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Created March 19, 2015 21:49
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-- main.hs
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Graphics.Gloss
import Graphics.Gloss.Interface.IO.Game
import Math.Geometry.Grid
import Math.Geometry.Grid.Square
import Data.List
import System.Random
import System.Random.Shuffle
-- Initialization --
gridLength :: Int
gridLength = 25 -- length of grid
cellSize :: Int
cellSize = 25 -- cell's pixel height/width
cellFloat :: Float
cellFloat = fromIntegral cellSize
winSize :: Int
winSize = gridLength * cellSize -- the windows' height/width in pixels
winFloat :: Float
winFloat = fromIntegral winSize
grid = rectSquareGrid gridLength gridLength
data Board = Play Colony Colony StdGen Turn Cursor
| GameOver String
deriving (Show)
type Bacteria = Int
type Position = (Int, Int)
type Colony = [Cell]
type Turn = Int
type Cursor = Position
data Cell = Cell Bacteria Position Color
deriving (Eq, Show)
type Both = (Colony, Colony)
colorP = green :: Color
colorE = red :: Color
initPlayerPos :: Position
-- initPlayerPos = (gridLength `div` 4, gridLength `div` 2)
initPlayerPos = (gridLength - (gridLength `div` 4), gridLength `div` 2)
initEnemyPos :: Position
-- initEnemyPos = (gridLength - (gridLength `div` 4), gridLength `div` 2)
initEnemyPos = (gridLength `div` 4, gridLength - (gridLength `div` 2))
initialBoard :: StdGen -> Board
initialBoard gen = Play
[Cell 1 initPlayerPos green]
[Cell 1 initEnemyPos red]
-- Game state --
-- helper fn
drawColony cells = pictures [makeSquare x y col <> showNum n x y
| Cell n (x, y) col <- cells]
drawCursor (x,y) = makeSquare x y blue
drawBoard :: Board -> Picture
drawBoard (GameOver t)
= scale 0.2 0.2
$ translate (-2*winFloat ) (0.0)
$ color red
$ text t
drawBoard (Play cellsP cellsE gen turn cursor)
= pictures [printGrid, drawColony cellsP, drawColony cellsE, drawCursor cursor]
printGrid = pictures (gridSquares $ indices grid)
-- Simulation --
-- pick a position that each bacteria could spawn randomly
randPos :: [Position] -> Bacteria -> StdGen -> (Maybe Position, StdGen)
randPos [] _ gen = (Nothing, gen)
randPos (p:ps) b gen
| b > randNum = (Just p, newGen)
| otherwise = randPos ps b newGen
where (randNum, newGen) = randomR(1, 9) gen
-- randPos, but grow towards a certain position on the grid
directPos :: [Position] -> Bacteria -> Position -> StdGen -> (Maybe Position, StdGen)
directPos [] _ _ gen = (Nothing, gen)
directPos p b goalPos gen
-- | b > randNum = (Just (head direction), newGen)
| b > randNum = (Just (head $ shuffle' direction (length direction) gen), newGen)
| otherwise = (Nothing, gen)
where (randNum, newGen) = randomR(1, 9) gen
direction = filter (\x -> distance grid goalPos x == minimum (map (distance grid goalPos) p))p
--goalPos = (0, 0)
-- possibly grow cells and update existing cells
grow :: Colony -> [Maybe Position] -> Color -> Colony
grow [] _ _ = []
grow _ [] _ = []
grow (c@(Cell pop xy colr):cs) (Just p:ps) colrBase
| colr == colrBase = (Cell 1 p colrBase) : (Cell (pop - 3) xy colrBase) : grow cs ps colrBase
| otherwise = (Cell pop xy colrBase) : grow cs ps colrBase
grow (c@(Cell pop xy colr):cs) (Nothing:ps) colrBase
= (Cell pop xy colrBase) : grow cs ps colrBase
-- pick position to spawn at every index
pickSpawns :: [[Position]] -> [Bacteria] -> Position -> StdGen -> [Maybe Position]
pickSpawns [] _ _ _ = []
pickSpawns positions@(p:ps) (b:bs) cursor gen
= spawnPos : pickSpawns ps bs cursor newGen
(spawnPos, newGen) = directPos p b cursor gen
-- list of list of places bacteria could spawn. each list within a list corresponds to an
