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Last active August 22, 2024 08:59
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Visualizing London Tube map

This is part of a set of visualisation that try to improve the Barclay's bike distribution in London. Visualizing the map of the London Tube is the first step to understand any correlation with bikes usage.


The technical aim I tried to achieve, is a very simple codebase that enables interaction (such as zooming) for later data analysis.


I have been using RandomETC's idea. However, in order to support scaling and to have a more structured code-base, most of the code has been re-written.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Graph map</title>
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<style type="text/css">
svg {
font: 10px sans-serif;
.axis path, .axis line {
fill: none;
stroke: #666;
stroke-width: 0.3;
<div id="map"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
d3.csv('stations.csv', function(stations) {
d3.csv('lines2.csv', function(connections) {
d3.csv('routes.csv', function(routes) {
var margin = {top: 20, right: 20, bottom: 30, left: 40},
w = Math.max(760, window.innerWidth) - margin.left - margin.right,
h = Math.max(500, window.innerHeight) - - margin.bottom,
stationsById = {};
Organising data
// Organising stations
stations.forEach(function(s) {
stationsById[] = s;
s.conns = [];
s.display_name = (s.display_name == 'NULL') ? null : s.display_name;
s.rail = parseInt(s.rail,10);
s.totalLines = parseInt(s.total_lines,10);
s.latitude = parseFloat(s.latitude);
s.longitude = parseFloat(s.longitude);
// Linking lines
connections.forEach(function(c) {
c.station1 = stationsById[c.station1];
c.station2 = stationsById[c.station2];
c.time = parseInt(c.time,10);
// Organizing lines
var routesById = {};
routes.forEach(function(r) {
routesById[r.line] = r;
Setting up D3
// Find min and max long and lat
var minLat = d3.min(stations, function(d) {return d.latitude});
var minLon = d3.min(stations, function(d) {return d.longitude});
var maxLat = d3.max(stations, function(d) {return d.latitude});
var maxLon = d3.max(stations, function(d) {return d.longitude});
// Set up the scales
var x = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([minLon, maxLon])
.range([0, w]);
var y = d3.scale.linear()
.domain([minLat, maxLat])
.range([h, 0]);
// Set up the axis
var xAxis = d3.svg.axis()
var yAxis = d3.svg.axis()
// Set up what will happen when zooming
var zoom = d3.behavior.zoom()
.scaleExtent([1, 10])
.on("zoom", zoomed);
Drawing from now on
// Setting up the canvas
var vis ="#map").append("svg")
.attr("width", w + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", h + + margin.bottom)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")")
// Make sure it is zoomable"#map svg")
// Drawing lines between stations
var route = vis.selectAll("line.route")
.attr("class", "route")
.attr("stroke", function(d) { return '#'+routesById[d.line].colour; })
.attr("stroke-linecap", 'round')
.attr("x1", function(d) { return x(d.station1.longitude); })
.attr("y1", function(d) { return y(d.station1.latitude); })
.attr("x2", function(d) { return x(d.station2.longitude); })
.attr("y2", function(d) { return y(d.station2.latitude); })
// Striped stations (see official map)
var stripe = vis.selectAll("line.stripe")
