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Building Agora

Nicolas Gimenez nicobao

Building Agora
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nicobao /
Created May 7, 2024 01:43 — forked from rlanyi/
How to create Apple PKPass .p12 certificate using Linux

How to create Apple PKPass .p12 certificate using Linux

You don't need a Mac to do this :-)

For generating PKPass files, you'll need 4 things after this tutorial:

  • Certificate Identifier (
  • Team Identified (Organizational Unit (OU) in the cert generated by Apple)
  • The .p12 file
  • The password for the .p12 file
  1. Create a new directory;
mkdir Apple\ Enterprise
cd Apple\ Enterprise
  1. Generate a certificate signing request
openssl req -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ios_enterprise.key -out CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest
nicobao / throw-first-prototype.txt
Last active October 6, 2023 08:17
Throw away your first draft of your code
This article is copy-pasted from
Because it is really good and I want to make sure it stays online.
Throw away your first draft of your code
Monday, July 31, 2023
The next time you start on a major project, I want you to write code for a couple of days and then delete it all. Just throw it away.
I'm serious.