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Created July 7, 2014 03:53
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  • Save nicolewhite/348e1650d3fdfb3398d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nicolewhite/348e1650d3fdfb3398d3 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Add weekdays to a neo4j time tree.
graph = startGraph("http://localhost:7474/db/data/")
# Create time tree.
# Copied from
timetree = "WITH range(2011, 2014) AS years, range(1,12) as months
FOREACH(year IN years |
MERGE (y:Year {year: year})
FOREACH(month IN months |
CREATE (m:Month {month: month})
MERGE (y)-[:HAS_MONTH]->(m)
WHEN month IN [1,3,5,7,8,10,12] THEN range(1,31)
WHEN month = 2 THEN
WHEN year % 4 <> 0 THEN range(1,28)
WHEN year % 100 <> 0 THEN range(1,29)
WHEN year % 400 <> 0 THEN range(1,29)
ELSE range(1,28)
ELSE range(1,30)
END) |
CREATE (d:Day {day: day})
MERGE (m)-[:HAS_DAY]->(d))))"
cypher(graph, timetree)
# Generate dates from January 1st, 2011 to December 31st, 2014 by day.
dates = seq(from = as.Date("2011/1/1"),
to = as.Date("2014/12/31"),
by = "day")
# Extract day, month, year, and weekday from dates and store in data frame.
weekdays = data.frame(Day = format(dates, "%d"),
Month = format(dates, "%m"),
Year = format(dates, "%Y"),
Weekday = weekdays(dates))
# Write data frame to csv.
filepath = "C:/Users/Nicole/Desktop/weekdays.csv"
write.csv(weekdays, filepath, row.names = F)
# Use load csv to match the day and then add the weekday relationship.
load_csv = paste0("LOAD CSV WITH HEADERS FROM 'file:///", filepath, "' AS csv")
add_weekdays = paste(load_csv,
"MATCH (d:Day {day:TOINT(csv.Day)})<-[:HAS_DAY]-(:Month {month:TOINT(csv.Month)})<-[:HAS_MONTH]-(:Year {year:TOINT(csv.Year)})
MERGE (w:Weekday {weekday:csv.Weekday})
CREATE (d)-[:ON_WEEKDAY]->(w)")
cypher(graph, add_weekdays)
# All days on a Wednesday in February of 2012. (2012 was a leap year)
cypher(graph, "MATCH (:Year {year:2012})-[:HAS_MONTH]->(:Month {month:2})-[:HAS_DAY]->(d:Day)-[:ON_WEEKDAY]->(:Weekday {weekday:'Wednesday'})
# 1 1
# 2 8
# 3 15
# 4 22
# 5 29
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