 1 && 1 == parseFloat(o[1]) && 1 == parseFloat(h[1]))
return !0
return !0
return !1
l = T._getBrowserNameAndVersion(r),
c = function () { =, i.browser.version = l.version, i.browser.actualVersion = a(, i.browser.version), = o(0, i.isMobile), i.os.version = f(r, i.isMobile)
d = function () {
i.isZoomable = u(), i.isReady = !0,
p = function () {
if (i.isMobile)
if (i.isIos || "" === i.servUrl || i.isTablet || i.isWinPhone) p(), d();
else {
var g, y = function (t) {
var e = JSON.parse(t); =, i.browser.version = i.browser.actualVersion = e.browser.version, =, i.os.version = parseFloat(e.os.version), i.isMobile = e.isMobile, i.isTablet = e.isTablet, d()
b = this.supportsLocalStorage;
if (b && !t && (g = sessionStorage.getItem("ACS_BROWSER")), g) y(g);
else {
var w = function (t) {
b && sessionStorage.setItem("ACS_BROWSER", t), y(t)
m = function () {
p(), d()
v = function () {
var t = new Date,
e = t.getFullYear().toString(),
i = (t.getMonth() + 1).toString(),
r = t.getDate().toString();
return e + (i[1] ? i : "0" + i[0]) + (r[1] ? r : "0" + r[0])
S = {
method: "GET",
url: i.servUrl + function () {
var t = v() + "ForeSee" + (location.origin || "null");
return T.hashCode(t)
}() + "&ua=" + r,
type: "*/*",
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
success: w,
failure: m
new T.AjaxTransport(S, !0).send()
else c(), i.isReady = !0, i.isIE = "IE" ==,
}, T.getBrowserInstance = function () {
function t() {
return e || (e = new T.Browser)
var e;
return t
}(), T._getBrowserNameAndVersion = function (t) {
var e, i, r = "Unknown";
return null !== (i = t.match(/Opera[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/)) ? r = "Opera" : null !== (i = t.match(/Edge\/([0-9\.]*)/)) ? r = "Edge" : null !== (i = t.match(/opr[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/i)) ? r = "Opera" : null !== (i = t.match(/Windows Phone[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/)) ? r = "IEMobile" : null !== (i = t.match(/MSIE (\d+\.\d+)/)) ? r = "IE" : null !== (i = t.match(/Navigator[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/)) ? r = "Netscape" : null !== (i = t.match(/Chrome[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/)) ? r = "Chrome" : null !== (i = t.match(/CriOS[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/)) ? r = "Chrome" : null !== (i = t.match(/Version\/([0-9\.]*)[\w\W]*Safari/i)) ? r = "Safari" : null !== (i = t.match(/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/)) ? r = "Firefox" : null !== (i = t.match(/googlebot/gi)) ? (r = "Chrome", e = 44) :, "ActiveXObject") && !window.ActiveXObject && (r = "IE", e = 11), {
name: r,
version: e || (null !== i ? parseFloat(i[1]) : void 0)
}, T.ImageTransport = function (t) {
var i = {
data: {},
success: function () {},
failure: function () {}
this.options = e.ext(i, t)
}, T.ImageTransport.prototype.send = function (t) {
var i = e.ext(this.options, t),
r = new Image;
r.onerror = i.failure, r.onload = function () {
width: r.width,
height: r.height
}, r.src = e.toQueryString(, i.url, !1)
}, T.imgInfo = function (t, i) {
var r = function () {};
i = i || r;
var n = new Image;
n.onload = function () {
i(n.width, n.height)
}, n.onerror = function () {}, t.indexOf("//") > -1 ? n.src = t : n.src = e.makeURI("$" + t), n.width && (n.onload = n.onerror = r, i(n.width, n.height))
}, T.getHashParm = function (t) {
var i = window.location.hash.toString();
if (i && i.length > 0)
for (var r = i.split("&"), n = 0; n < r.length; n++) {
