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Last active December 16, 2022 08:29
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Plot the vector field for an autonomous ODE written in the form x' = F(x,y), y' = G(x,y).
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
def plotdf(f, xran=[-5, 5], yran=[-5, 5], grid=[21, 21], color='k'):
Plot the direction field for an ODE written in the form
x' = F(x,y)
y' = G(x,y)
The functions F,G are defined in the list of strings f.
f: list of strings ["F(X,Y)", "G(X,Y)"
F,G are functions of X and Y (capitals).
xran: list [xmin, xmax] (optional)
yran: list [ymin, ymax] (optional)
grid: list [npoints_x, npoints_y] (optional)
Defines the number of points in the x-y grid.
color: string (optional)
Color for the vector field (as color defined in matplotlib)
x = np.linspace(xran[0], xran[1], grid[0])
y = np.linspace(yran[0], yran[1], grid[1])
def dX_dt(X, Y, t=0): return map(eval, f)
X , Y = np.meshgrid(x, y) # create a grid
DX, DY = dX_dt(X, Y) # compute growth rate on the grid
M = (np.hypot(DX, DY)) # Norm of the growth rate
M[ M == 0] = 1. # Avoid zero division errors
DX = DX/M # Normalize each arrows
plt.quiver(X, Y, DX, DY, pivot='mid', color=color)
plt.xlim(xran), plt.ylim(yran)
## Example
# Simple Pendulum
# The sin function should be passed within
# the scope of numpy `np`
pendulum = ["Y", "np.sin(X)"]
plotdf(pendulum, xran=[-2*np.pi, 2*np.pi], yran=[-3, 3])
# Lotka-Volterra Equation
lotka = ["X - X*Y", "X*Y - Y"]
plotdf(lotka, xran=[0, 5], yran=[0, 5])
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nicoguaro commented Nov 23, 2020

Hi, I would like to model a similar pendulum except it has a damping factor u*dx/dt. How do I insert this first order differential term into the program you've mentioned above.

You change line 44 to something like

 pendulum = ["Y", "np.sin(X) + u*Y"] 

In general, you need to convert your second-order ODE to a system of first-order equations.

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magus96 commented Nov 24, 2020

Hi, I would like to model a similar pendulum except it has a damping factor u*dx/dt. How do I insert this first order differential term into the program you've mentioned above.

You change line 44 to something like

 pendulum = ["Y", "np.sin(X) + u*Y"] 

In general, you need to convert your second-order ODE to a system of first-order equations.

Thank you for the prompt response.

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