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nicodebo/config Secret

Last active December 8, 2023 18:31
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waybar, display brightness value of external screen using ddcutil
"custom/ddcutil": {
"format": "{percentage}% {icon}",
"interval": 1,
"format-icons": ["", "", ""],
"exec": "/path/to/",
"return-type": "json"
#custom-ddcutil {
background-color: #f1c40f;
color: #000000;
#!/usr/bin/env python
import subprocess
import json
data = {}
cmd = ["ddcutil", "getvcp", "10", "--bus", "1"]
value =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).stdout.decode('utf8')
# output looks like this in my case: VCP code 0x10 (Brightness ): current value = 20, max value = 100
percentage = value.split(":")[1].split(",")[0].split("=")[1].strip(" ")
data['percentage'] = int(percentage)
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Here is my implementation of the script, I am caching the value because many times when changing the brightness ddcutil wouldn't be able to get the value so it would break for a second and look really janky.


output=$(ddcutil -t getvcp 10 2>/dev/null)

if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
    trimmed=${output#* * * }
    value=${trimmed%% *}

    cached_value=$(cat /tmp/waybar_ddcutil_value 2>/dev/null)
    if [ "$cached_value" != "$value" ]; then
        echo $value > /tmp/waybar_ddcutil_value
    echo {\"percentage\": $value}
    echo {\"percentage\": $(cat /tmp/waybar_ddcutil_value 2>/dev/null || echo 0)}

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