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Created December 3, 2017 21:05
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first run missing output
provider "scaleway" {}
variable "commercial_type" {
default = "C1"
variable "architectures" {
default = {
C1 = "arm"
VC1S = "x86_64"
VC1M = "x86_64"
VC1L = "x86_64"
C2S = "x86_64"
C2M = "x86_64"
C2L = "x86_64"
data "scaleway_image" "ubuntu" {
architecture = "${lookup(var.architectures, var.commercial_type)}"
name = "Ubuntu Xenial"
resource "scaleway_server" "node" {
count = "2"
name = "cluser-node-${count.index + 1}"
image = "${}"
type = "${var.commercial_type}"
tags = ["TEST"]
resource "scaleway_ip" "public_ip" {
count = "2"
server = "${element(scaleway_server.node.*.id, count.index)}"
output "public_ips" {
value = "${scaleway_server.node.*.public_ip}"
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