.data(connections.filter(function(d) { return routesById[d.line].stripe != "NULL"; }))
.attr("class", "stripe")
.attr("stroke", function(d) { return '#'+routesById[d.line].stripe; })
.attr("stroke-linecap", 'round')
.attr("x1", function(d) { return x(d.station1.longitude); })
.attr("y1", function(d) { return y(d.station1.latitude); })
.attr("x2", function(d) { return x(d.station2.longitude); })
.attr("y2", function(d) { return y(d.station2.latitude); })
// Points with more stations
var connect = vis.selectAll("circle.connect")
.data(stations.filter(function(d) { return d.totalLines - d.rail > 1; }))
.attr("class", "connect")
.attr("cx", function(d) { return x(d.longitude); })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return y(d.latitude); })
.style("fill", 'white')
.style("stroke", 'black')
// Drawing all the stations
var station = vis.selectAll("circle.station")
.attr("class", "station")
.attr("id", function(d) { return 'station' })
.attr("cx", function(d) { return x(d.longitude); })
.attr("cy", function(d) { return y(d.latitude); })
.attr("data-cx", function(d) { return d.longitude; })
.attr("data-cy", function(d) { return d.latitude; })
.attr("title", function(d) { return })
.style("stroke", 'gray')
.style("fill", '#ffffff')
.style("opacity", 0.3)
.on('mouseover', function(d,i) {
.attr("r", 3 / zoom.scale())
.style("stroke", 'black')
.style("stroke-width", 0.5 / zoom.scale())
.style('opacity', 1);
.on('mouseout', function(d,i) {
.attr("r", 2.5 / zoom.scale())
.style("stroke-width", 0.5 / zoom.scale())
.style("stroke", 'gray')
.style('opacity', 0.3);
// .on('click', selectStation);
// Adding axis
.attr("class", "x axis")
.attr("transform", "translate(0," + h + ")")
.attr("class", "y axis")
function zoomed() {
// Reset axis".x.axis").call(xAxis);".y.axis").call(yAxis);
// Rescale circles
.attr("transform", "translate(" + zoom.translate() + ")scale(" + zoom.scale() + ")")
.style("stroke-width", 0.5 / zoom.scale())
.attr("r", 2.5 / zoom.scale());
// Rescale lines
vis.selectAll("line.route, line.stripe")
.attr("transform", "translate(" + zoom.translate() + ")scale(" + zoom.scale() + ")")
.attr("stroke-width", 5 / (zoom.scale()))
.attr("stroke-width", 4 / (zoom.scale()))
}); // load routes
}); // load lines
}); // load stations
station1 station2 line time
11 163 1 1
11 212 1 2
49 87 1 1
49 197 1 2
82 163 1 2
82 193 1 3
84 148 1 3
87 279 1 2
113 246 1 2
113 298 1 2
114 140 1 2
137 206 1 3
137 298 1 3
140 237 1 2
143 159 1 2
143 206 1 2
148 279 1 1
159 278 1 1
185 237 1 2
185 281 1 2
192 197 1 2
192 212 1 2
193 278 1 2
246 281 1 3
13 156 2 2
13 250 2 2
16 91 2 2
16 173 2 2
24 156 2 3
24 164 2 2
28 162 2 1
28 192 2 1
37 158 2 3
37 301 2 3
48 126 2 1
48 250 2 2
51 103 2 2
51 215 2 2
68 158 2 2
68 256 2 3
72 286 2 3
76 181 2 2
76 296 2 3
88 256 2 2
91 109 2 2
98 173 2 3
98 211 2 2
103 109 2 3
105 177 2 2
105 196 2 2
112 181 2 3
112 196 2 2
126 259 2 2
127 186 2 2
127 226 2 1
149 162 2 3
149 208 2 1
153 154 2 3
153 247 2 2
154 230 2 2
154 275 2 2
164 247 2 4
177 239 2 3
181 286 2 2
186 208 2 2
192 259 2 2
211 275 2 2
215 301 2 3
221 239 2 1
221 294 2 3
226 296 2 3
230 241 2 2
241 301 2 2
2 156 3 2
2 263 3 4
11 83 3 3
11 104 3 3
14 92 3 1
14 167 3 2
18 186 3 2
18 193 3 2
25 161 3 1
25 255 3 2
44 161 3 1
44 166 3 2
83 193 3 3
87 255 3 2
87 285 3 2
90 104 3 2
90 145 3 2
