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Created September 30, 2019 08:03
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laravel local install sh
# Install API Boilerplate
# Usage: ./
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Hello $USER, Let's do this!"
echo "What is the name your API?: \c "
read api_name
echo "What is the name of the database you will be using?: \c "
read db_name
echo "What database user will you be using?: \c "
read db_user
echo "What is the password for this user? Leave an empty string if blank: \c "
read db_pass
# Remove GIT references and initialize a new repository
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Removing GIT"
rm -rf .git
git init
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Install and provision the backend code
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo "Setting up Laravel API"
cp .env.example .env
composer update
php artisan key:generate
output=`php artisan jwt:generate`
php artisan env:set JWT_SECRET $secret
php artisan env:set APP_NAME $api_name
php artisan env:set DB_DATABASE $db_name
php artisan env:set DB_USERNAME $db_user
if [ $db_pass ]; then
php artisan env:set DB_PASSWORD $db_pass
`echo create database $db_name | mysql -u root`
php artisan migrate --seed
# Install and compile the frontend code
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
yarn run dev
# Run Tests To ensure all is working
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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