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Last active April 8, 2020 21:55
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import seaborn as sns
# Working on the nodes_dict
all_events = list(data.event_name.unique())
# Create a set of colors that you'd like to use in your plot.
palette = ['50BE97', 'E4655C', 'FCC865',
'BFD6DE', '3E5066', '353A3E', 'E6E6E6']
# Here, I passed the colors as HEX, but we need to pass it as RGB. This loop will convert from HEX to RGB:
for i, col in enumerate(palette):
palette[i] = tuple(int(col[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4))
# Append a Seaborn complementary palette to your palette in case you did not provide enough colors to style every event
complementary_palette = sns.color_palette(
"deep", len(all_events) - len(palette))
if len(complementary_palette) > 0:
output = dict()
output.update({'nodes_dict': dict()})
i = 0
for rank_event in data.rank_event.unique(): # For each rank of event...
# Create a new key equal to the rank...
{rank_event: dict()}
# Look at all the events that were done at this step of the funnel...
all_events_at_this_rank = data[data.rank_event ==
# Read the colors for these events and store them in a list...
rank_palette = []
for event in all_events_at_this_rank:
# Keep trace of the events' names, colors and indices.
'sources': list(all_events_at_this_rank),
'color': rank_palette,
'sources_index': list(range(i, i+len(all_events_at_this_rank)))
# Finally, increment by the length of this rank's available events to make sure next indices will not be chosen from existing ones
i += len(output['nodes_dict'][rank_event]['sources_index'])
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