92 145 3 4
99 122 3 4
99 236 3 1
122 186 3 3
156 167 3 2
166 263 3 2
229 236 3 2
229 273 3 2
248 273 3 2
248 285 3 2
3 263 4 2
3 295 4 2
15 78 4 4
15 269 4 2
17 110 4 1
17 293 4 2
18 186 4 2
18 193 4 2
21 67 4 3
21 269 4 2
25 161 4 1
25 255 4 2
33 36 4 2
33 164 4 1
36 289 4 2
44 161 4 1
44 166 4 2
52 1 4 2
52 265 4 2
66 67 4 4
66 85 4 3
72 73 4 4
73 1 4 2
74 99 4 3
74 122 4 3
74 138 4 2
74 287 4 2
74 293 4 1
78 270 4 2
80 205 4 2
80 231 4 2
83 193 4 3
85 129 4 2
87 255 4 2
87 285 4 2
96 195 4 2
96 287 4 1
99 236 4 1
108 141 4 3
108 265 4 3
110 209 4 2
122 186 4 3
129 268 4 2
141 213 4 3
164 244 4 2
166 263 4 2
195 205 4 3
200 270 4 2
200 289 4 2
209 242 4 2
229 236 4 2
229 273 4 2
231 300 4 3
242 265 4 1
244 295 4 3
248 273 4 2
248 285 4 2
267 268 4 3
299 300 4 3
4 70 13 2
4 201 13 2
13 225 13 2
19 97 13 2
20 65 13 2
20 217 13 2
27 79 13 2
27 201 13 2
32 70 13 2
32 204 13 2
42 120 13 2
42 292 13 2
43 79 13 2
43 219 13 2
61 171 13 2
61 238 13 2
63 203 13 2
63 219 13 2
64 106 13 2
64 135 13 2
65 97 13 2
69 86 13 2
69 106 13 2
86 152 13 2
120 238 13 2
135 171 13 2
155 225 13 2
155 284 13 2
201 284 13 2
201 292 13 2
203 217 13 2
204 247 13 2
225 262 13 2
284 292 13 2
41 216 5 1
41 253 5 2
174 253 5 4
175 253 5 4
216 276 5 1
225 276 5 1
225 295 5 2
228 295 5 2
3 156 6 4
3 295 6 2
11 83 6 3
11 104 6 3
14 92 6 1
14 167 6 2
15 78 6 4
33 36 6 2
33 164 6 1
36 289 6 2
78 270 6 2
83 193 6 4
90 104 6 2
90 145 6 2
92 145 6 4
101 110 6 2
101 227 6 1
147 150 6 1
147 283 6 2
150 227 6 2
156 167 6 2
164 244 6 2
193 218 6 1
200 270 6 2
200 289 6 2
218 283 6 2
244 295 6 3
11 28 7 2
11 249 7 4
23 41 7 2
23 157 7 3
28 107 7 2
41 42 7 3
42 183 7 3
43 183 7 3
43 289 7 3
45 207 7 2
45 243 7 2
71 172 7 2
71 297 7 2
94 254 7 2
94 290 7 1
107 285 7 3
142 290 7 2
142 297 7 2
144 207 7 2
144 282 7 4
157 233 7 2
172 282 7 4
233 279 7 1
247 289 7 3
249 254 7 1
279 285 7 2
2 156 8 2
6 46 8 4
11 94 8 6
11 104 8 3
14 92 8 1
14 167 8 2
46 50 8 8
46 53 8 4
53 214 8 4
62 168 8 4
62 280 8 3
75 210 8 2
75 222 8 2
90 104 8 2
90 145 8 2
92 145 8 4
94 282 8 7
115 178 8 2
115 184 8 3
115 291 8 2
125 134 8 2
125 271 8 3
134 220 8 3
156 167 8 2
168 179 8 3
168 214 8 4
178 202 8 2
179 180 8 2
180 199 8 2
184 199 8 3
202 282 8 3
210 291 8 3
220 222 8 2
7 145 9 2
7 188 9 3
8 124 9 3
8 264 9 2
12 56 9 2
12 257 9 1
13 157 9 2
13 167 9 3
22 47 9 2
22 111 9 2
29 84 9 1
29 157 9 2
34 100 9 3
34 119 9 2
38 58 9 2
38 81 9 3
40 47 9 2
40 89 9 3
40 139 9 2
40 170 9 1
49 87 9 1
49 151 9 2
54 55 9 2
54 56 9 2
55 245 9 1
58 119 9 3
59 240 9 2
59 258 9 2
77 93 9 4
77 124 9 2
84 136 9 2
87 279 9 2
89 145 9 2
89 170 9 2
89 277 9 1
93 165 9 3
93 288 9 2
100 111 9 4
102 259 9 1
102 277 9 2
121 261 9 3
136 191 9 2
136 279 9 3
139 264 9 2
151 259 9 1
167 188 9 1
169 240 9 4
191 245 9 3
257 258 9 2
261 302 9 3
288 302 9 1
1 73 10 2
1 234 10 4
1 265 10 3
5 194 10 3
5 252 10 2
9 31 10 3
9 232 10 3
10 95 10 2
10 128 10 1
17 74 10 3
17 110 10 2
30 176 10 2
30 190 10 3
31 303 10 2
39 128 10 2
39 145 10 5
57 187 10 4
60 126 10 1
60 151 10 1
73 182 10 3
74 99 10 2
75 210 10 2
75 222 10 2
95 160 10 2
99 236 10 1
107 133 10 2
107 197 10 1
110 265 10 2
116 117 10 3
116 118 10 3
116 132 10 4
117 118 10 5
125 134 10 2
125 271 10 3
126 223 10 2
130 131 10 2
130 132 10 2
131 190 10 2
133 146 10 2
134 220 10 3
145 223 10 2
146 236 10 3
151 197 10 2
160 266 10 3
