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Last active December 13, 2023 11:08
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Apple IDS payload keys
c: command
cc: commandContext
v: version
P: payload
N: bulkedPayload
fP: fanoutPayload
aP: additionalPayload
Pm: payloadMetadata
i: messageId
U: messageUUID
qI: queueId
D: deliveryStatus
Dc: deliveryContext
cdv: certifiedDeliveryVersion
cdr: certifiedDeliveryRts
nr: noResponseNeeded
gd: generateDeliveryReceipt
sT: sessionToken
hT: homekitSessionToken
tP: destinationId
ua: userAgent
mO: MMCSOwnerId
mS: MMCSFileSignature
mL: MMCSFileLength
mA: MMCSAuthToken
mR: MMCSAuthUrl
mU: MMCSAuthId
dal: MMCSDownloadAuthList
dul: MMCSDownloadUrlList
dR: MMCSDownloadUrl
uR: MMCSUploadUrl
mX: MMCSExpiryNanos
cV: contentVersion
cH: contentHeaders
cB: contentBody
cR: contentReferenceSignature
mT: attachmentSize
t: token
sP: senderId
sI: senderOpaqueId
mP: mspId
s: responseStatus
e: epochTimeNanos
oe: originalEpochTimeNanos
fR: failReason
fU: failMessageId
fM: failMessageIdString
fFS: failDownloadAttachmentSize
fS: failUploadAttachmentSize
fRM: failReasonMessage
fTE: failTimeElapsed
E: encryptionType
H: storageFlags
pri: priority
ack: senderExpectsAck
dtl: dstIdTokenList (list)
mml: madridMessageList
scv: storageCheckVersion
eX: dateExpirationSeconds
xp: madridProtocol
x-internal: internalBuild
x-logging: loggingProfile
x-trace: traceProfile
gm: groupMessage
cT: contentType
aS: adhocServiceOverride
rI: responseIdentifier
ri: responseIdentifierString
strict-transport-security: strictTransportSecurity
x-b3-traceid: traceId
sh: splunkHint
as: asHttpHeader
hD: homekitDeliveryStatus
hI: homekitReportId
rc: retryCount
x-test-opts: testOptions
fcn: fanoutChunkNumber
flc: fanoutLastChunk
url: url
frc: faceTimeRetryCount
wV: webtunnelVersion
u: httpUrl
h: httpHeaders
b: httpBody
bu: httpBodyUrl
bk: httpBodyKey
hs: httpResponseStatus
hr: httpErrorMsg
ck: writeToCloudkit
x-pessimistic: pessimisticCheck
nH: unfilteredHeaders
O: deliveryStatusFlags
curi: conferenceURI
sst: selfSessionToken
qh: queryHash
x-rp: testDropPoint
up1: userPlusOne
is-initiator-key: isInitiatorKey
eC: errorCode
mc: messageCheckpoint
ci: conversationId
qv: protocolVersion
qai: applicationId
qr: reason
qpec: prevErrorCode
qpat: prevAccessToken
qpip: prevRelayIp
qpt: prevTimestamp
qaat: activeAccessToken
qaip: activeRelayIp
qsatc: selfAllocTokenCountOld
qsats: selfAllocTokenCount
qplr: pluginRequests (list)
qpln: pluginName
qplc: pluginConfig
qpls: pluginStream
qpld: pluginDevMode
qns: qrNewSession
qat: requestType
qids: idsSessionId
qrpr: relayProvider
qrss: sharedSession
qgid: groupId
qgmc: groupMemberCount
qia: allocateInfoAttribute
qrip: relayIp
qrip6: relayIpv6
qrp: relayPort
qrst: relayAccessToken
qrsk: relaySessionKey
qrsi: relaySessionId
qe: expiryEpochTimeMillis
qsi: initiatorIp
qri: participantId
qswv: softwareVersion
qrbv: relayBuildVersion
qsat: allocationEpochTimeMillis
qrs: allocationStatus
qal: allocationStatuses (list)
qsatv: selfAllocTokenList (list)
qrep: relayReportingBlob
qrast: relayServerType
qpla: pluginAllocations
qec: qrErrorCode
oC: originalCommand
qrhpp: relayHighPriorityPort
qripp: ipPreference
iB: isBulkedPayload
wA: wantsAppAck
eD: errorDomain
eR: expectsPeerResponse
gdr: allowGDR
dMTs: deliveryMinimumTimeDelay
sm: sendMode
htu: isTrustedSender
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