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Last active September 7, 2021 11:14
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Save nicolas-grekas/2665437 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Unicode/UTF-8 filesystem access on MS-Windows
<?php /****************** vi: set fenc=utf-8 ts=4 sw=4 et: *****************
* Copyright : (C) 2012 Nicolas Grekas. All rights reserved.
* Email :
* License :
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the Apache License version 2.
// This code is obsolete
// Please see
// for an up to date version, packaged as a unit testes PHP stream wrapper.
namespace Patchwork\PHP\Override;
* Unicode aware filesystem access on MS-Windows.
* Based on COM Scripting.FileSystemObject object and 8.3 ShortPaths.
* See also comments on
* Experimental proof of concept only.
class WinfsUtf8
protected static $DIR;
static function hide($file)
self::getFs()->GetFile($file)->Attributes |= 2; // Set hidden attribute
static function absPath($f)
$f = strtr($f, '/', '\\');
if (isset($f[0]))
if ('/' === $f[0] || '\\' === $f[0]) return $f;
if (false !== strpos($f, ':')) return $f;
return getcwd() . '\\' . $f;
static function ls($dir)
$f = array('.', '..');
$dir = self::getFs()->getFolder(self::absPath($dir));
foreach ($dir->SubFolders() as $v) $f[] = $v->Name;
foreach ($dir->Files as $v) $f[] = $v->Name;
catch (\Exception $f)
$f = array();
return $f;
static function ShortPath($f)
$FS = self::getFs();
$a = self::absPath($f);
if ($FS->FileExists($a) ) return $FS->GetFile ($a)->ShortPath;
if ($FS->FolderExists($a)) return $FS->GetFolder($a)->ShortPath;
catch (com_exception $e) {}
return $f;
static function chgrp($f, $group) {return chgrp(self::ShortPath($f), $group);}
static function chmod($f, $mode) {return chmod(self::ShortPath($f), $mode);}
static function chown($f, $user) {return chown(self::ShortPath($f), $user);}
static function copy($from, $to, $context = null)
if ($context || !self::getFs()->FileExists(self::absPath($from)))
return copy($from, $to, $context);
self::getFs()->CopyFile(self::absPath($from), self::absPath($to), true);
return true;
catch (com_exception $e)
return false;
static function file_exists($f)
$f = self::absPath($f);
return self::getFs()->FileExists($f) || self::getFs()->FolderExists($f);
static function file_get_contents($f, $use_include_path = false, $context = null, $offset = 0, $maxlen = null)
if (null === $maxlen) return file_get_contents(self::ShortPath($f), $use_include_path, $context, $offset);
else return file_get_contents(self::ShortPath($f), $use_include_path, $context, $offset, $maxlen);
static function file_put_contents($f, $data, $flags = 0, $context = null)
try {self::getFs()->CreateTextFile(self::absPath($f), false)->Close();}
catch (com_exception $e) {}
if (null === $context) return file_put_contents(self::ShortPath($f), $data, $flags);
else return file_put_contents(self::ShortPath($f), $data, $flags, $context);
static function file($f, $flags = 0, $context = null)
if (null === $context) return file(self::ShortPath($f), $flags);
else return file(self::ShortPath($f), $flags, $context);
static function fileatime($f) {return fileatime(self::ShortPath($f));}
static function filectime($f) {return filectime(self::ShortPath($f));}
static function filegroup($f) {return filegroup(self::ShortPath($f));}
static function fileinode($f) {return fileinode(self::ShortPath($f));}
static function filemtime($f) {return filemtime(self::ShortPath($f));}
static function fileowner($f) {return fileowner(self::ShortPath($f));}
static function fileperms($f) {return fileperms(self::ShortPath($f));}
static function filesize($f) {return filesize (self::ShortPath($f));}
static function filetype($f) {return filetype (self::ShortPath($f));}
static function fopen($f, $mode, $use_include_path = false, $context = null)
switch ($m = substr($mode, 0, 1))
case 'x': $mode[0] = 'w';
case 'w':
case 'a':
try {self::getFs()->CreateTextFile(self::absPath($f), false)->Close();}
catch (com_exception $e)
if ('x' === $m) return false;
return null === $context
? fopen(self::ShortPath($f), $mode, $use_include_path)
: fopen(self::ShortPath($f), $mode, $use_include_path, $context);
// static function glob($f) {return glob($f);}
static function is_dir($f) {return is_dir (self::ShortPath($f));}
static function is_executable($f) {return is_executable(self::ShortPath($f));}
static function is_file($f) {return is_file (self::ShortPath($f));}
static function is_readable($f) {return is_readable (self::ShortPath($f));}
static function is_writable($f) {return is_writable (self::ShortPath($f));}
static function is_writeable($f) {return is_writeable (self::ShortPath($f));}
static function mkdir($dir, $mode = 0777, $recursive = false, $context = null)
return mkdir($dir, $mode, $recursive);
if (null !== $context) return mkdir($dir, $mode, $recursive, $context);
$a = self::absPath($dir);
if ($recursive && 0)
$a = explode('\\', $a);
$pre = $a[0];