176 234 10 1
182 194 10 2
187 232 10 3
210 235 10 3
220 222 10 2
235 251 10 2
251 252 10 3
266 303 10 2
26 260 11 2
26 274 11 2
35 245 11 2
89 145 11 2
89 277 11 1
95 123 11 2
95 224 11 4
107 192 11 2
107 273 11 2
123 145 11 4
192 277 11 2
198 272 11 1
198 273 11 3
224 260 11 3
245 272 11 3
13 279 12 4
line name colour stripe
1 Bakerloo Line AE6017 NULL
3 Circle Line FFE02B NULL
6 Hammersmith & City Line F491A8 NULL
7 Jubilee Line 949699 NULL
11 Victoria Line 0A9CDA NULL
2 Central Line F15B2E NULL
4 District Line 00A166 NULL
5 East London Line FBAE34 NULL
8 Metropolitan Line 91005A NULL
9 Northern Line 000000 NULL
10 Piccadilly Line 094FA3 NULL
12 Waterloo & City Line 88D0C4 NULL
13 Docklands Light Railway 00A77E FFFFFF
id latitude longitude name display_name zone total_lines rail
1 51.5028 -0.2801 Acton Town Acton<br />Town 3 2 0
2 51.5143 -0.0755 Aldgate NULL 1 2 0
3 51.5154 -0.0726 Aldgate East Aldgate<br />East 1 2 0
4 51.5107 -0.013 All Saints All<br />Saints 2 1 0
5 51.5407 -0.2997 Alperton NULL 4 1 0
7 51.5322 -0.1058 Angel NULL 1 1 0
8 51.5653 -0.1353 Archway NULL 2.5 1 0
9 51.6164 -0.1331 Arnos Grove Arnos<br />Grove 4 1 0
10 51.5586 -0.1059 Arsenal NULL 2 1 0
11 51.5226 -0.1571 Baker Street Baker<br />Street 1 5 0
12 51.4431 -0.1525 Balham NULL 3 1 1
13 51.5133 -0.0886 Bank NULL 1 4 0
14 51.5204 -0.0979 Barbican NULL 1 3 0
15 51.5396 0.081 Barking NULL 4 2 1
16 51.5856 0.0887 Barkingside NULL 5 1 0
17 51.4905 -0.2139 Barons Court Barons<br />Court 2 2 0
18 51.5121 -0.1879 Bayswater NULL 1 2 0
19 51.5148 0.0613 Beckton NULL 3 1 0
20 51.5087 0.055 Beckton Park Beckton<br />Park 3 1 0
21 51.5403 0.127 Becontree NULL 5 1 0
22 51.5504 -0.1642 Belsize Park Belsize<br />Park 2 1 0
24 51.527 -0.0549 Bethnal Green Bethnal<br />Green 2 1 0
25 51.512 -0.1031 Blackfriars NULL 1 2 0
26 51.5867 -0.0417 Blackhorse Road Blackhorse<br />Road 3 1 1
27 51.5079 -0.0066 Blackwall NULL 2 1 0
28 51.5142 -0.1494 Bond Street Bond<br />Street 1 2 0
29 51.5011 -0.0943 Borough NULL 1 1 0
30 51.4956 -0.325 Boston Manor Boston<br />Manor 4 1 0
31 51.6071 -0.1243 Bounds Green Bounds<br />Green 3.5 1 0
32 51.5273 -0.0208 Bow Church Bow<br />Church 2 3 0
33 51.5269 -0.0247 Bow Road Bow<br />Road 2 2 0
34 51.5766 -0.2136 Brent Cross Brent<br />Cross 3 1 0
36 51.5248 -0.0119 Bromley-By-Bow NULL 2.5 2 0
38 51.6028 -0.2641 Burnt Oak Burnt<br />Oak 4 1 0
39 51.5481 -0.1188 Caledonian Road Caledonian<br />Road 2 1 0
40 51.5392 -0.1426 Camden Town Camden<br />Town 2 1 0
42 51.5051 -0.0209 Canary Wharf Canary<br />Wharf 2 2 0
44 51.5113 -0.0904 Cannon Street Cannon<br />Street 1 2 0
45 51.6078 -0.2947 Canons Park Canons<br />Park 5 1 0
47 51.5441 -0.1538 Chalk Farm Chalk<br />Farm 2 1 0
48 51.5185 -0.1111 Chancery Lane Chancery<br />Lane 1 1 0
49 51.508 -0.1247 Charing Cross Charing<br />Cross 1 2 1
51 51.6177 0.0755 Chigwell NULL 5 1 0
52 51.4946 -0.2678 Chiswick Park Chiswick<br />Park 3 1 0
54 51.4618 -0.1384 Clapham Common Clapham<br />Common 2 1 0
55 51.4649 -0.1299 Clapham North Clapham<br />North 2 1 0
56 51.4527 -0.148 Clapham South Clapham<br />South 2.5 1 0
58 51.5955 -0.2502 Colindale NULL 4 1 0
59 51.418 -0.1778 Colliers Wood Colliers<br />Wood 3 1 0
60 51.5129 -0.1243 Covent Garden Covent<br />Garden 1 1 0
61 51.4957 -0.0144 Crossharbour & London Arena Crossharbour &<br />London Arena 2 1 0