var s = r[n].split("="),
a = e.toLowerCase(s[0]).trim();
if (a == e.toLowerCase(t)) {
if (s.length > 1) return decodeURIComponent(s[1]);
}, T.compile = function (t) {
var e, i = [].constructor.constructor;
return delete[].constructor.constructor, e = new [].constructor.constructor("var v = ''; try { v = " + t + "} catch(err) {}return v;"), [].constructor.constructor = i,
}, T.retrieveNestedVariable = function (t, e) {
for (var i = t || window, r = e.split("."), n = 0; n < r.length && i;) i = i[r[n++]];
return void 0 !== i && n === r.length ? i : void 0
}, e.nextTick = function (t) {
setTimeout(t || function () {}, 0)
}, T.randomRange = function (t, e) {
return t + Math.random() * (e - t)
}, T.isNumeric = function (t) {
return !isNaN(parseFloat(t)) && isFinite(t)
}, T.products = {}, T.productArr = [], T.registerProduct = function (t, e) {
e = e || {}, T.products[t] = e, T.productArr.push(t)
}, window.__fsJSONPCBr = {}, window.__fsJSONPCB = e.proxy(function (t) {
if (t) {
var e = t.filename,
i = atob(t.contents);
window.__fsJSONPCBr[e] && window.__fsJSONPCBr[e].fire(i)
}, this), T.JSONP = function (t) {
this._expireTimeout = null, this._networkError = new T.FSEvent, this.opts = e.ext({
success: function () {},
failure: function () {},
timeout: 5e3
}, t)
}, T.JSONP.prototype.get = function (t, i) {
var r = t.indexOf("?") > -1 ? t.substr(t.indexOf("?") + 1) : "",
n = t.substr(0, t.lastIndexOf("/") + 1),
s = t.substr(t.lastIndexOf("/") + 1),
a = window.__fsJSONPCBr;
this._expireTimeout = setTimeout(e.proxy(function () {{
type: "timedout"
}, this), this.opts.timeout), s.indexOf("?") > -1 && (s = s.substr(0, s.indexOf("?")));
var o = (i || "") + s;
if (!a[o]) {
a[o] = new T.FSEvent;
var h = n + s.substr(0, s.lastIndexOf(".")) + "___" + s.substr(s.lastIndexOf(".") + 1) + ".js" + (r.length > 0 ? "?" + r : ""),
f = new K(h, "_fscl" + o);
f.loadFailure.subscribe(e.proxy(function () {
type: "internalserror"
}, {
ctx: this,
a[o].subscribe(e.proxy(function (t) {
this.ctx.opts.success(t), clearTimeout(this.ctx._expireTimeout);
var e = document.getElementById(this.tgId);
e && e.parentNode.removeChild(e)
}, {
ctx: this,
tgId: "_fscl" + o
}), !0, !0), this._networkError.subscribe(e.proxy(function (t) {
this.opts.failure(t), a[o].unsubscribeAll()
}, this), !0, !0)
}, T.sign = function (t) {
var i = (new Date).getTime(),
r = t.substr(t.indexOf("/rec/")),
n = T.md5((r + i).toString());
return -1 == t.indexOf("?") ? t += "?" : t += "&", t + "token=" + i + "&sig=" + e.enc(n)
}, T.dedupe = function (t) {
var e, i;
for (e = t.length - 1; e >= 0; e--)
for (i = e - 1; i >= 0; i--) t[i] == t[e] && t.splice(e, 1);
return t
}, T.arrayIndexOf = function (t, e) {
for (var i in e)
if (e[i] === t) return i;
return -1
}, T.inArray = function (t, e) {
return -1 != T.arrayIndexOf(t, e)
var X = {},
Y = 0;
T.loadCSS = function (t, e, i, r) {
if (!r) throw new Error("loadCSS missing browser instance");
var n = X[t];
if (n) {
if ( return n.success.subscribe(e || function () {}, !0, !0), || function () {}, !0, !0),;
delete X[t]
var s, a, o = !1;
Y++, s = "fs-css-" + Y, a = document.createElement("link"), a.setAttribute("id", s), a.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet"), a.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
var h = {
link: a,
url: t,
didfail: !1,
didsucceed: !1,
success: new T.FSEvent,
fail: new T.FSEvent
h.success.subscribe(e, !0, !0),, !0, !0), X[t] = h, a.addEventListener("load", function () {
o = !0, h.didsucceed = !0,
