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Last active May 29, 2024 19:24
Simple linked list implementation in Forth
0 constant nil
: cons ( car cdr -- list ) here >r swap , , r> ;
: list ( x... #x -- list ) nil swap 0 ?do cons loop ;
: list: ( x... #x "name" -- ) list constant ;
: car ( list -- car ) @ ;
: car! ( car list -- ) ! ;
: cdr ( list -- cdr ) cell+ @ ;
: cdr! ( cdr list -- ) cell+ ! ;
: list. ( list -- ) begin ?dup while dup car . cdr repeat ;
: >end ( list -- end ) begin dup cdr while cdr repeat ;
: append ( l1 l2 -- list ) over >end cdr! ;
( Example usage )
100 200 300 3 list: foo
foo car . \ prints "100 "
foo cdr car . \ prints "200 "
foo cdr cdr car . \ prints "300 "
foo list. \ prints "100 200 300 "
400 500 2 list: bar
foo bar append list. \ prints "100 200 300 400 500 "
foo list. \ prints "100 200 300 400 500 "
bar list. \ prints "400 500 "
600 700 800 3 list: baz
baz bar append list. \ prints "600 700 800 400 500 "
444 bar car!
bar list. \ prints "444 500 "
foo list. \ prints "100 200 300 444 500 "
baz list. \ prints "600 700 800 444 500 "
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: acons ( car cdr -- list ) 2 cells allocate throw   >r  r@ cdr!   r@ car!  r> ;

: alist  ( x... #x -- list ) nil swap  0 ?do acons loop ;
: alist: ( x... #x "name" -- ) alist constant ;

1 2 3 4 5 5 alist: al
cr   al list.   .( printed: 1 2 3 4 5)

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tkurtbond commented May 29, 2024

Now, the interesting question is: should I use deferred words so that you can have the same code use either the original cons or acons, without having to change any other code? That would eliminate the need to write alist and alist:, but is it worth the non-obviousness of using deferred words? Maybe not, if you only want to use the original words, but what if you add other words that manipulate lists, like an ordered insert? And then a generalized ordered insert that is passed an XT for the comparison function and works with any data type? It only takes changing cons to acons in one place for those to use ALLOCATEd memory, so its a pain to have two versions of the hanging around.

Am I missing anything?

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