-- index in the colony that the bacteria would spawn from
spawnPotential :: Colony -> Colony -> [[Position]]
spawnPotential c1 c2 = nub (map (\\ filledCells) adjC )
where filledCells = (colonyPos c1 ++ colonyPos c2)
adjC = adjPositions (colonyPos c1)
-- list of list of all neighbors of colony's bacteria
adjPositions :: [Position] -> [[Position]]
adjPositions [] = []
adjPositions ps = map (neighbours grid) ps
-- increases size of colony
growColony :: Colony -> Colony -> Color -> StdGen -> Cursor -> Colony
growColony c1 c2 colr gen cursor = grow c1 chosenSpawns colr
chosenSpawns = ( pickSpawns (spawnPotential c1 c2) popList cursor gen )
popList = (map cellPop c1)
-- updates population of one cell
upCellPop :: Color -> Cell -> Cell
upCellPop baseColor c@(Cell pop xy col) = if pop < 10 && col == baseColor
then (Cell (pop + (1)) xy col)
else c
-- update list of bacteria's population
updateCells :: Colony -> Color -> Colony
updateCells [] _ = []
updateCells cells baseColor = map (upCellPop baseColor) cells
-- fighting
-- opposite of upCellPop
-- color changes for debug purposes
decCellPop :: (Cell, Int) -> Cell
decCellPop ((Cell pop xy col), r)
| r > pop = (Cell (pop - 1) xy (mixColors 1 1 col yellow))
| otherwise = (Cell pop xy (mixColors 1 1 col yellow))
-- returns list of cells from a colony that match the list of positions
matchPositions :: Colony -> [Position] -> [Cell]
matchPositions [] _ = []
matchPositions _ [] = []
matchPositions colony positions = concatMap (\p -> (filter (\c -> cellPos c == p) colony)) positions
-- which cells in colony are neighbors of the given single cell
adjCells :: Colony -> Cell -> [Cell]
adjCells [] _ = []
adjCells colony cell = matchPositions colony (neighbours grid (cellPos cell))
-- returns a list of colony's cells and the number of opponent cells they're adjacent to
getFightCells :: Colony -> Colony -> [(Cell, Int)]
getFightCells [] _ = []
getFightCells _ [] = []
getFightCells colony opponent = nub $ map (\x -> (x, freq x adjList)) adjList
adjList = concatMap (\x -> adjCells colony x) opponent
-- take list of ALL of one colony's cells, list of cells that are fighting
-- returns list of all colony cells after being decremented/killing cells
decCells :: Colony -> [(Cell, Int)] -> StdGen -> Colony
decCells [] _ _ = []
decCells colony [] _ = colony
decCells colony fightCells gen = map decCellPop fightCellsUpdate ++ (colony \\ c)
randNums = take (length fightCells) $ randomRs (1, 10) gen :: [Int]
fightCellsUpdate = zip c $ zipWith (+) randNums $ n
(c, n) = unzip fightCells
-- remove all cells that have population < 1
killCells :: Colony -> Colony
killCells [] = []
killCells c = (filter (\x -> (cellPop x)> 0) c)
-- takes player and enemy colonies and returns a tuple of both colonies
-- decrement population and/or remove from colony (kill) cells that are fighting
-- (adjacent cells from differing colonies)
fight :: Colony -> Colony -> StdGen -> (Colony, Colony)
fight [] [] _ = ([],[])
fight p [] _ = (p,[])
fight [] e _ = ([],e)
fight p e gen = (killCells (decCells p fightCellsP genP), killCells (decCells e fightCellsE genE))
fightCellsP = getFightCells p e
fightCellsE = getFightCells e p
(genP, genE) = split gen
-- take a previous game state and return the new game state after given time
simulateBoard :: Float -> (Board -> Board)
simulateBoard _ (GameOver t) = (GameOver t)
simulateBoard timeStep (Play colonyP colonyE gen turn cursor)
-- | (length colonyP) + (length colonyE) >= (gridLength * gridLength) = GameOver (
| length colonyP < 1 = GameOver (
if (length colonyP) > (length colonyE)
