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Last active November 22, 2021 16:38
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Easily swap in dependencies linked in a directory (./packages); filled in with examples I use
# This script swaps out a production version of the packages with a local development version (or back).
echo "Removing vendor/nicoverbruggen/atlas-core..."
rm -rf ./vendor/nicoverbruggen/atlas-core
echo "Removing vendor/nicoverbruggen/gatekeeper..."
rm -rf ./vendor/nicoverbruggen/gatekeeper
# We’ll create a backup file that we can simply restore when we have to roll back the dependencies to a production version.
if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
# If the file exists, then we’ve already swapped out our dependencies, so we’ll restore them.
echo "$FILE exists, returning to production dependencies!"
echo "Restoring original composer file!"
rm ./composer.json
mv ./composer.json.bak ./composer.json
# If the file does not exist, we’ll make a backup of that original file and swap out the relevant lines in composer.json.
echo "Making a backup of the original composer file!"
cp 'composer.json' 'composer.json.bak'
echo "Swapping out dependencies..."
# Note: intended for use with macOS’ version of `sed` (`gsed` syntax differs: `gsed -i 'original|new|g' 'composer.json')
sed -i '' 's|{ "type": "vcs", "url": "" }|{ "type": "path", "url": "../packages/atlas-core" }|g' 'composer.json'
sed -i '' 's|{ "type": "vcs", "url": "" }|{ "type": "path", "url": "../packages/gatekeeper" }|g' 'composer.json'
sed -i '' 's|"nicoverbruggen/atlas-core": "^*.*"|"nicoverbruggen/atlas-core": "@dev"|g' 'composer.json'
sed -i '' 's|"nicoverbruggen/gatekeeper": "^*.*"|"nicoverbruggen/gatekeeper": "@dev"|g' 'composer.json'
# Next up, we’ll update the dependencies, but only the swapped packages!
echo "Running composer update (only for the swapped packages)..."
composer update nicoverbruggen/atlas-core nicoverbruggen/gatekeeper
echo "The dependencies have been swapped out!";
if [ -f "$FILE" ]; then
# Finally, if the backup exists now we’ve successfully swapped, so let’s symlink the assets directory!
# But before we can do that we need to throw the specific assets away.
rm -rf ./public/vendor/atlas-core
# After that, we’ll force a soft link so our assets don’t need to be published each time during dev work.
ln -svF "$(pwd)/vendor/nicoverbruggen/atlas-core/resources/assets" "$(pwd)/public/vendor/atlas-core"
echo "Atlas now uses the local symlinked version. You may need to start the watcher."
# If the backup does not exist, we’re back to the production version of our package.
echo "We're back to the production version of Atlas!"
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