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Last active March 2, 2016 13:11
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Save nicoster/7195565 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
This script finds the registers saved on the stack in each frame.As ESI, EDI usually serves as the 'this' ptr to an object, that's why it's named findthis. It is written in python. An extension pykd( needs to be installed and loaded before running the script in Windbg.Check…
desc = '''
Author: Nick X(nicoster@gmail)
This scripts finds the registers saved on the stack in each frame.
As ESI, EDI usually serves as the 'this' ptr to an object, that's why it's named findthis
!py findthis [debug|desc]
Due to a bug in pykd that it won't allow modifying a file once it's loaded by '!py' cmd.
when you're debugging a script, we suggest you run the script this way, always do a load/unload of the pykd extension.
.load pykd.pyd;!py findthis\findthis;.unload pykd.pyd
Currently support x86 only.
Oct 2013: Created.
Nov 2013: Refactor the output to align with that of 'kL' command
Mar 2015:
. handle 'and esp, 0xfffffff8' in parsing assembly code
. remove the duplication of registers
. attempt to take advantage of 'dv /v /t this' command but in vain
. better debug logging
import sys
import re
import tempfile
from pykd import *
pid = None
pid = dbgCommand('|').split()[3]
cache = tempfile.gettempdir() + '\\findthis.' + pid
debug = False
system_modules = ['ntdll', 'kernel32', 'user32', 'kernelbase']
registers = ['ebx', 'ecx', 'edx', 'esi', 'edi', 'eax']
this_registers = ['esi', 'edi', 'ebx', 'edx', 'ecx']
prologs = {
'_EH_prolog3': {16:'ebx', 20: 'esi', 24: 'edi'},
'_EH_prolog3_GS': {16: 'ebx', 20: 'esi', 24: 'edi'},
'_SEH_prolog4': {16: 'ebx', 20: 'esi', 24: 'edi'}
def dbg(*args):
if debug:
for arg in args:
print arg,
print ''
def handle_prolog(prolog, offset, results):
if prolog not in prologs: return False
for k,v in prologs[prolog].iteritems():
results[k + offset] = v
return True
def IsAmbiguousSymbol(func):
funcs = dbgCommand('x ' + func.strip()).splitlines()
return len(funcs)
def parseFrameSymbol(frames, i, func_offset):
ip = None
if i == len(frames) - 1: # last frame
ip = hex(reg('eip'))
ip = frames[i + 1].split()[2]
int(ip, 16) # make sure it's a number
cmd = 'u ' + ip + '-' + func_offset + ' L10'
return dbgCommand(cmd)
except BaseException, e:
dbg(dbgCommand('ln ' + ip + '-' + func_offset), e)
return None
def formatRegister(this, val, register):
dummy, class_name = this if this else (None, None)
if class_name and val and register in this_registers:
return register + ':<link cmd="dt ' + class_name + ' %08x' % val + '; .echo;.echo View this in Watch: (' \
+ class_name + '*)%#x' % val + '; !py ' + sys.argv[0] + ' showcachelink">%08x' % val + '</link> '
return register + ':%08x' % val + ' '
# find this register from PDB. but this doesn't really help enough.
# from example, ecx is marked as the this ptr. but in the function prologue ecx is stored in esi immediately and has never been stored in the stack
def getPrevClass(frame_index, func):
dbgCommand('.frame ' + frame_index)
this = dbgCommand('dv /v /t this').split()
# it's something like: [u'@esi', u'class', u'Foo', u'*', u'this', u'=', u'0x00c58cf8']
if this and this[0] and this[0].startswith('@') and len(this) >= 7:
return (this[0][1:], ' '.join(this[2:-4]))
return (None, func.rsplit('::', 1)[0] if '::' in func else None)
def find_this():
dprintln('findthis v1.0. nicoster@gmail. 2013. All Rights Reserved.')
dprintln('<link cmd="!py findthis desc">Details</link>\n', True)
output = []
prev_class = None
stack = dbgCommand('knL100')
frames = stack.splitlines()[:0:-1]
for i in range(len(frames)):
dbg('\n\n-------\nprev-class:', prev_class)
frame = frames[i]
frame_index = None
frame_index, ebp, ret_addr, symbol = frame.split(None, 3)
dbg('symbol: ' + symbol)
ebp = int(ebp, 16)
prev_class = None
module = symbol.split('!')[0]
if module.lower() in system_modules and not prev_class:
prev_class = None
func_offset = None
func = None
if '+' in symbol:
func, func_offset = symbol.split('+')
func = symbol
escaped_func = '@@(' + func + ')' if ' ' in func else func
try: code = dbgCommand('u ' + escaped_func + ' L10')
except BaseException, e:
if IsAmbiguousSymbol(func):
code = parseFrameSymbol(frames, i, func_offset)
if not code:
# prev_class should be obtained, as the registers might be availabe in next frame, thus we allow users to decode register via DML
prev_class = getPrevClass(frame_index, func)
# prev_class should be obtained, as the registers might be availabe in next frame, thus we allow users to decode register via DML
prev_class = getPrevClass(frame_index, func)
offset = 0
results = {}
for line in code.split('\n'):
# if not address, this line is not code
addr, bytes, opcode, operands = line.split(None, 3)
int(addr, 16)
if opcode == 'push':
offset += 4
if operands not in results.values():
results[offset] = operands
if opcode == 'pop':
offset -= 4
results = dict([(k, v) for k, v in results.items() if v != operands]) # remove a reg (operands) from results
# to deal with instructions like 'and esp,0FFFFFFF8h'
if opcode == 'and' and operands.startswith('esp'):
instant_value = operands.split(',')[1]
if instant_value.endswith('h'):
instant_value = instant_value[:-1]
esp = (ebp - offset + 4) & int(instant_value, 16)
offset = ebp - esp + 4
dbg('%08x' % ebp, '%08x' % esp, offset)
if opcode == 'sub' and operands.startswith('esp'):
size = operands.split(',')[1]
if size.endswith('h'):
size = size[:-1]
offset += int(size, 16)
if opcode == 'call':
if 'EH_prolog' in operands:
prolog = operands.split()[0].split('!')[1]
# it should have something like 'push 8'
assert(len(results) < 3 and results[4])
size = results[4]
if size.endswith('h'):
size = size[:-1]
ret = handle_prolog(prolog, int(size, 16) + offset, results)
if not ret:
dbg('unhandled prolog:', operands)
if opcode.startswith('j'):
output_regs = ''
sorted_results = sorted(results.iteritems(), key=lambda d:d[0])
for offset, register in sorted_results:
dbg(offset, register)
if register in registers:
output_regs += formatRegister(prev_class, ptrDWord(ebp - offset + 4), register)
if output_regs and len(output) > 1: output[-2] += ' [' + output_regs + ']'
prev_class = getPrevClass(frame_index, func)
# associate the first frame with the registers
output_regs = ''
for register in this_registers:
output_regs += formatRegister(prev_class, reg(register), register)
output[-1] += ' [' + output_regs + ']'
print 'Possible this ptrs have been highlighted. Click to decode them respectively.\n'
output = '\n'.join(output[::-1])
dprintln(output, True)
fp = open(cache, 'w')
def main(argv):
if len(argv) == 2:
if argv[1] == "desc":
print desc
elif argv[1] == 'cache':
fp = open(cache, 'r')
dprintln(, True)
elif argv[1] == 'showcachelink':
dprintln('\n<link cmd="!py ' + sys.argv[0] + ' cache">Show this ptrs</link>', True)
elif argv[1] == 'debug':
global debug
debug = True
if __name__ == "__main__":
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