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Last active May 24, 2020 21:28
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I - Introduction

  1. Keep it Simple, State : Architecture for Flutter Apps - Brian Egan - 2018

  2. Flutter Samples - Brian Egan and Contributors - A todo list apps with differents architectural approaches (Watch the conference before).

II - BloC

Bloc is a package that helps implement the BLoC (Business Logic Component) pattern. This design pattern helps to separate presentation from business logic. Following the BLoC pattern facilitates testability and reusability.

bloc architecture

This part is for memory, linking to resources I have not read yet.

Status : Diving into architecural principles with flutter
       : Helloing Flutter Testing
       : Resocoder series of videos [xxxxxxxxxxx___] 11/14.


Flutter with BloC

Flutter with Redux

Flutter with Firebase

Flutter Testing

  • Testing - From the Flutter Cookbook



  • get_it - Service Locator

  • flutter_bloc - Bloc for state management

  • equatable - Value equality

  • dartz - Functional programming thingies

  • connectivity - Remote API

  • http

  • shared_preferences - Local cache

Dev Dependencies

  • flutter_test - Unit Testing

  • mockito - Mocking

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