63 51.5095 0.0276 Custom House Custom<br />House 3 1 0
65 51.5085 0.064 Cyprus NULL 3 1 0
66 51.5443 0.1655 Dagenham East Dagenham<br />East 5 1 0
67 51.5417 0.1469 Dagenham Heathway Dagenham<br />Heathway 5 1 0
70 51.5223 -0.0173 Devons Road Devons<br />Road 2 1 0
71 51.552 -0.2387 Dollis Hill Dollis<br />Hill 3 1 0
72 51.5152 -0.3017 Ealing Broadway Ealing<br />Broadway 3 2 1
73 51.5101 -0.2882 Ealing Common Ealing<br />Common 3 2 0
74 51.492 -0.1973 Earl's Court Earl's<br />Court 1.5 2 0
75 51.5765 -0.397 Eastcote NULL 5 2 0
76 51.5168 -0.2474 East Acton East<br />Acton 2 1 0
77 51.5874 -0.165 East Finchley East<br />Finchley 3 1 0
78 51.5394 0.0518 East Ham East<br />Ham 3.5 2 0
79 51.5093 -0.0021 East India East<br />India 2.5 1 0
80 51.4586 -0.2112 East Putney East<br />Putney 2.5 1 0
81 51.6137 -0.275 Edgware NULL 5 1 0
82 51.5199 -0.1679 Edgware Road (B) Edgware<br />Road 1 1 0
83 51.5203 -0.17 Edgware Road (C) Edgware<br />Road 1 3 0
84 51.4943 -0.1001 Elephant & Castle Elephant &<br />Castle 1.5 2 1
85 51.5496 0.1977 Elm Park Elm<br />Park 6 1 0
87 51.5074 -0.1223 Embankment NULL 1 4 0
89 51.5282 -0.1337 Euston NULL 1 2 1
90 51.526 -0.1359 Euston Square Euston<br />Square 1 3 0
91 51.596 0.0912 Fairlop NULL 5 1 0
92 51.5203 -0.1053 Farringdon NULL 1 3 1
93 51.6012 -0.1932 Finchley Central Finchley<br />Central 4 1 0
94 51.5472 -0.1803 Finchley Road Finchley<br />Road 2 2 0
95 51.5642 -0.1065 Finsbury Park Finsbury<br />Park 2 1 1
96 51.4804 -0.195 Fulham Broadway Fulham<br />Broadway 2 1 0
97 51.5096 0.0716 Gallions Reach Gallions<br />Reach 3 1 0
98 51.5765 0.0663 Gants Hill Gants<br />Hill 4 1 0
99 51.4945 -0.1829 Gloucester Road Gloucester<br />Road 1 3 0
100 51.5724 -0.1941 Golders Green Golders<br />Green 3 1 0
101 51.5018 -0.2267 Goldhawk Road Goldhawk<br />Road 2 1 0
102 51.5205 -0.1347 Goodge Street Goodge<br />Street 1 1 0
103 51.6132 0.0923 Grange Hill Grange<br />Hill 5 1 0
104 51.5238 -0.1439 Great Portland Street Great<br />Portland<br />Street 1 3 0
105 51.5423 -0.3456 Greenford NULL 4 1 1
107 51.5067 -0.1428 Green Park Green<br />Park 1 3 0
108 51.4915 -0.2754 Gunnersbury NULL 3 1 0
109 51.603 0.0933 Hainault NULL 5 1 0
110 51.4936 -0.2251 Hammersmith NULL 2 3 0
111 51.5568 -0.178 Hampstead NULL 2.5 1 0
112 51.5302 -0.2933 Hanger Lane Hanger<br />Lane 3 1 0
113 51.5362 -0.2575 Harlesden NULL 3 1 0
114 51.5925 -0.3351 Harrow & Wealdston Harrow &<br />Wealdston 5 1 1
115 51.5793 -0.3366 Harrow-on-the-Hill Harrow-<br />on-the-Hill 5 1 1
116 51.4669 -0.4227 Hatton Cross Hatton<br />Cross 5.5 1 0
117 51.4713 -0.4524 Heathrow Terminals 1, 2 & 3 Heathrow<br />Terminals<br />1, 2 & 3 6 1 0
118 51.4598 -0.4476 Heathrow Terminal 4 Heathrow<br />Terminal 4 6 1 0
119 51.5829 -0.2259 Hendon Central Hendon<br />Central 3.5 1 0
120 51.5033 -0.0215 Heron Quays Heron<br />Quays 2 1 0
122 51.5009 -0.1925 High Street Kensington High<br />Street<br />Kensington 1 2 0
123 51.546 -0.104 Highbury & Islington Highbury &<br />Islington 2 1 1
124 51.5777 -0.1458 Highgate NULL 3 1 0
125 51.5538 -0.4499 Hillingdon NULL 6 2 0
126 51.5174 -0.12 Holborn NULL 1 2 0
127 51.5075 -0.206 Holland Park Holland<br />Park 2 1 0
128 51.5526 -0.1132 Holloway Road Holloway<br />Road 2 1 0
129 51.5539 0.2184 Hornchurch NULL 6 1 0
130 51.4713 -0.3665 Hounslow Central Hounslow<br />Central 4 1 0
