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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Contact Mail Form - HTML and JS using Mandrill API
class window.Mail
constructor: (@attrs)->
from_email: -> @attrs['from_email']
to_email: -> @attrs['to_email']
subject: -> @attrs['subject']
body: -> @attrs['body'] || @attrs_dll()
is_valid: -> @from_email()? && @to_email()? && @subject()? && @body()?
# This is the important part,
# we need this object to respond to from_email, to_email, subject and email, thats all.
send: ->
if @is_valid()
type: 'POST'
url: ''
key: 'TD5bGq3aBAMa-3w3Xgwjkw',
from_email: @from_email(),
to: [
email: @from_email()
type: 'to'
autotext: 'true',
subject: @subject()
html: @body()
attrs_for_dll: -> ['from_email']
attrs_dll: ->
me = this
dt_dds = $.map @attrs_for_dll(), (attr_name)->
class window.ContactMail extends Mail
name: -> @attrs['name']
phone: -> @attrs['phone']
comment: -> @attrs['comment']
subject: -> @attrs['subject'] || "[OgaPG (Sitio Estático)][CONTACTO] #{@name()} - #{@from_email()}"
valid: -> super() && @name()? && @phone()? && @comment()?
attrs_for_dll: -> super.concat ['name', 'phone', 'comment']
class window.PurchaseMail extends ContactMail
product: -> @attrs['product']
size: -> @attrs['size']
quantity: -> @attrs['quantity']
payment_method: -> @attrs['payment_method']
valid: -> super() && @product()? && @payment_method()?
attrs_for_dll: -> super.concat ['product', 'size', 'quantity', 'payment_method']
$ ->
$('form.mail_form').on 'submit', (ev)->
# don't let the form submit or do any other weird stuff
$this = $ this
# harvest the attrs to initialize a ContactMail
attrs = { to_email: '' }
$this.find('[data-attribute]').each (i,e)->
$e = $ e
attrs[$'attribute')] = $e.val()
# may you want to use a different mail class to initialize it
mail_klass_name = $'mail-type')
mail_klass = if mail_klass_name then eval(mail_klass_name) else ContactMail
mail = new mail_klass attrs
# finally, send the email
if mail.send()
$this.find('input:not([type="submit"]), textarea, select').val('')
console.log('Failed mail')
- modal_id = defined?(modal_id) ? modal_id :
form.mail_form data-mail='contact_mail'
.modal.fade id =(modal_id) aria-hidden="true" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" role="dialog" tabindex="-1"
button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal"
span aria-hidden="true" &times;
.modal-title Contáctenos
span.input-group-addon @
input.form-control id='contact_mail_from_email' type='email' placeholder='Tu mail' data-attribute='from_email' required=true
input.form-control id='contact_mail_name' type='text' placeholder='Tu nombre' data-attribute='name' required=true
input.form-control id='contact_mail_phone' type='text' placeholder='Tu teléfono' data-attribute='phone' required=true
textarea.form-control id='contact_mail_comment' type='text' placeholder='Un Comentario' data-attribute='comment' required=true rows=5
input.btn.btn-primary.btn-block.btn-lg type='submit' value='Enviar'
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