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backtest code
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# names for the asset selection
NAMES = ['6M_Momentum', '1Y_Momentum', '6M_LowVol']
# allocation algorithm names (equally weighted)
class Backtest:
def __init__(self, returns, calendar, strategy, N):
"""Main class to perform the computations.
returns: pandas.DataFrame
Matrix of returns. There must be no zeros
nor Not a Number.
calendar: pandas.DatetimeIndex
The vector of dates to simulate.
The simulation starts one year after!
strategy: dict
With keys 'name' (stock picking algorithm)
and 'distribution' (weight distribution algorithm).
If the user would want to run another kind of strategy, he/she should implement it
below, in the stock_picking() or asset_allocation() methods.
N: int
Number of assets in your portfolio
self.N = N
# we need to know the type of the strategy
if not isinstance(strategy, dict):
raise ValueError("The strategy is a dictionary.")
if 'name' not in strategy.keys():
raise ValueError("Specify the strategy name!")
if 'distribution' not in strategy.keys():
raise ValueError("Specify the weight distribution algorithm!")
if strategy['name'] not in NAMES:
raise NotImplementedError("Your stock picking algorithm seems to "
"be not implemented yet.")
if strategy['distribution'] not in ALLOCATION:
raise NotImplementedError("Your weight distribution algorithm seems to "
"be not implemented yet.")
self.strategy = strategy
# we need the returns of the assets
if not isinstance(returns, pd.DataFrame):
raise ValueError("The passed matrix is not a pandas.DataFrame!")
if not isinstance(returns.index, pd.DatetimeIndex):
raise ValueError("The passed matrix has not the proper index.")
self.dates = returns.index
self.returns = returns.values
self.calendar = calendar
self.weights = None
self._aux_cum_return = None
self.selected = None
def cumulative_return(self):
x = pd.DataFrame(data=self._aux_cum_return,
columns=['Cumulative Return'])
x = x.replace(0, np.nan).dropna()
return x
def evolve_weights(returns, weights):
num = weights * (1 + returns)
return np.nan_to_num(num / np.sum(num))
def run(self):
if self.weights is not None or self._aux_cum_return:
raise ValueError("You already simulated!")
dates = self.dates
# initialize the simulation
self.weights = np.zeros((len(dates), self.returns.shape[1]))
self._aux_cum_return = np.zeros((len(dates), 1))
# we start iterating!
for i, day in enumerate(dates):
# we need at least 261 days of history
if i > 261:
today = i # today's index
yty = today - 1 # yesterday's index
retornos = self.returns[today] # today's asset returns
if today > 0:
# evolve the weights of my portfolio
self.weights[today, :] = \
self.evolve_weights(retornos, self.weights[yty, :])
# we run our algorithm and do the trades
if day in self.calendar:
# update the cumulative return of the portfolio
if day > dates[0]:
# calculate return of the portfolio
rent = np.sum(self.weights[yty] * retornos)
# accumulate equity
self._aux_cum_return[today] = \
(1 + rent) * (1 + self._aux_cum_return[yty]) - 1
def stock_picking(self, today):
# prepare the data
if self.strategy['name'] == '6M_Momentum':
a = self.returns[today - 22 * 6:today, :]
elif self.strategy['name'] == '1Y_Momentum':
a = self.returns[today - 22 * 12:today, :]
elif self.strategy['name'] == '6M_LowVol':
a = self.returns[today - 22 * 6:today, :]
# do the stock picking
if self.strategy['name'] == '6M_Momentum' or \
self.strategy['name'] == '1Y_Momentum':
# get the cumulative return of the assets
a = np.cumprod(1 + a, 0) - 1
# take the last data point
value = a[-1, :]
# these are the selected
self.selected = \
value > np.percentile(value, (1 - self.N / len(value)) * 100)
elif self.strategy['name'] == '6M_LowVol':
# calculate the annualised volatility
std = np.std(a, 0) * np.sqrt(261)
self.selected = std < np.percentile(std, (self.N / len(std)) * 100)
def asset_allocation(self, today):
# do equally weight
if self.strategy['distribution'] == 'EW':
self.weights[today] = 0
self.weights[today, self.selected] = 1 / self.N
if __name__ == '__main__':
# this is the date range we want to simulate
dates = pd.bdate_range('20000101', '20180831')
# let's generate some random normal returns
random_returns = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.normal(0, 1, size=(len(dates), 500)) / 100,
# we create the execution dates -- where we trade assets
calendar = dates[dates.is_month_start]
# what kind of strategy we want?
strategy = {'name': '6M_LowVol',
'distribution': 'EW'}
# construct the class and run the backtest
backtest = Backtest(random_returns, calendar, strategy, 50)
# plot the result!
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