}, !1), a.addEventListener("error", function () {
h.didfail = !0,
}, !1);
var f = document.documentElement,
u = document.getElementsByTagName("head");
return u && u.length > 0 && (f = u[0]), f.appendChild(a), a.setAttribute("href", t), a
}, T.Cookie = function (t) {
this.opts = t || {}
}, T.Cookie.prototype.set = function (t, i, r) {
var n, s = this.opts;
r && (s = e.ext({}, s, r)), i = e.isDefined(s.encode) ? e.enc(i) : i, t = e.enc(t), "localhost" == s.domain && delete s.domain, e.config.cookieSecure && "false" !== e.config.cookieSecure && "false" !== e.hasSSL && (i += ";secure");
for (var a in s)
if (s[a]) switch (n = s[a], i += ";" + ("duration" == a ? "expires" : a), a) {
case "expires":
i += "=" + (e.isDate(n) ? n.toUTCString() : n) + ";";
case "duration":
i += "=" + new Date( + n * T.FULL_DAY).toUTCString() + ";";
i += "=" + n
document.cookie = t + "=" + i
}, T.Cookie.prototype.get = function (t) {
var e = document.cookie.match("(?:^|;)\\s*" + T.escapeRegExp(t) + "=([^;]*)");
return e ? decodeURIComponent(e[1]) : null
}, T.Cookie.prototype.kill = function (t) {
var e = new Date;
e.setTime(e.getTime() - 9999), this.set(t, "", {
expires: e.toUTCString()
}, T.CPPS = function (t, e) { = t, this.onSet = new T.FSEvent, this._blCPP = [], this.exp = e || 864e5
}, T.CPPS.prototype = {
addToBlacklist: function (t) {
t = t || [];
var e = this.all();
this._blCPP = this._blCPP.concat(t);
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++) delete e[t[i]];"cp", e)
set: function (t, e) {
if (-1 == this._blCPP.indexOf(t)) {
var i = this.all();
i[t] = e + "","cp", i, this.exp),, e)
get: function (t) {
return this.all()[t]
all: function () {
return"cp") || {}
toQueryString: function () {
var t = [],
i = this.all();
for (var r in i) t.push("cpp[" + e.enc(r) + "]=" + e.enc(i[r]));
return t.join("&")
erase: function (t) {
var e = this.all();
delete e[t],"cp", e)
save: function () {
append: function (t, e, i) {
var r, n, s, a ="cp") || {}; - 1 == this._blCPP.indexOf(t) && (a[t] = (a[t] || "") + "," + e, i && (r = a[t].split(","), n = r.length - 1, s = r.length > i ? r.length - i : 0, a[t] = r.splice(s, n - s + 1).join()),"cp", a))
}, T.defaultConfigs = {
global: {
storage: "COOKIE",
alwaysOnLatest: 1,
cookieSecure: !1,
deferredLoading: !1,
products: {
trigger: !1,
feedback: !1,
record: !1
survey: {
devices: {
overridesEnabled: !0,
desktop: {
icon: "aspark100.png",
fbtype: "badge",
surveytype: "popup",
disabled: !0,
size: "medium",
fbsize: "medium"
mobile: {
icon: "aspark100.png",
fbtype: "badge",
surveytype: "popup",
disabled: !0,
size: "medium",
fbsize: "medium"
tablet: {
icon: "aspark100.png",
fbtype: "badge",
surveytype: "popup",
popup: !0,
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fbsize: "medium",
size: "medium",
fbdirection: "horizontal",
fblocation: "middleleft"
icon: "aspark100.png",
delay: 0,
template: "default",
fblocation: "bottomleft",
fbtype: "badge",
disabled: !1,
fbanimate: !1,
fbfixed: !0,
fbdirection: "horizontal",
surveytype: "popup",
replay: !0,
fbcolor: "#f1c40f",
isExistingSurveyDisabled: !0,
saved: !0,
whitelistActive: !1,
blacklistActive: !1,
whitelistData: [],
blacklistData: []
}, T.DomStorage = function (t, i, r, n) {
this.isLocal = !!r, t || (t = "STORAGE"), this.guid = "FSR_" + t.replace(/[- _.&]/g, "").toUpperCase(), this.StorageFull = new T.FSEvent, this.storageLimit = 45e5, this.kill(), this.sync(), e.isDefined(i) && !i || setTimeout(e.proxy(function () {
T.Bind(window, "unload", e.proxy(function () {