131 51.4733 -0.3564 Hounslow East Hounslow<br />East 4 1 0
132 51.4734 -0.3855 Hounslow West Hounslow<br />West 5 1 0
133 51.5027 -0.1527 Hyde Park Corner Hyde<br />Park<br />Corner 1 1 0
134 51.5619 -0.4421 Ickenham NULL 6 2 0
135 51.4871 -0.0101 Island Gardens Island<br />Gardens 2 1 0
136 51.4884 -0.1053 Kennington NULL 2 1 0
137 51.5304 -0.225 Kensal Green Kensal<br />Green 2 1 0
138 51.4983 -0.2106 Kensington (Olympia) Kensington<br />(Olympia) 2 1 1
139 51.5507 -0.1402 Kentish Town Kentish<br />Town 2 1 1
140 51.5816 -0.3162 Kenton NULL 4 1 0
141 51.477 -0.285 Kew Gardens Kew<br />Gardens 3.5 1 0
142 51.5471 -0.2047 Kilburn NULL 2 1 0
143 51.5351 -0.1939 Kilburn Park Kilburn<br />Park 2 1 0
144 51.5846 -0.2786 Kingsbury NULL 4 1 0
145 51.5308 -0.1238 King's Cross St. Pancras King's Cross<br />St. Pancras 1 6 1
146 51.5015 -0.1607 Knightsbridge NULL 1 1 0
147 51.5172 -0.2107 Ladbroke Grove Ladbroke<br />Grove 2 1 0
148 51.4991 -0.1115 Lambeth North Lambeth<br />North 1 1 0
149 51.5119 -0.1756 Lancaster Gate Lancaster<br />Gate 1 1 0
150 51.5139 -0.2172 Latimer Road Latimer<br />Road 2 1 0
151 51.5113 -0.1281 Leicester Square Leicester<br />Square 1 2 0
153 51.5566 -0.0053 Leyton NULL 3 1 0
154 51.5683 0.0083 Leytonstone NULL 3.5 1 0
155 51.5123 -0.0396 Limehouse NULL 2 1 1
156 51.5178 -0.0823 Liverpool Street Liverpool<br />Street 1 4 1
157 51.5052 -0.0864 London Bridge London<br />Bridge 1 2 1
159 51.53 -0.1854 Maida Vale Maida<br />Vale 2 1 0
160 51.5712 -0.0958 Manor House Manor<br />House 2.5 1 0
161 51.5122 -0.094 Mansion House Mansion<br />House 1 2 0
162 51.5136 -0.1586 Marble Arch Marble<br />Arch 1 1 0
163 51.5225 -0.1631 Marylebone NULL 1 1 1
164 51.5249 -0.0332 Mile End Mile<br />End 2 3 0
165 51.6082 -0.2103 Mill Hill East Mill<br />Hill<br />East 4 1 0
166 51.5108 -0.0863 Monument NULL 1 2 0
167 51.5186 -0.0886 Moorgate NULL 1 4 1
168 51.6294 -0.432 Moor Park Moor<br />Park 6.5 1 0
169 51.4022 -0.1948 Morden NULL 4 1 0
170 51.5342 -0.1387 Mornington Crescent Mornington<br />Crescent 2 1 0
171 51.4902 -0.0145 Mudchute NULL 2 1 0
172 51.5542 -0.2503 Neasden NULL 3 1 0
173 51.5756 0.0899 Newbury Park Newbury<br />Park 4 1 0
176 51.4995 -0.3142 Northfields NULL 3 1 0
177 51.5483 -0.3687 Northolt NULL 5 1 0
178 51.5784 -0.3184 Northwick Park Northwick<br />Park 4 1 0
179 51.6111 -0.424 Northwood NULL 6 1 0
180 51.6004 -0.4092 Northwood Hills Northwood<br />Hills 6 1 0
181 51.5237 -0.2597 North Acton North<br />Acton 2.5 1 0
182 51.5175 -0.2887 North Ealing North<br />Ealing 3 1 0
184 51.5846 -0.3626 North Harrow North<br />Harrow 5 1 0
185 51.5621 -0.3034 North Wembley North<br />Wembley 4 1 0
186 51.5094 -0.1967 Notting Hill Gate Notting<br />Hill Gate 1.5 3 0
188 51.5263 -0.0873 Old Street Old<br />Street 1 1 1
190 51.4813 -0.3522 Osterley NULL 4 1 0
191 51.4819 -0.113 Oval NULL 2 1 0
192 51.515 -0.1415 Oxford Circus Oxford<br />Circus 1 3 0
193 51.5154 -0.1755 Paddington NULL 1 4 1
194 51.527 -0.2841 Park Royal Park<br />Royal 3 1 0
195 51.4753 -0.2011 Parsons Green Parsons<br />Green 2 1 0
196 51.5366 -0.3232 Perivale NULL 4 1 0
197 51.5098 -0.1342 Picadilly Circus Picadilly<br />Circus 1 2 0
198 51.4893 -0.1334 Pimlico NULL 1 1 0
199 51.5926 -0.3805 Pinner NULL 5 1 0
200 51.5313 0.0172 Plaistow NULL 3 2 0
201 51.5077 -0.0173 Poplar NULL 2 1 0
202 51.572 -0.2954 Preston Road Preston<br />Road 4 1 0
