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Last active August 19, 2017 07:16
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Exploring internationalization (i18n) in Haskell (message translations, datetime format, number/currency format)
-- @messages/en.msg
Hello: Hi there!
SayAge age@Int: Your age is: #{show age}
DisplayPrice price@T.Text: This product costs #{price}
-- @messages/fr.msg
Hello: Salut!
SayAge age: Ton age est: #{show age}
DisplayPrice price: Ce produit coûte #{price}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
module Main where
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Shakespeare.I18N (mkMessage, renderMessage, RenderMessage())
data App = App
mkMessage "App" "messages" "en"
data Locale =
| FR
deriving (Show, Eq)
toISOLocale :: Locale -> T.Text
toISOLocale EN = "en"
toISOLocale FR = "fr"
data Currency =
deriving (Show, Eq)
data NumberFormat =
deriving (Show, Eq)
renderCurrency :: (RenderNumber a) => NumberFormat -> Locale -> Currency -> a -> T.Text
renderCurrency numberFormat locale currency value =
let formattedValue = renderNumber numberFormat value
in placeCurrencySymbol locale currency formattedValue
placeCurrencySymbol :: Locale -> Currency -> T.Text -> T.Text
placeCurrencySymbol EN = placeCurrencySymbolLeft EN
placeCurrencySymbol FR = placeCurrencySymbolRight FR
placeCurrencySymbolLeft :: Locale -> Currency -> T.Text -> T.Text
placeCurrencySymbolLeft locale currency formattedValue =
(currencySymbol currency locale) <> formattedValue
placeCurrencySymbolRight :: Locale -> Currency -> T.Text -> T.Text
placeCurrencySymbolRight locale currency formattedValue =
formattedValue <> " " <> (currencySymbol currency locale)
currencySymbol :: Currency -> Locale -> T.Text
currencySymbol USD FR = "$US"
currencySymbol USD _ = "$"
currencySymbol EUR _ = "€"
class RenderNumber a where
renderNumber :: NumberFormat -> a -> T.Text
instance RenderNumber Int where
renderNumber _ value = T.pack (show value)
renderMsg :: (RenderMessage a b) => a -> Locale -> b -> T.Text
renderMsg master locale message =
renderMessage master [(toISOLocale locale)] message
main :: IO ()
main = do
let price = renderCurrency DefaultNumberFormat EN USD (12 :: Int)
let msg = renderMsg App EN (MsgDisplayPrice price)
putStrLn (T.unpack msg)
let price' = renderCurrency DefaultNumberFormat FR USD (12 :: Int)
let msg' = renderMsg App FR (MsgDisplayPrice price')
putStrLn (T.unpack msg')
This product costs $12
Ce produit coûte 12 $US
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