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Last active February 19, 2018 18:38
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Flood Challenge - Flood Chrome script
import { step, TestSettings, Until, By, MouseButtons, Device, Driver } from '@flood/chrome'
import * as assert from 'assert'
export default () => {
step('Challenge Home', async browser => {
//Navigate to homepage.
await browser.visit('')
//Validate text
let validation = By.visibleText('Ready to take the test?')
await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(validation))
step('Step 1', async browser => {
//Click Start button
let startButton = await browser.findElement('.btn-default')
//Validate text
let validation = By.visibleText('Step 2')
await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(validation))
step('Step 2', async browser => {
//Select age.
await browser.selectByValue('#challenger_age','32')
//Click Next.
let nextButton = await browser.findElement('.btn')
//Validate text
let validation = By.visibleText('Step 3')
await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(validation))
step('Step 3', async browser => {
//Get all order values.
let orderLabels = await browser.findElements(By.xpath('//label[@class="collection_radio_buttons"]'))
let orderValues = await Promise.all( => label.text()))
console.log('orderValues = ' + orderValues)
console.log('length of array = ' + orderValues.length)
let orderValuesNumArray =
console.log('orderValuesNumArray = ' + orderValuesNumArray.toString())
//Sort number array into ascending order
return a - b
console.log('orderValuesNumArray sorted = ' + orderValuesNumArray.toString())
var largestValue = orderValuesNumArray[orderValuesNumArray.length-1].toString()
console.log('largestValue = ' + largestValue)
//Select radio button with the highest orderValues
var strXPath = 'descendant::input[@class="radio_buttons optional" and @id = //label[text() = "' + largestValue + '"]/@for]'
console.log('strXPath = ' + strXPath)
let orderLabelFor = await browser.findElement(By.xpath(strXPath))
//Verify that the radio button has been selected
if (orderLabelFor.isSelected()) {
console.log('radio button is selected')
else {
console.log('radio button not selected')
//Type the highest value in the text field.
await browser.type('challenger_largest_order'), largestValue)
//Click the Next button.
let nextButton = await browser.findElement('.btn')
//Validate text
let validation = By.visibleText('Step 4')
await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(validation))
step('Step 4', async browser => {
//Click the Next button.
let nextButton = await browser.findElement('.btn')
//Validate text
let validation = By.visibleText('Step 5')
await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(validation))
step('Step 5', async browser => {
//Get One Time Token value
let oneTimeToken = await browser.findElements(By.xpath('//*[@id="new_challenger"]/h4/span[2]'))
let oneTimeTokenValue = await Promise.all( => span.text()))
console.log('oneTimeTokenValue = ' + oneTimeTokenValue[0])
//Type One Time Token value into text input
await browser.type('challenger_one_time_token'),oneTimeTokenValue[0])
//Click the Next button.
let nextButton = await browser.findElement('.btn')
//Validate text
let validation = By.visibleText('Hall of Fame')
await browser.wait(Until.elementIsVisible(validation))
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