then "Player Wins: " ++ (show (length colonyP)) ++ " cells after "++(show turn)++" turns"
else "Enemy Wins: " ++ (show (length colonyE)) ++ " cells after "++(show turn)++" turns"
| length colonyE < 1 = GameOver (
if (length colonyP) > (length colonyE)
then "Player Wins: " ++ (show (length colonyP)) ++ " cells after "++(show turn)++" turns"
else "Enemy Wins: " ++ (show (length colonyE)) ++ " cells after "++(show turn)++" turns"
| otherwise = Play
(fst f)
(snd f)
(turn + 1)
f = (fight (fullUpdate colonyP colonyE colorP genP cursor)
(fullUpdate colonyE colonyP colorE genE (avgColonyPos colonyP)) genThis)
(genThis, genNew) = split gen
(genP, genE) = split genThis
fullUpdate c1 c2 colr g cursor = (growColony (updateCells c1 colr) c2 colr g cursor)
-- Event handling --
handleEvents :: Event -> Board -> Board
handleEvents _ (GameOver t) = (GameOver t)
handleEvents (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyUp) _ _ _)
(Play cellsP cellsE gen turn (x,y))
= if y < (gridLength-1) then Play cellsP cellsE gen turn (x,y+1)
else (Play cellsP cellsE gen turn (x,y))
handleEvents (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyDown) _ _ _)
(Play cellsP cellsE gen turn (x,y))
= if y > (0) then Play cellsP cellsE gen turn (x,y-1)
else (Play cellsP cellsE gen turn (x,y))
handleEvents (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyRight) _ _ _)
(Play cellsP cellsE gen turn (x,y))
= if x < (gridLength-1) then Play cellsP cellsE gen turn (x+1,y)
else (Play cellsP cellsE gen turn (x,y))
handleEvents (EventKey (SpecialKey KeyLeft) _ _ _)
(Play cellsP cellsE gen turn (x,y))
= if x > (0) then Play cellsP cellsE gen turn (x-1,y)
else (Play cellsP cellsE gen turn (x,y))
handleEvents _ board = board -- all other possible events
-- Helper functions --
-- Get frequency of element in a list
freq :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Int
freq x [] = 0
freq x (y:ys)
| x == y = 1 + (freq x ys)
| otherwise = freq x ys
-- Make coordinates correct bc gloss sets origin at center
getC :: Int -> Float
getC x = ((cellFloat) * (fromIntegral x)) - ((winFloat) / 2) + ((cellFloat) / 2)
-- Create picture of a colored square at given indices
makeSquare :: Int -> Int -> Color -> Picture
makeSquare x y col
= translate (getC x) (getC y)
$ color col
$ rectangleSolid cellFloat cellFloat
-- Create a list of pictures of colored squares
gridSquares :: [(Int, Int)] -> [Picture]
gridSquares indices = map (\(x, y) -> makeSquare x y $ col x y) indices
where isEven n = n `mod` 2 == 0
col x y = if (isEven x && isEven y) || ((not (isEven x)) && not (isEven y)) then white else (greyN (0.8))
-- Create a picture of a number at given coordinates
showNum :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Picture
showNum i x y
= translate (getC(x) - cellFloat/5) (getC(y)-cellFloat/4)
$ scale (0.1) (0.1)
$ color black
$ text (show i)
-- gets the average position (middle of the clump) of a colony
avgColonyPos :: Colony -> Position
avgColonyPos cs = (div (foldl (\a (x,_) -> x + a) 0 (colonyPos cs)) (length cs),
div (foldl (\a (_,y) -> y + a) 0 (colonyPos cs)) (length cs))
-- Returns list of positions for colony
colonyPos :: [Cell] -> [Position]
colonyPos cells = map cellPos cells
-- get cell's color
cellColor :: Cell -> Color
cellColor (Cell _ _ col) = col
-- get cell's position
cellPos :: Cell -> (Int, Int)
cellPos (Cell _ xy _) = xy
-- get cell's population
cellPop :: Cell -> Int
cellPop (Cell p _ _) = p
-- Main --
= do gen <- getStdGen
play (InWindow "Bacteria Game" (winSize, winSize) (0, 0)) -- window positioned in center
(initialBoard gen)
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