}, this))
}, this), 100)
}, T.DomStorage.prototype.testStorageLimit = function () {
return this.storageBytesObj + this.storageBytesBlob >= this.storageLimit && (, !0)
}, T.DomStorage.prototype.dispose = function (t) {
this._data_obj[t] && (delete this._data_obj[t], this.storageBytesObj = JSON.stringify(this._data_obj).length)
}, T.DomStorage.prototype.kill = function () {
this.storageBytesObj = 0, this.storageBytesBlob = 0, this._data_obj = {}, this._data_blob = "", this.isNewStorage = !0
}, T.DomStorage.prototype.get = function (t) {
return this._data_obj[t]
}, T.DomStorage.prototype.getBlob = function () {
return this._data_blob
}, T.DomStorage.prototype.erase = function (t) {
delete this._data_obj[t], this.storageBytesObj = JSON.stringify(this._data_obj).length, this.isNewStorage = !1, this.testStorageLimit()
}, T.DomStorage.prototype.set = function (t, e) {
e && (this._data_obj[t] = e, this.storageBytesObj = JSON.stringify(this._data_obj).length, this.isNewStorage = !1, this.testStorageLimit())
}, T.DomStorage.prototype.setBlob = function (t) {
this._data_blob = t, this.storageBytesBlob = this._data_blob.length, this.isNewStorage = !1, this.testStorageLimit()
}, T.DomStorage.prototype.isNew = function () {
var t;
return window.opener && !this.get("isNew") && (t = !0, this.set("isNew", t)), t || this.isNewStorage
}, T.DomStorage.initialize = function (t) {
}, T.DomStorage.isSupported = function () {
return !!localStorage
}, T.DomStorage.prototype.sync = function () {
var t;
try {
t = localStorage.getObject(this.guid + "_OBJ"), t && t.length > 0 && (this._data_obj = JSON.parse(t), this.storageBytesObj = t.length, this.isNewStorage = !1)
} catch (t) {}
try {
t = localStorage.getObject(this.guid + "_BLOB"), t && t.length > 0 && (this._data_blob = t, this.storageBytesBlob = t.length, this.isNewStorage = !1)
} catch (t) {}
}, T.DomStorage.prototype.commit = function () {
try {
localStorage.setItem(this.guid + "_OBJ", JSON.stringify(this._data_obj)), localStorage.setItem(this.guid + "_BLOB", this._data_blob)
} catch (t) {}
var $ = {
byteArrayToString: function (t) {
for (var e = "", i = 0; i < t.length; i++) e += String.fromCharCode(t[i]);
return e
stringToByteArray: function (t) {
for (var e = [], i = 0; i < t.length; i++) e[e.length] = t.charCodeAt(i);
return e
_utf8_encode: function (t) {
for (var e = "", i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
var r = t.charCodeAt(i);
r < 128 ? e += String.fromCharCode(r) : r > 127 && r < 2048 ? (e += String.fromCharCode(r >> 6 | 192), e += String.fromCharCode(63 & r | 128)) : (e += String.fromCharCode(r >> 12 | 224), e += String.fromCharCode(r >> 6 & 63 | 128), e += String.fromCharCode(63 & r | 128))
return e
compress: function (t, i) {
e.isFunction(i) || (i = $._utf8_encode);
var r = i(t),
n = $.stringToByteArray(r),
s = new H.RawDeflate(n, {
compressionType: 2
return btoa($.byteArrayToString(s))
fragmentAndCompress: function (t, e) {
e = e || 1e5;
for (var i = "", r = parseInt(t.length / e) + 1, n = 0; n < r; n++) {
i += "_CMP_" + $.compress(t.substring(n * e, (n + 1) * e))
return i
decompress: function (t, i) {
var r = $.stringToByteArray(atob(t)),
n = new H.RawInflate(r, {
index: 0,
bufferSize: 41152,
bufferType: H.RawInflate.BufferType.ADAPTIVE,
resize: !0
s = $.byteArrayToString(n.decompress());
return e.isFunction(i) && (s = i(s)), s
return T.Compress = $, _fsNormalizeUrl = e.makeURI, T
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