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Last active November 8, 2023 05:45
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FormControl with Angular

1. Init

ng new angular-forms

2. Create component

ng g c components/product-form

3. Include reactive forms

import { ReactiveFormsModule } from '@angular/forms';

ng g c components/product-form

4. FormControl

emailCtrl = new FormControl('', []);
  Email: <br/>
  <input type="email" [formControl]="emailCtrl">

5. Get value

getEmail(event: Event) {
  Email: <br/>
  <input type="email" fromControlName="email">
<button type="button" (click)="getEmail($event)">Save</button>
.subscribe(value => {

6. Debounce

.subscribe(value => {

7. Validations

emailCtrl = new FormControl('', [Validators.required]);

8. Show validations

  Email: <br/>
  <input type="email" [formControl]="emailCtrl">
  <small *ngIf="emailCtrl.hasError('required') && emailCtrl.dirty">El campo es requerido</small>
<button [disabled]="emailCtrl.invalid" type="button" (click)="getEmail($event)">Save</button>

9. Group validations

emailCtrl = new FormControl('', [Validators.required]);
  Email: <br/>
  <input type="email" [formControl]="emailCtrl"> <br/>
  <p *ngIf="emailCtrl.errors && emailCtrl.dirty">
    <small *ngIf="emailCtrl.hasError('required')">El campo es requerido</small>
    <small *ngIf="emailCtrl.hasError('minlength')">Debe ser mínimo de 4</small>
<button [disabled]="emailCtrl.invalid" type="button" (click)="getEmail($event)">Save</button>
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