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Last active October 19, 2021 05:45
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Rust glossary

Rust glossary

  • borrowing: a borrowed variable is temporary shared to a function that does not own it (see "reference").

  • dereference: taking ownership on a reference using the dereference operator, *. ref

  • generics: abstract types that prevent code duplication, i.e. fn largest<T>(list: &[T]) -> T ref

  • lifetime:

  • mutable:

  • ownership: a way to solve memory allocation issues with no garbage collection: each variable is owned by a single function at a time ref

  • reference: a reference to a variable without taking ownership on it, using that & syntax, i.e. this function has a reference to its parameter: fn calculate_length(word: &String). ref

  • shadowing: creating a new variable with an existing name (i.e. let x = x + 1; let x = x * 2;). ref

  • slice: data type that does not have ownership ; commonly used for string slices (let s = "Hello, world!"; // type of s is &str. ref

  • struct: pure data with named fields, i.e. struct User { username: String, email: String } ref

  • trait: a way to define shared behaviour among types, i.e. trait Summary { fn summarize(&self) -> String; } / impl Summary for NewsArticle { //... } ref

  • tuple: a fixed-length compound type, i.e. let tup = (500, 6.4); ref

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