203 51.5093 0.0336 Prince Regent Prince<br />Regent 3 1 0
205 51.4682 -0.2089 Putney Bridge Putney<br />Bridge 2 1 0
206 51.5341 -0.2047 Queen's Park Queens<br />Park 2 1 1
207 51.5942 -0.2861 Queensbury NULL 4 1 0
208 51.5107 -0.1877 Queensway NULL 1 1 0
209 51.4942 -0.2359 Ravenscourt Park Ravenscourt<br />Park 2 1 0
210 51.5753 -0.3714 Rayners Lane Rayners<br />Lane 5 2 0
211 51.5763 0.0454 Redbridge NULL 4 1 0
212 51.5234 -0.1466 Regent's Park Regent's<br />Park 1 1 0
213 51.4633 -0.3013 Richmond NULL 4 1 1
215 51.6171 0.0439 Roding Valley Roding<br />Valley 5 1 0
216 51.501 -0.0525 Rotherhithe NULL 2 1 0
217 51.5084 0.0465 Royal Albert Royal<br />Albert 3 1 0
218 51.519 -0.188 Royal Oak Royal<br />Oak 2 1 0
219 51.5091 0.0181 Royal Victoria Royal<br />Victoria 3 1 0
220 51.5715 -0.4213 Ruislip NULL 6 2 0
222 51.5732 -0.4125 Ruislip Manor Ruislip<br />Manor 6 2 0
223 51.523 -0.1244 Russell Square Russell<br />Square 1 1 0
224 51.5822 -0.0749 Seven Sisters Seven<br />Sisters 3 1 1
225 51.5117 -0.056 Shadwell NULL 2 2 0
226 51.5046 -0.2187 Shepherd's Bush (C) Shepherd's<br />Bush 2 1 0
227 51.5058 -0.2265 Shepherd's Bush (H) Shepherd's<br />Bush 2 1 0
228 51.5227 -0.0708 Shoreditch NULL 2 1 0
229 51.4924 -0.1565 Sloane Square Sloane<br />Square 1 2 0
230 51.5808 0.0216 Snaresbrook NULL 4 1 0
231 51.4454 -0.2066 Southfields NULL 3 1 0
234 51.5011 -0.3072 South Ealing South<br />Ealing 3 1 0
235 51.5646 -0.3521 South Harrow South<br />Harrow 5 1 0
236 51.4941 -0.1738 South Kensington South<br />Kensington 1 3 0
237 51.5701 -0.3081 South Kenton South<br />Kenton 4 1 0
238 51.5007 -0.0191 South Quay South<br />Quay 2 1 0
239 51.5569 -0.3988 South Ruislip South<br />Ruislip 5 1 1
240 51.4154 -0.1919 South Wimbledon South<br />Wimbledon 3.5 1 0
241 51.5917 0.0275 South Woodford South<br />Woodford 4 1 0
242 51.495 -0.2459 Stamford Brook Stamford<br />Brook 2 1 0
243 51.6194 -0.3028 Stanmore NULL 5 1 0
244 51.5221 -0.047 Stepney Green Stepney<br />Green 2 2 0
245 51.4723 -0.123 Stockwell NULL 2 2 0
246 51.5439 -0.2759 Stonebridge Park Stonebridge<br />Park 3 1 0
247 51.5416 -0.0042 Stratford NULL 3 3 1
248 51.4994 -0.1335 St. James's Park St. James's<br />Park 1 2 0
249 51.5347 -0.174 St. John's Wood St. John's<br />Wood 2 1 0
250 51.5146 -0.0973 St. Paul's St. Paul's 1 1 0
251 51.5569 -0.3366 Sudbury Hill Sudbury<br />Hill 4 1 0
252 51.5507 -0.3156 Sudbury Town Sudbury<br />Town 4 1 0
253 51.4933 -0.0478 Surrey Quays Surrey<br />Quays 2 1 0
254 51.5432 -0.1738 Swiss Cottage Swiss<br />Cottage 2 2 0
255 51.5111 -0.1141 Temple NULL 1 2 0
257 51.4361 -0.1598 Tooting Bec Tooting<br />Bec 3 1 0
258 51.4275 -0.168 Tooting Broadway Tooting<br />Broadway 3 1 0
259 51.5165 -0.131 Tottenham Court Road Tottenham<br />Court<br />Road 1 2 0
260 51.5882 -0.0594 Tottenham Hale Tottenham<br />Hale 3 1 1
262 51.5106 -0.0743 Tower Gateway Tower<br />Gateway 1 1 0
263 51.5098 -0.0766 Tower Hill Tower<br />Hill 1 2 0
264 51.5567 -0.1374 Tufnell Park Tufnell<br />Park 2 1 0
265 51.4951 -0.2547 Turnham Green Turnham<br />Green 2.5 2 0
266 51.5904 -0.1028 Turnpike Lane Turnpike<br />Lane 3 1 0
267 51.559 0.251 Upminster NULL 6 1 1
268 51.5582 0.2343 Upminster Bridge Upminster<br />Bridge 6 1 0
269 51.5385 0.1014 Upney NULL 4 1 0
270 51.5352 0.0343 Upton Park Upton<br />Park 3 2 0
