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Created May 30, 2015 23:57
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STLC+Nat Exhaustivity Checking
module AST where
-- | Name binding association
data Binder = NullBinder -- Wildcard binder
| Zero -- Zero binder
| Succ Binder -- Nat binder
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- | Basic representations of cases
type Case = [Binder]
type Cases = [Case]
-- | Result
type Result = Cases
-- | Pattern Matching definition
type DefPm = Cases
module Checker where
import AST
-- | unmatched: returns the list
-- * of `_` for the first uncovered set
unmatched :: Case -> Cases
unmatched c = [unmatched' c]
unmatched' :: Case -> Case
unmatched' = foldr op []
op :: Binder -> Case -> Case
op _ c = NullBinder:c
-- | check: given a pattern matching definition
-- * we check whether or not it is exhaustive
-- * giving the resultant non-covered cases
check :: DefPm -> Result
check [] = []
check pmdef@(pm:_) =
check_uncovers unm pmdef
unm = unmatched pm
-- | uncover: single binder uncovering
-- * this returns the difference between
-- * two single binders
uncover :: Binder -> Binder -> Case
uncover Zero Zero = []
uncover _ NullBinder = []
uncover NullBinder b =
let all_pat = [Zero, Succ NullBinder]
in concat $ map (\cp -> uncover cp b) all_pat
uncover (Succ n) (Succ m) =
let ucs = uncover n m
in (zip_con Succ) ucs
zip_con :: (Binder -> Binder) -> Case -> Case
zip_con _ [] = []
zip_con b bs = (b hps):rest
(hps, rest) = (head bs, tail bs)
uncover b _ = [b]
-- | uncovers: given an uncovered case and a clause
-- * of a pattern match definition,
-- * returns the uncovered cases
uncovers :: Case -> Case -> Cases
-- empty case
uncovers [] [] = []
-- any-var
uncovers (u:us) (NullBinder:ps) =
map (u:) (uncovers us ps)
-- zero-zero
uncovers (Zero:us) (Zero:ps) =
map (Zero:) (uncovers us ps)
-- succ-zero
uncovers ucs@((Succ _):_) (Zero:_) =
-- zero-succ
uncovers ucs@(Zero:_) ((Succ _):_) =
-- succ-succ
uncovers ((Succ n):us) ((Succ m):ps) =
let ucs = uncovers (n:us) (m:ps)
in map (zip_con Succ) ucs
-- This *must* be generalized for all constructors
zip_con :: (Binder -> Binder) -> Case -> Case
zip_con _ [] = []
zip_con b xs = (b hps):rest
(hps, rest) = (head xs, tail xs)
-- var-nat
uncovers (NullBinder:us) pats@(_:_) =
-- This must be something that traverse all constructors of a type
let all_pat = [Zero, Succ NullBinder]
uncovered = map (\cp -> uncovers (cp:us) pats) all_pat
in concat uncovered
-- I guess other cases must fail inside a monad
uncovers _ _ = []
-- | uncovering: returns the cases
-- * that are not covered by a single clause
uncovering :: Cases -> Case -> Cases
uncovering unc clause =
concat $ map (\u -> uncovers u clause) unc
-- | check_uncovers: Given an uncovered set and a full pm definition
-- * this calculates the cases that are not covered by
-- * the pattern matching definition
check_uncovers :: Cases -> Cases -> Cases
check_uncovers ucs [] = ucs
check_uncovers ucs (c:cs) =
let ucs' = uncovering ucs c
in check_uncovers ucs' cs
-- | is_exhaustive: returns whether or not
-- * the given definition is exhaustive
is_exhaustive :: DefPm -> Bool
is_exhaustive = null . check
module Tests where
import AST
import Checker
import Data.List
type TestCase = Cases
n = NullBinder
-- | test: Testing function
test :: DefPm -> TestCase -> Bool
test f tc = null $ (\\) (check f) tc
-- | f: simple non-exhaustive
-- * function
f :: DefPm
f = [[Zero]]
-- | g: another non-exhaustive
-- * function
g :: DefPm
g = [[Succ $ Succ $ Succ Zero]]
-- | exh: simple exhaustive definition
exh :: DefPm
exh = [[Succ n], [Zero]]
-- | min: the patterns of
-- * a `min` function
_min :: DefPm
_min = [[Zero, n], [n, Zero], [Succ n, Succ n]]
-- | crazy: some crazy function
crazy :: DefPm
crazy = [[Zero, Succ n, Succ Zero], [Succ n, Zero, Succ $ Succ Zero]]
-- | Checking the results of the above definitions
-- * The uncovered cases for each definition were taken by executing
-- * those definitions in Haskell with -Wall
-- * f : should not be exhaustive
-- * the missing case is [Succ _]
test_f :: Bool
test_f = test f [[Succ n]]
-- * g: should not be exhaustive
-- * the missing cases are [Zero, Succ Zero, Succ (Succ Zero), Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ _)))]
test_g :: Bool
test_g = test g [[Zero], [Succ Zero], [Succ (Succ Zero)], [Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ n)))]]
-- * exh: should be exhaustive
test_exh :: Bool
test_exh = test exh []
-- * min: should be exhaustive
test_min :: Bool
test_min = test _min []
-- * crazy: should not be exhaustive
-- * the missing cases are:
-- * *Main> let f Zero (Succ _) (Succ Zero) = Zero; f (Succ _) Zero (Succ (Succ Zero)) = Zero
-- *
-- *Pattern match(es) are non-exhaustive
-- *In an equation for ‘f’:
-- * Patterns not matched:
-- * Zero Zero _
-- * Zero (Succ _) Zero
-- * Zero (Succ _) (Succ (Succ _))
-- * (Succ _) (Succ _) _
-- * (Succ _) Zero Zero
-- * (Succ _) Zero (Succ Zero)
-- * (Succ _) Zero (Succ (Succ (Succ _)))
test_crazy :: Bool
test_crazy = test crazy [[Zero, Zero, n], [Zero, Succ n, Zero], [Zero, Succ n, Succ $ Succ n], [Succ n, Succ n, n],
[Succ n, Zero, Zero], [Succ n, Zero, Succ Zero], [Succ n, Zero, Succ $ Succ $ Succ n]]
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