$b = array();
foreach ($a as $a)
if (!isset($a[0]) || '.' === $a) continue;
if ('..' === $a) $b && array_pop($b);
else $b[]= $a;
$a = $pre . implode('\\', $b);
$b = array();
while (!self::getFs()->FolderExists(dirname($a)))
return true;
catch (com_exception $e) {}
return mkdir($dir, $mode, $recursive);
static function parse_ini_file($f, $process_sections = false) {return parse_ini_file(self::ShortPath($f), $process_sections);}
static function readfile($f, $use_include_path = false, $context = null)
return null === $context
? readfile(self::ShortPath($f), $use_include_path)
: readfile(self::ShortPath($f), $use_include_path, $context);
static function realpath($f) {return self::file_exists($f) ? self::getFs()->GetAbsolutePathName(self::absPath($f)) : false;}
static function rename($from, $to, $context = null)
if ($context) return rename($from, $to, $context);
$FS = self::getFs();
$from = self::absPath($from);
$to = self::absPath($to);
if ($FS->FileExists($to))
$FS->DeleteFile($to, true);
catch (com_exception $e) {}
else if ($FS->FolderExists($to))
return false;
if ($FS->FileExists($from))
$FS->MoveFile($from, $to);
return true;
if ($FS->FolderExists($from))
$FS->MoveFolder($from, $to);
return true;
catch (com_exception $e) {}
return false;
static function rmdir($f, $context = null)
return null === $context
? rmdir(self::ShortPath($f))
: rmdir(self::ShortPath($f), $context);
static function stat($f) {return stat(self::ShortPath($f));}
static function touch($f, $time = null, $atime = null)
try {self::getFs()->CreateTextFile(self::absPath($f), false)->Close();}
catch (com_exception $e) {}
return touch(self::ShortPath($f), $time, $atime);
static function unlink($f, $context = null)
return null === $context
? unlink(self::ShortPath($f))
: unlink(self::ShortPath($f), $context);
static function dir($f)
return self::getFs()->FolderExists(self::absPath($f)) ? new WinfsUtf8Directory($f) : dir($f);
static function closedir($d = null)
null === $d && $d = self::$DIR;
return $d instanceof WinfsUtf8Directory ? $d->close() : closedir($d);
static function opendir($f, $context = null)
return self::$DIR = !$context && self::getFs()->FolderExists(self::absPath($f)) ? new WinfsUtf8Directory($f) : opendir($f, $context);
static function readdir($d = null)
null === $d && $d = self::$DIR;
return $d instanceof WinfsUtf8Directory ? $d->read() : readdir($d);
static function rewinddir($d = null)
null === $d && $d = self::$DIR;
return $d instanceof WinfsUtf8Directory ? $d->rewind() : rewinddir($d);
static function scandir($f, $sorting_order = 0, $context = null)
if (null !== $context) return scandir($f, $sorting_order, $context);
$c = self::ls($f);
if (!$c) return scandir($f);
return $c;
static function popen($f) {return popen(self::ShortPath($f));}
static function exec($f) {return exec(self::ShortPath($f));}
static function passthru($f) {return passthru(self::ShortPath($f));}
static function proc_open($f) {return proc_open(self::ShortPath($f));}
static function shell_exec($f) {return shell_exec(self::ShortPath($f));}
static function ` `($f) {return ` `(self::ShortPath($f));}
static function system($f) {return system(self::ShortPath($f));}
protected static function getFs()
static $FS;
isset($FS) || $FS = new \COM('Scripting.FileSystemObject', null, CP_UTF8);
return $FS;
class WinfsUtf8Directory extends \Directory
public $path, $handle;
protected $childs = array();
function __construct($path)
$this->path = $path;
$this->handle = $this;
$this->childs = WinfsUtf8::ls($path);
if (!$this->childs)
$this->childs = scandir($path);
$this->childs || $this->childs = array();
function read()
return (list(, $c) = each($this->childs)) ? $c : false;
function rewind()
function close()
unset($this->path, $this->handle, $this->childs);
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Saved the day! Thank you... You may want to add md5_file by the way...

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Hmm... I just happen to learn that on some specific cases the shortpath might include non us-ascii characters, although it's not possible according to MS documentation.

In such a case shorthand functions are not working. (i.e. filemtime). Here's how I implemented filemtime:

    static function filemtime($f) {
        $a = self::absPath($f);
        $file = self::is_dir($f) ? self::getFs()->GetFolder($a) : self::getFs()->GetFile($a);

        $dateLastModified = $file->DateLastModified;
        return variant_date_to_timestamp($dateLastModified);

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Finally some update,

the code is now unit tested and included in a lab branch of Patchwork/Utf-8:

It is now a PHP stream wrapper, a lot easier to use!

Still based on short path because I didn't find a way to "fopen() & co." binary files without it.

@ozanhazer thank you for your hint anyway, I may find a way to remove short paths one day... (or someone else please :) )

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