271 51.5463 -0.4786 Uxbridge NULL 6 2 0
272 51.4861 -0.1253 Vauxhall NULL 1.5 1 1
273 51.4965 -0.1447 Victoria NULL 1 3 1
274 51.583 -0.0195 Walthamstow Central Walthamstow<br />Central 3 1 1
275 51.5775 0.0288 Wanstead NULL 4 1 0
276 51.5043 -0.0558 Wapping NULL 2 1 0
277 51.5247 -0.1384 Warren Street Warren<br />Street 1 2 0
278 51.5235 -0.1835 Warwick Avenue Warwick<br />Avenue 2 1 0
279 51.5036 -0.1143 Waterloo NULL 1 4 1
281 51.5519 -0.2963 Wembley Central Wembley<br />Central 4 1 1
282 51.5635 -0.2795 Wembley Park Wembley<br />Park 4 2 0
283 51.521 -0.2011 Westbourne Park Westbourne<br />Park 2 1 0
284 51.5097 -0.0265 Westferry NULL 2 1 0
285 51.501 -0.1254 Westminster NULL 1 3 0
286 51.518 -0.2809 West Acton West<br />Acton 3 1 0
287 51.4872 -0.1953 West Brompton West<br />Brompton 2 1 1
288 51.6095 -0.1883 West Finchley West<br />Finchley 4 1 0
289 51.5287 0.0056 West Ham West<br />Ham 3 3 1
290 51.5469 -0.1906 West Hampstead West<br />Hampstead 2 1 1
291 51.5795 -0.3533 West Harrow West<br />Harrow 5 1 0
292 51.507 -0.0203 West India Quay West<br />India<br />Quay 2 1 0
293 51.4907 -0.2065 West Kensington West<br />Kensington 2 1 0
294 51.5696 -0.4376 West Ruislip West<br />Ruislip 6 1 1
295 51.5194 -0.0612 Whitechapel NULL 2 3 0
296 51.512 -0.2239 White City White<br />City 2 1 0
297 51.5492 -0.2215 Willesden Green Willesden<br />Green 2.5 1 0
298 51.5326 -0.2478 Willesden Junction Willesden<br />Junction 3 1 1
299 51.4214 -0.2064 Wimbledon NULL 3 1 1
300 51.4343 -0.1992 Wimbledon Park Wimbledon<br />Park 3 1 0
301 51.607 0.0341 Woodford NULL 4 1 0
302 51.6179 -0.1856 Woodside Park Woodside<br />Park 4 1 0
303 51.5975 -0.1097 Wood Green Wood<br />Green 3 1 0
35 51.4627 -0.1145 Brixton NULL 2 1 1
6 51.6736 -0.607 Amersham NULL 10 1 1
23 51.4979 -0.0637 Bermondsey NULL 2 1 0
50 51.7052 -0.611 Chesham NULL 10 1 0
46 51.6679 -0.561 Chalfont & Latimer Chalfont &<br />Latimer 9 1 1
53 51.6543 -0.5183 Chorleywood NULL 8 1 0
214 51.6404 -0.4733 Rickmansworth NULL 7 1 0
62 51.647 -0.4412 Croxley NULL 7 1 0
280 51.6573 -0.4177 Watford NULL 8 1 0
221 51.5606 -0.4103 Ruislip Gardens Ruislip<br />Gardens 5 1 0
121 51.6503 -0.1943 High Barnet High<br />Barnet 5 1 0
261 51.6302 -0.1791 Totteridge & Whetstone Totteridge<br />& Whetstone 4 1 0
57 51.6517 -0.1496 Cockfosters NULL 5 1 0
187 51.6476 -0.1318 Oakwood NULL 5 1 0
232 51.6322 -0.128 Southgate NULL 4 1 0
88 51.6937 0.1139 Epping NULL 6 1 0
256 51.6717 0.1033 Theydon Bois Theydon<br />Bois 6 1 0
68 51.6455 0.0838 Debden NULL 6 1 0
158 51.6412 0.0558 Loughton NULL 6 1 0
37 51.6266 0.0471 Buckhurst Hill Buckhurst<br />Hill 5 1 0
204 51.5343 -0.0139 Pudding Mill Lane Pudding<br />Mill Lane 2.5 1 0
233 51.501 -0.1052 Southwark NULL 1 1 0
41 51.4982 -0.0502 Canada Water Canada<br />Water 2 2 0
43 51.5147 0.0082 Canning Town Canning<br />Town 3 2 0
183 51.5005 0.0039 North Greenwich North<br />Greenwich 2.5 1 0
64 51.4827 -0.0096 Cutty Sark Cutty<br />Sark 2.5 1 0
106 51.4781 -0.0149 Greenwich NULL 2.5 1 1
69 51.474 -0.0216 Deptford Bridge Deptford<br />Bridge 2.5 1 0
86 51.4693 -0.0174 Elverson Road Elverson<br />Road 2.5 1 0
152 51.4657 -0.0142 Lewisham NULL 2.5 1 1
174 51.4767 -0.0327 New Cross New<br />Cross 2 1 1
175 51.4757 -0.0402 New Cross Gate New<br />Cross<br />Gate 2 1 1
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